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Extreme Risk Protection Orders Save Lives PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Assembly Democrats   
Thursday, 26 September 2019 14:00

guns-stopMADISON - Rep. Melissa Sargent (D-Madison) talks about a bill creating a temporary extreme risk protection order (ERPO) in Wisconsin to prevent gun violence and suicide deaths.

Audio File of Radio Address

melissa-sargentHello this is State Representative Melissa Sargent with this week’s Democratic Radio Address.

Last week I was proud to stand with Governor Tony Evers, Attorney General Josh Kaul, and State Senator Lena Taylor as we introduced a bill creating a temporary extreme risk protection order, also known as ERPO, in Wisconsin.

Under the ERPO process, if an individual is likely to injure themselves or another person, a family member or law enforcement officer, may petition a court to temporarily prevent the individual from possessing a firearm.

An ERPO injunction would be effective for up to one year, and could be extended by petition for periods if the court believes the person continues to be at risk.

As a member of the Speaker’s Task Force on Suicide Prevention, I have heard story after story from people whose lives have been personally impacted by suicide in our state.

At each of the six hearings held throughout Wisconsin, these individuals overwhelming asked the Task Force to take action to reduce suicide deaths in our state, specifically with sensible policies such as Extreme Risk Protection Orders. Yet, the recommendations released by the Speaker’s Task Force this week have failed to listen to the will of the people. By refusing to comprehensively address suicide by firearm, and ignoring the importance of ERPOs, the Task Force's work cannot be considered complete.

Thanks to legislation passed in many other states, we also know the real results that ERPOs have had in reducing suicide rates by firearm and in saving lives.

In Indiana, in the 10 years after the state passed its Extreme Risk law in 2005, the state’s firearm suicide rate decreased by 7.5 percent.

People across Wisconsin, regardless of whether or not they are a gun owner, want to see meaningful action. We don’t have to choose between upholding the 2nd Amendment and preventing gun violence in our communities. There is no excuse for inaction.

It is well past time to listen to the voices of the people of Wisconsin and take meaningful action to prevent gun violence and suicide deaths in our state. The time for action is now, and I am proud to continue fighting for this life saving measure.

Thank you.

Suicide; A Task Force is not a Substitute for Meaningful Action PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Assembly, Aaron Collins   
Wednesday, 25 September 2019 15:32

guns-anno-48waitMADISON – Today, the Speaker’s Task on Suicide Prevention released recommendations for legislation related to lowering the incidents of suicide in Wisconsin. Despite overwhelming statistical evidence that firearms are a significant factor in suicides in Wisconsin and nationwide, the task force barely mentioned this correlation in their report and related legislation. This is significant due to the fact that half of all suicides in the U.S. are by firearm.

gordon-hintzAssembly Democratic Leader Gordon Hintz (D-Oshkosh) released the following statement on the task force:

“Only Wisconsin Republicans could ignore the single most data driven policy that can actually reduce suicides. A task force that holds hearings around the state is not a substitute for actually doing something. Legislation that would directly address the issue of access to firearms for those at risk, Extreme Risk Protection Orders, was ignored entirely by Republican task force members. The bottom line is that indefensible adherence to extreme ideology on gun violence is a bigger priority for Republicans than reducing the number of suicides.”

Bold Plans Needed to Save Our Planet PDF Print E-mail
Written by Jan Koch, Shawano   
Monday, 23 September 2019 08:30

flooding-east-river-gbClimate change is real and increasingly a part of our daily lives. Change won’t take place overnight, but some common-sense steps can be taken immediately.

Last Updated on Monday, 23 September 2019 08:46
“GM Strike & Working Families Party endorses Elizabeth Warren” Battleground Wisconsin Podcast PDF Print E-mail
Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Matt Brusky   
Friday, 20 September 2019 16:26

gm-strike-and-wfp-endorses-warrenMILWAUKEE - Working Families Party’s Rebecca Lynch leads our discussion on the controversial Working Families Party endorsement of Elizabeth Warren. Then we welcome UAW Local 722’s Steve Frisque, live from a Wisconsin picket line to talk about the GM strike. We weigh-in on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s bold new prescription drug plan. Will Trump follow-through on his campaign promises and support it, or will he again cave to Big Pharma? Finally we discuss vaping illnesses and the push to legalize and regulate THC in Wisconsin, and Friday’s international climate strike which is coming to many Wisconsin cities.

