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Democracy Campaign: Evers Bows to WMC PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, Matt Rothschild   
Friday, 16 August 2019 12:18

tony-eversProgressive critiques Governor, Republicans, gun laws, and the NRA.

MADISON - When I saw that Gov. Evers was speaking to Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce, I decided to take a look at his talk. And I was horrified to find out that he complimented WMC, which has done so much damage to our state over the last nine years. Here’s my critique of the governor’s talk:

Evers Bows to WMC

matt-rothschildThis week, we also took a look at the money that legislators have hauled in recently, and we discovered that the GOP’s haul was twice as big as the Democrats’:

Republican Lawmakers Led Fundraising in First Six Months of 2019

And in a follow up to our post last week on the NRA in Wisconsin, we noted that the Republican Senators who were dodging the issue of gun laws so studiously were also recipients of the NRA’s largesse:

GOP Senators Dodging Gun Law Questions Got Election Support from NRA

Thanks for taking a look at our offerings this week.

Last Updated on Friday, 16 August 2019 12:31
Republicans Leave Small Family Farms Behind PDF Print E-mail
Written by Jon Erpenbach Press. State Senator 27th District   
Friday, 16 August 2019 10:25

high-voltage-lines-farmsTrump's trade wars, tariffs, send farmers rushing to find new markets without additional assistance from the state.

Last Updated on Friday, 16 August 2019 10:40
The Time for Universal Background Checks is Now PDF Print E-mail
Written by Jon Erpenbach Press. State Senator 27th District   
Friday, 16 August 2019 09:43

school-gunsGun violence is an issue that is affecting everyone across America, says State Senator, and 81% of voters support background checks.

WEST POINT, WI - Today I stood with Governor Evers, Lieutenant Governor Barnes, Attorney General Kaul, and Middleton Police Chief Foulke, along with other Democratic colleagues, as Representative Sargent and Senator Johnson announced their proposal to close the background check loophole on the sales and transfers of guns. I am proud to sign onto this legislation as a co-sponsor.

jon-erpenbachWhile an overwhelming majority of gun owners are responsible, this dangerous loophole in federal law allows domestic abusers, felons, and others who are prohibited from possessing firearms due to mental illness buy guns without a background check through non-licensed sellers. This bill will close that loophole. It is past time for us to take action to reduce gun violence, and closing this loophole is a common-sense solution that will not take away anyone’s second amendment rights.

Gun violence is an issue that is affecting everyone across America, including Wisconsin. Just last year there was a shooting at a workplace in Middleton that has left people scarred, and day after day we hear of another incident. 81% of voters support background checks. Outside of the State Capitol, this is not a partisan issue. Everyone deserves to feel safe when they go out in public, and closing this loophole is the first step towards diminishing the threat of deadly weapons and protecting Wisconsinites.

Democratic Radio “Local Government Matters” PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Assembly Democrats   
Friday, 16 August 2019 09:30

katrina-shanklandMADISON - State Representative Katrina Shankland talks about how Republican lawmakers in Madison have preempted our local leaders from doing what’s best for their communities.

Listen to Audio File here.

Hello, this is State Representative Katrina Shankland with this week’s Democratic Radio Address.

One of my favorite meetings to attend to keep a pulse on what’s happening in the communities I represent is the local Towns Association meeting.

Local leaders gather from every township in the county to discuss infrastructure, water quality, broadband, and local control.

It’s important to me to hear how the state can help our local leaders with resources needed in our communities – and just as importantly, we should let them do their jobs instead of limiting their authority.

For 8 years, when Republican lawmakers had total control of state government, they preempted our local leaders from doing what’s best for their communities.

According to our nonpartisan Legislative Fiscal Bureau, these lawmakers have passed legislation 180 times to remove local control or create unfunded mandates. This includes limiting local oversight over our environment, and repealing employment protections, and so much more.

Local officials are elected by their neighbors to make decisions that are best for their communities. And while statewide standards make sense in some circumstances, passing 180 laws to limit local control can only be described as a brazen power grab.

State lawmakers should be working with local officials to support policies that benefit our communities, not just calling the shots from Madison.

With Governor Evers, we now have an opportunity to work together to pass meaningful legislation to improve the lives of folks in Wisconsin.

