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Wisconsin schools put students first, Legislature should do the same PDF Print E-mail
Written by Jon Erpenbach Press. State Senator 27th District   
Friday, 13 September 2019 12:50

school-kidsSenator Jon Erpenbach is hopeful that Republicans will join Democrats and work to restore what they have cut from education.

The time for redistricting reform in Wisconsin is now PDF Print E-mail
Written by League of Women Voters WI, Erin Grunze   
Friday, 13 September 2019 12:31

voter-us-electionsLeague of Women Voters continues the fight for nonpartisan redistricting legislation.

Last Updated on Friday, 13 September 2019 12:49
Celebrating Workforce Development Month in Wisconsin PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Assembly Democrats   
Thursday, 12 September 2019 12:01

working-womenMADISON - This week Rep. Jill Billings (D-La Crosse) talks about our state’s tradition of developing our workforce and honoring those who live and work here.

Audio File of Radio Address

Hello, this is Representative Jill Billings with this week’s Democratic Radio Address.

Earlier this month, Governor Tony Evers proclaimed September as Workforce Development Month in Wisconsin.

Wisconsinites have never been afraid to roll up our sleeves, put in the hours, and get the job done.

And, our state has a tradition of developing our workforce and honoring those who live and work here.

jill-billingsIn 1911, Wisconsin established the first modern apprenticeship law.

That same year, Wisconsin created the nation’s first Worker’s Compensation program, which guaranteed injury compensation as a legal right.

And in 1945, Wisconsin prohibited employment discrimination on the basis of creed, color, national origin, or ancestry.

Democrats are committed to continuing this tradition of workforce development, and we will be forward-thinking in our efforts to build a Wisconsin that we are all proud of.

This means focusing on workers – but also on the things that make a state an attractive place to live like strong public schools, pristine natural resources, and affordable health care.

I thank Governor Evers and Secretary Caleb Frostman for their efforts to support our workers this month and every month.

So this September, let’s celebrate the advances we’ve made over the years while understanding there is much more work to be done.

And together we can build a Wisconsin that works for all of us.

Thank you.



Wisconsin: America is Best When Labor is Strong PDF Print E-mail
Written by Jeff Smith, State Senator District 31   
Wednesday, 04 September 2019 00:00

electrical-workersSen. Smith talks about his upbringing in Eau Claire and the impact of organized labor in the community. Leaders before us worked to put protections in place for workers, but there’s still more to do.

“Time to Retire” Battleground Wisconsin Podcast PDF Print E-mail
Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Matt Brusky   
Saturday, 31 August 2019 08:25

time-to-retireSTATEWIDE - We review the big news that Rep. Sean Duffy is resigning from Congress, sparking widespread speculation about the election to replace him. Guest panelist Claire Zautke and Robert discuss comments by Congressman Pocan about healthcare in the 2020 election.

We also talk about the fallout of the GOP’s lame duck power grab from Attorney General Josh Kaul and Milwaukee Journal Sentinel’s unfair slamming of the new progressive newspaper, Wisconsin Examiner. Finally we welcome Citizen Action co-op member Tricia Zunker, president of the Wausau School Board, to discuss her work to retire Native mascot imagery from Wisconsin public schools.

Listen Now – Episode #406
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Last Updated on Saturday, 31 August 2019 08:36
Democratic Radio “Honoring Wisconsin’s Workforce on Labor Day” PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Assembly Democrats   
Friday, 30 August 2019 08:07

union-workersMADISON - Rep. Christine Sinicki (D-Milwaukee) pays tribute to the achievements and contributions of the American worker.

Audio File of Radio Address

Hi, I’m State Representative Christine Sinicki.

Labor Day is the day when we pay tribute to the achievements and contributions of the American workforce. It was created by the American workforce and named a federal holiday in 1894 by President Cleveland.

christine-sinickiAs we celebrate the unofficial end of summer with friends and family over a brat or burger, let’s take a moment to reflect on Wisconsin stories of labor history and give thanks to those who fought and sometimes died to give us the benefits we all now enjoy as workers.

Wisconsin was at the forefront of early union organizing. In fact it was in Bay view where I grew up where, in 1886, where seven immigrant workers were shot and killed on orders by Governor Rusk. They were shot while walking peacefully in the campaign for the eight hour work day.