Listen Now – Episode #409
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Trump's Broken Promises on Common Sense Gun Safety PDF Print E-mail
Written by WisDems Press, Philip Shulman   
Friday, 20 September 2019 09:15

las-vegas-shootingDPW Chair Ben Wikler Statement on Guv Evers' Common Sense Red Flag Legislation Push.

MADISON, WI – Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair Ben Wikler released the following statement Thursday praising Governor Evers' push to pass common sense red flag legislation, as well as called out President Trump's broken promises to pass common sense gun safety legislation.

“We are grateful for Governor Evers’ leadership to fight for red flag laws -- common-sense gun safety measures that have overwhelming bipartisan support. At a time when three-year-olds participate in active shooter drills, it’s clearly long past time for us to fight against the gun violence epidemic that plagues our country. Right here in Wisconsin we suffered a mass shooting that left six dead in Oak Creek.The vast majority of Wisconsinites, including the vast majority of homes that have a gun in them, are demanding change, and Governor Evers is right to push for the passage of these common-sense red flag laws.

“Wisconsin is fortunate to have a Governor who recognizes the cost of these mass shootings, but sadly we still have a President whose opinion is for sale. In typical fashion, President Trump made bold, yet empty, statements promising us he would deliver on common sense gun safety legislation. All it took was a call from his overlords at the NRA to break the promise he made to Wisconsinites and the American people. The problem is compounded by the fact that Senate Leader Scott Fitzgerald and Assembly Leader Robin Vos are too cowardly to take appropriate action.

“We cannot trust Trump to keep his word to do something about the gun violence epidemic, so we will continue to fight here in Wisconsin for these urgent, life saving measures.”

Last Updated on Saturday, 21 September 2019 09:25
Middleton Legislators Echo Police Chief’s Call for Gun Safety PDF Print E-mail
Written by Jon Erpenbach Press. State Senator 27th District   
Friday, 20 September 2019 08:50

school-gunsMADISON – It has been a year since an active shooter targeted his place of work in Middleton. Yet, unfortunately, a year later we have made zero progress in ensuring that no other Wisconsinites are affected by gun violence.

Every Wisconsinite should have the opportunity to go to school, a place of worship, or any other public space in their community knowing that they are safe, and there are steps that we can take to strengthen the system to ensure that an incident, such as what happened in Middleton, will not happen again.

The majority of Wisconsinites agree that it is time to pass gun safety legislation. According to the most recent Marquette Law Poll, 80% of Wisconsin voters support expanded background checks, and nearly the same percentage of Wisconsinites are in support of red-flag laws. The numbers are clear, this is not a partisan issue.

That is why Middleton Police Department Chief, Charles Foulke released a statement recalling the incident and urging politicians to make a difference. As someone who has served his community for 38 years, his words speak volumes.

Enough is enough, it is time to enact common-sense gun laws.

What Will It Take To Act? PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Senate, Kate Constalie   
Friday, 20 September 2019 08:41

school-gunsAs Mass Shootings Continue, Democrats Push for Action on Gun Safety

MADISON – After a series of horrific mass shootings across the county, legislative Democrats are continuing to push for legislation to combat gun violence. Assembly Bill 431 would close the gun show loophole that enables individuals with criminal convictions to purchase a firearm but is currently being blocked by Republican politicians.

As a co-sponsor of the legislation, Senate Democratic Leader Jennifer Shilling released the following statement:

jennifer-shilling“Gun violence is one of the most pressing public health issues we face today and all I hear from my Republican colleagues is, ‘There is nothing we can do.’ As a lawmaker and a mother, I do not accept that this is the way it has to be. That defeatist attitude is an insult to the lives lost from gun violence and to the survivors that still grapple with the trauma they went through. Republicans need to have the courage to stand up to the NRA and prioritize the safety and well-being of Wisconsin residents. Every day that we don’t do something is one more day closer to another tragedy.”

Mass shootings similar to El Paso, TX and Dayton, OH have happened right here in Wisconsin communities including Middleton, Brookfield, Oak Creek, and Wausau. A Marquette Law Poll found 80 percent of Wisconsinites – including the vast majority of gun owners – support expanding background checks.