Democrats are committed to working with our elected officials at every level to support Wisconsin communities and protect local control.

Thank you.

Last Updated on Friday, 16 August 2019 09:42
Trump’s Administration Laughs at Struggling Farmers PDF Print E-mail
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin   
Thursday, 15 August 2019 11:08

farm-familyThey should start listening to the farmers, manufacturers, and small business owners who are being crushed, say WisDems.

Last Updated on Thursday, 15 August 2019 11:17
Impeach Trump Now for Illegal Wars PDF Print E-mail
Written by Buzz Davis, Army Veteran & Activist   
Saturday, 10 August 2019 09:06

afghanistanTo Dismantle the Military/Industrial Complex.

TUCSON, AZ - As an American, you and your family face a future of forever wars, possible nuclear war, economic decline and climate disaster.

Or, you can fight for a better path, urging America work with the UN and other nations for a peaceful, sustainable future for all humans.

donald-trumpYou know where Pres. Trump’s path will lead you.

Our options are:

  • Impeach for Lesser Crimes. Impeaching Trump for alleged obstruction of justice and removing him will promote Pence to president – with his likely continuation of Trump’s disastrous policies, illegal wars, along with, possibly, enabling Pence’s election as president in 2020.
  • Skip Impeachment. Doing nothing means America moves toward more war, irrationality, possible “future ending” nuclear war, climate disaster and possible US bankruptcy.
  • Impeach for War Crimes. I believe we must impeach Pres. Trump for war crimes to uphold the Rule of Law, commence dismantling the military/industrial complex and place America on a path toward peace rather than endless war!

House members must uphold their oath of office by passing an impeachment inquiry resolution – alleging Trump’s “high crimes” of continuing illegal:

  • wars (Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria….),
  • torture of prisoners,
  • spying on Americans,
  • killing of civilians, and
  • threatening preemptive or nuclear wars against N. Korea, Iran and Venezuela.

All the above actions are considered to be crimes or war crimes violating the US Constitution, laws, UN Charter, and/or various international treaties.

Why is this important?

Our Revolution was fought at great price to rid our nation of living under the arbitrary dictates of King George. Our Nation was founded under a Constitution establishing the top authority to be the “Rule of Law” -- NOT the arbitrary “Rule of a King.”

Our Constitution requires Congress pass a “declaration of war” BEFORE our military attacks another nation, except if America’s attacked by another nation.

America has NOT been attacked by any of the nations in which our military or CIA forces are fighting. Furthermore, Congress passed NO “declarations of war.”

We must face it:  These wars are illegal.

The vast military/industrial complex wastes trillions on illegal wars and preparation, places millions of our soldiers in harm’s way, drowns our Nation in debt, prohibiting domestic public investments necessary for our people and environment.

The result of the complex’s domination of our political system is: millions of people dead, wounded, ill, homeless and futureless worldwide.  Thousands of American troops have died and hundreds of thousands wounded physically, mentally or emotionally.

America is using its vast intellectual, scientific and organizational capabilities and half our federal taxes to produce death and destruction.  The looming question is will we end up destroying ourselves.

Iraqi civilians flee through an alley as Iraqi Special Forces

continue their advance against Islamic State militants in

the Old City of Mosul, Iraq, on July 3, 2017.  Felipe Dana—AP

We must dismantle the military/industrial complex.

We can do this by:

  • Removing Trump from office via impeachment followed by federal prosecution for his alleged crimes.  Only such action will cause the next president (Vice President Pence) to obey the Rule of Law - because if he does not, then he will be impeached next.

Future presidents will think twice before they commit illegal wars. Once Pres. Trump is impeached, impeachments/prosecutions of military, intelligence and other leaders for violations of their oaths of office and the Rule of Law become easier.

  • Congress must break up the complex and reorient it toward, for example, reversing climate change and Greening America.

Presently, the “complex” is possibly the greatest threat to our children, world peace and America’s future existence.

Begin it’s dismantlement by impeachment.  Google “impeach Trump for war crimes” to sign a petition to take action.