It was Wisconsin that brought us the first Workers Compensation law and the first Unemployment Insurance laws.

As Democrats we believe that strong workers equal a strong America. We will always believe in the right for all workers to organize unions in their workplace.

As you celebrate, remember, who brought you this three-day weekend – and every weekend: organized labor and a strong, talented workforce.

Last Updated on Saturday, 31 August 2019 08:22
State Reps Slam Trump's Continued Attack on Wisconsinites, Economy PDF Print E-mail
Written by WisDems Press, Philip Shulman   
Monday, 26 August 2019 14:11

trump-tariffsFrom his tax bill that only benefits the wealthy, to his reckless tariffs that are just a tax on working families, many feel he is ignoring our pain.

Last Updated on Monday, 26 August 2019 14:49
WDC: Here’s Your Toolkit for Banning Gerrymandering PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, Matt Rothschild   
Saturday, 24 August 2019 12:02

wdc-fair-mapsMADISON - Here’s a toolkit we put together for you and other activists who want to ban gerrymandering in Wisconsin.

It gives you talking points you can use with your neighbors -- or your legislators.

It gives you sample letters to the editor you can modify and then send on to your local newspaper.

It provides a pledge card for you, as a voter, and it offers a pledge card for candidates that you might run into.

It shows you how you can get your county, city, town, or village to pass a resolution or a referendum to ban gerrymandering, if they haven’t already.

And it tells you how to get your very own “Fair Maps” yard sign.

The mass movement in Wisconsin to demand nonpartisan redistricting is gaining steam, and we’re hoping that this toolkit will push it along even faster. Look for the printable file linked at top of toolkit and check back regularly for updates.

matt-rothschildI hope you like it!


Matt Rothschild
Executive Director
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

P.S. As you can imagine, this toolkit took a lot of staff time to put together, so if you’d like to send us tax-deductible gift to defray some of those costs we incurred, we’d really appreciate it. To donate, just click here. Thanks!

Last Updated on Saturday, 24 August 2019 12:15
Democratic Radio: The Time For Action On Gun Violence Is Now PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Democrats   
Friday, 23 August 2019 10:20

guncontrol-protestMADISON, WI – Senator LaTonya Johnson (D-Milwaukee) offered the Democratic weekly radio address this week on the urgent need to expand universal background checks to keep Wisconsinites safe.

The audio file of this week’s address can be found here:

A written transcript of the address is below:

latonya-johnson“Hello, I’m State Senator LaTonya Johnson with this week’s radio address.

“I was proud to stand with Governor Tony Evers and my Democratic colleagues to introduce legislation to expand background checks for firearm purchases in Wisconsin.

“Currently, a dangerous loophole in federal law exists that allows a domestic abuser, fugitive from justice, or felon to purchase a firearm from an unlicensed vendor without being required to undergo a background check.

“While the overwhelming majority of gun owners are consistently responsible with their firearms, as legislators we have a duty to keep our communities safe and close loopholes that allow dangerous individuals to purchase a gun. It is unacceptable to stand idly by while high-profile mass shootings routinely make headlines and bullets fly through city blocks taking the lives of innocent children.

“Every person should have the opportunity to go to school, a place of worship, or any other public space in their community knowing that it is a safe place, free from the threat of deadly weapons and dangerous people. It’s time that we listen to the majority of Wisconsinites who support expanding background checks and join the other 21 states who have already closed this dangerous loophole.”

Last Updated on Friday, 23 August 2019 10:27
“Boss Vos” Battleground Wisconsin Podcast PDF Print E-mail
Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Matt Brusky   
Friday, 16 August 2019 12:38

bvos-bgPodcast discussion of issues of the week.

MILWAUKEE - The panel talks about Boss Vos’ stubborn unwillingness to accommodate State Rep. Jimmy Anderson, a legislator with a disability. We discuss the news that state leaders met with Foxconn officials this week in the wake of reports that taxpayers will pay $172,000 – $290,000 per job, if there are any. Governor Evers floats the idea of a special session on gun violence and pays a visit to the heart of right-wing political darkness, WMC. Clean Wisconsin and other environmental groups sue EPA over Trump’s retrograde coal power rule, and we discuss the presidential candidacy of Sen. Kamala Harris.

Listen Now – Episode #404
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