Mass shootings can be prevented. PolitiFact Wisconsin recently confirmed the troubling reality that a loophole in current state law allows dangerous convicted felons and domestic abusers to purchase firearms without going through a background check that would have otherwise disqualified them. Several individuals have already exploited this loophole to acquire firearms and build arsenals that are then used to commit mass murders.

Have a Conversation for Democracy’s Sake PDF Print E-mail
Written by Jeff Smith, State Senator District 31   
Wednesday, 18 September 2019 07:57

congress-unproductiveSen. Smith talks about the importance of having conversations with people that have different points of view. We can overcome the political divisiveness in society if we remember we have more in common than what sets us apart.

Voice opposition to F-35 fighter jets in Madison PDF Print E-mail
Written by Chris Taylor, State Rep. 76th Assembly   
Monday, 16 September 2019 15:51

f-35a-fighterState Rep. Chris Taylor comes to the aid of east and north side Madison communities near the airport to block F-35 site selection at Common Council meeting.

MADISON - After years of attending the American Legislative Exchange Council, or ALEC, I have seen firsthand how big corporate special interests, through their wealth and power, often dominate policy making, to the great detriment of actual people. In the ALEC universe, maximizing corporate profits always comes before people.

I have seen how that perverse priority has driven Republican policy makers in our state over the last 8 years, and the devastation this has caused. And I have fought against it every step of the way.

chris-taylorI am currently seeing a similar power structure right here at home trying to force F-35 military jets on the east and northside communities I represent in the legislature. Based on the constituent contact I have received, the people I have talked with, and the listening I have done, the vast majority of my constituents do not support this proposal. It will not only lead to a peak of almost 3,000 more military flights, but significantly more noise, rendering a larger piece of our city uninhabitable, unless you want to live in a home where you can't open a window or go outside. Individuals of color, kids and low-income families will be most impacted, and many, many neighborhoods are going to be forever altered.

A group called Badger Air Community Council is pushing the F-35s. Most of their board members are executive businessmen who do not live in Madison, none live in the neighborhoods impacted, and none are people of color. Yet they think they know what is best for our community! They are placing opinion pieces in the local paper (the Wisconsin State Journal has run two in the last week), paying for fancy brochures and producing hats and T-shirts. And now they are organizing to defeat a Tuesday Madison Common Council Resolution to oppose the F-35s.

All we have is our voices. Together, we are strong. I am urging you to contact your Madison alders here and ask them to support the resolution to oppose the F-35 fighter jets. The resolution will be taken up this Tuesday, September 17 at the 6:30 PM Common Council meeting. Now more than ever, people need their elected representatives at all levels to stand up for them! The political response of a community makes a difference in F-35 site selection. If you can, please attend the meeting and testify in support of this resolution at the public hearing. The meeting will take place in Room 201 of the City-County Building at 210 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd this Tuesday at 6:30 PM.

And remember, you still have time to submit your comments to the Air National Guard on this proposal, until Friday, September 27th. On-line comments can be submitted here. Comments can also be directed to Ramon Ortiz by email, by mail at NGB/A4AM, 3501 Fetchet Avenue, Joint Base Andrews, MD  20762-5157 or by phone 240-612-7042.

Please contact my office if you need any more information.

Thank you for taking action. I believe that the best way to successfully stand up to powerful interests is to raise our voices together!

More actions are coming soon!



Rep. Chris Taylor
76th Assembly District

Last Updated on Wednesday, 18 September 2019 16:14
“Opioid dealer settlement” Battleground Wisconsin Podcast PDF Print E-mail
Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Matt Brusky   
Friday, 13 September 2019 15:45

opioid-dealer-settlementMILWAUKEE - We talk about the continued lame duck session fallout, including Wisconsin not being among the two dozen states reaching a tentative settlement agreement against opioid seller Purdue Pharma.

We also discuss the party of Trump’s alignment behind right-winger Tom Tiffany in the CD 7 special election, the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel slamming Speaker Vos and Rep. Nygren for charging open records requesters exorbitant fees, and the Foxconing of UW-Madison. We review new NPR/Marist presidential primary polling and preview Thursday’s debate. We welcome Citizen Action co-op member State Representative Jodi Emerson to discuss her first year as a state legislator.

Listen Now – Episode #408
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