Buzz Davis, formerly of Stoughton, WI now of Tucson, is a long time progressive activist, a member of Veterans for Peace and a former VISTA Volunteer, Army officer Vietnam Era, city and county elected official, union organizer, impeachment organizer, former Exec. VP of WI Alliance for Retired Americans, a retired state government planner, presently working to Stop VA Privatization.

The NRA’s “Death Grip” in Wis PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, Matt Rothschild   
Friday, 09 August 2019 09:26

guns-annoMADISON - After Dayton and El Paso, the need for common-sense gun control measures has never been more urgent.

matt-rothschild But the NRA has put the Wisconsin Legislature in lockdown.

As Rep. Chris Taylor said, “Republicans in the State Legislature continue to be in the death grip of the NRA.”

To examine that death grip, just click on our most recent posting:

Here’s a Look at the Campaign Backing the NRA Gives Wisconsin Legislators

The power of the NRA to override the will of the people is a public health hazard and an assault on our democracy.

That’s why, in addition to common-sense gun control laws, we need to limit the power of big money and dark money in our elections.

Sen. Chris Larson of Milwaukee introduced a package of campaign finance bills earlier this year that would do just that:

2019 Campaign Integrity Package

Please contact your legislators and urge them to support these bills.

Thanks for your concern.

Battleground Wisconsin "White Supremacist terrorism" PDF Print E-mail
Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Matt Brusky   
Friday, 09 August 2019 08:58

abgwMILWAUKEE - We discuss the growing death toll of white supremacist terrorism, last week’s mass shootings, and the tepid response from Wisconsin GOP leaders. State Senator Jon Erpenbach joins us to talk about this week’s introduction of legislation to expand BadgerCare. A new study says Foxconn jobs will cost state us $170,000 - $290,000 per job, or an astounding 6 to 10 times the national average. Finally, Citizen Action co-op organizer Noah Reif tells us about door canvassing this Saturday at 10 am in Black River Falls and next Saturday in Menominee.

Listen Now - Episode #403
Download MP3
Press Clips

Democratic Radio: Just Say Yes to Medicaid Expansion PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Democrats   
Thursday, 08 August 2019 19:09

medicare-patientMADISON, WI – Senator Jon Erpenbach (D-West Point) offered the Democratic weekly radio address this week on the continued momentum to expand Medicaid in Wisconsin.

The audio file of this week’s address can be found here.

A written transcript of the address is below:

jon-erpenbach“Hi, I’m state Senator Jon Erpenbach with this week’s radio address.

“Earlier this week, I joined Governor Tony Evers to announce that Representative Daniel Riemer and I will be giving Republicans yet another chance to do the fiscally right thing, and join the 37 other states who have expanded Medicaid.

“The Medicaid expansion would make health care affordable for everyone. It will give 40,000 uninsured Wisconsinites health insurance. It will reduce the cost of premiums on the individual market, save taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars, and would keep about $2 billion of our federal taxes right here in Wisconsin instead of sending them to Illinois or New Jersey. These are proven facts, substantiated by the Wisconsin Department of Revenue, Commissioner of Insurance, and Legislative Fiscal Bureau.

“70% of Wisconsinites agree that we should expand Medicaid. During budget hearings, both Democrats and Republicans listened to stories of real people whose lives have been changed because of Medicaid. After a town hall meeting, the Hamman family from Stevens Point reached out to tell their story.

“Their family was facing out-of-pocket medical bills of about $20,000, when their twins, who were born prematurely, needed extensive medical care. Because of their health complications, the twins did qualify for Medicaid. But, if it weren’t for Medicaid, they could have lost their home, even though the Hamman family had health insurance and full time jobs.

“Plain and simple, Medicaid is health care, it’s not welfare. It is time for the Republican majority to do the right thing – and the responsible thing – and just say yes to expanding Medicaid. Expanding the Medicaid program in Wisconsin will bring billions of new federal investment into our state to cover more Wisconsinites for less money.”

Democratic Radio: Wisconsin Famers Deserve Better PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Democrats   
Thursday, 25 July 2019 16:35

farm-familyMADISON, WI – Senator Jeff Smith (D-Eau Claire) offered the Democratic weekly radio address this week after Republicans on the Joint Finance  Committee refused to take up an agency request for critical funding for farmers and farm families in Wisconsin.

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