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Sen. Bewley, WI Farmers Union, UAW Call Out Administration for Failed COVID-19 Economy PDF Print E-mail
Written by WisDems Press, Philip Shulman   
Thursday, 20 August 2020 09:56

trump-ques-covid19-cnnHis policies have hurt everyone, Democrats and Republicans alike, and his response to COVID-19 has been even more harmful than his trade policies they say.

WISCONSIN -- State Senate Leader Janet Bewley, President of the Wisconsin Farmers Union Darin Von Ruden, and UAW Local 72 Vice President John Drew called out Mike Pence and Donald Trump for their failed response to the coronavirus pandemic that wrecked Wisconsin’s economy for farmers and working Wisconsinites.

Trump and Pence’s economic policy has led to disaster and ruin in Wisconsin, with countless farms closing, manufacturing being shipped overseas, and working families being left behind. Now, COVID-19 has put a spotlight on the administration’s callous disregard for working people, and Wisconsinites are bearing the burden of their failed response. 

janet-bewleyDuring the press call, Sen. Bewley, Von Ruden, and Drew condemned Pence and Trump’s poor leadership and highlighted the excitement across the state for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to build Wisconsin back better.

Watch the full event here or read excerpts of what the speakers said below.

State Senate Leader Janet Bewley: “The policies of the Trump administration have caused a collapse of small and medium size farms in the Badger State. His chaotic trade wars have led to financial ruin for farmers. Reeling from their impact, these farmers turned to the Trump administration for bailouts… Forced to dump milk, dispose of their herds, and destroy their crops, hundreds of family farms have shut down during the course of these three and a half years. His policies have hurt everyone -- Democrats and Republicans alike, and his response to COVID-19 has been even more harmful than his trade policies for this country and specifically Wisconsinites… COVID-19 and this President’s failed response are not just hurting pocketbooks and wallets, they are weakening rural communities… He has clearly stopped trying to solve this crisis and has left us to fend for ourselves -- we deserve better. This is one of the many reasons why Wisconsinites will be voting Trump out of office on November 3rd.”

Darin Von Ruden: “Looking at what’s happened during the Trump administration, we’ve lost over 2,000 dairy farms here in the state of Wisconsin since 2016. There’s a record number of bankruptcies, especially here in southwest Wisconsin, we are leading the nation in bankruptcies for an area… Looking at what the president said a little over a year ago, 'dairy farmers are over the hump, we’re going to be in a better place,' and we still continue to lose two farms a day here in the state of Wisconsin alone, and that’s not to say anything about what’s happening in the rest of the country. Just looking at the COVID response too, back in early February and March, we should have had a strong national leader… The trade war with China… we really haven't seen any positive benefit from that… If we don’t make a change this year, we are in for another four years of lower and lower prices and more farms going out of business. I just want to make sure that we’re looking at what’s happening under this administration.”

John Drew: “For the last four years, Donald Trump and Mike Pence have lied to us, about everything. In particular, about how much they care about the American worker...They are not putting American workers first with their utter failure to lead in the fight against COVID-19 that has resulted in tens of thousands of needless deaths. They are not putting American workers first by failing to extend unemployment benefits for the tens of thousands of Wisconsin workers who have lost their jobs in the pandemic. They were not putting American workers first when they passed a massive tax cut that resulted in huge bonuses for CEOs and stock buybacks, and did nothing to raise wages or benefits for American workers… But I will say that I am excited about the Biden plan for manufacturing, because it is the first time I have seen a manufacturing plan that really does put American workers first.”

Last Updated on Friday, 21 August 2020 10:10
Trump’s Broken Promises Leave Wisconsin Families and Manufacturing Behind PDF Print E-mail
Written by WisDems Press, Philip Shulman   
Thursday, 20 August 2020 09:23

door-county-peopleWisconsinites speak out on how, even before the pandemic, Trump’s chaotic trade wars, tax giveaway to billionaires, and incentives for corporations to offshore American jobs devastated Badger State communities.

Last Updated on Friday, 21 August 2020 09:41
Rick and Laurie Engen on losing a loved one to COVID-19 PDF Print E-mail
Written by WisDems Press, Philip Shulman   
Tuesday, 18 August 2020 16:13

coronavirus-ventilatorEngens say "We have done our duty as fellow citizens, so our simple question to President Trump is this: why can’t you?”

WISCONSIN -- Donald Trump’s failed response to the COVID-19 pandemic has caused needless pain and suffering for Wisconsinites. In an op-ed for The Cap Times, Rick and Laurie Engen document the painful loss of Rick’s brother to the coronavirus. This pandemic is truly a matter of life and death, and the question is how many more lives will be lost because of Trump’s ineffective leadership.


The Cap Times: Rick and Laurie Engen: After losing a loved one to COVID-19, we believe electing Biden is the only way to end this pandemic

  • I recently had to say goodbye to a loved one for the wrong reason -- my brother lost his life to COVID-19 just over a month ago. As my wife and I continue to mourn for him, it’s hard to accept that his death was preventable.
  • Like most Americans, we watched with horror as the death toll climbed and President Trump continuously dismissed the seriousness of this virus.
  • He dominated our TV with statements that disregarded the guidance of scientists and doctors, that promoted ridiculous treatment like drinking household cleaning supplies, and even claimed that somehow COVID-19 would just disappear on its own.
  • I truly believe the only way to end this national nightmare and get our lives back is to elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to the White House.
  • This isn’t about Democrats or Republicans -- it’s about the simple fact that they actually listen to the experts, accept the realities of the pandemic, and care about keeping us safe.
  • Not one more person -- like my brother -- should have to perish due to irresponsibility from our leaders. But as we see Trump continue to hold in-person campaign events, failing to get needed supplies to the right people, and refusing to do simple things like wearing a mask, I’m worried that things will get worse before they get better. We are frightened that despite our best efforts we will get infected or more of our loved ones will.
  • I’m a pastor, and until recently, since the outset of the pandemic we have not held in person church events. Now my church follows very strict guidelines to protect everyone from getting sick.
  • My wife, who has diabetes and a heart issue, has left our house roughly a dozen times since March 1 -- all for doctors appointments. She has had open heart-valve surgery as well as an atrial flutter, making her far more susceptible to getting sick and dying from COVID-19.
  • We have done everything right -- we have done our duty as fellow citizens, so our simple question to President Trump is this: why can’t you?
Badger State Speaks Out Against Trump Presidency PDF Print E-mail
Written by WisDems Press, Philip Shulman   
Sunday, 16 August 2020 16:33

wisc-vote-47Wisconsinites from all walks of life tell their stories.

Democratic Radio: Blue Ribbon Commission on Rural Prosperity PDF Print E-mail
Written by GOV Press Wisconsin   
Friday, 14 August 2020 14:30

farm-familyMADISON — Gov. Tony Evers delivered the Democratic Radio Address Thursday on the first meeting of the Blue Ribbon Commission on Rural Prosperity.

Audio file of radio address.

Hello, Wisconsin. Governor Tony Evers here.

tony-evers-talksDuring my 2020 State of the State Address, I said Wisconsin was ready to be a partner in the promise of posterity to our farm families and rural communities.

Even before the COVID-19 pandemic hit, Wisconsin’s rural communities were facing challenges, but the pandemic has disrupted our agricultural supply chains, exposed gaps in broadband access, and threatened the health and well-being of our family and friends.

We know there are those who’ve told us there’s no place for small farms anymore—they ought to go big or bust.

Well, folks, they’re wrong—and they don’t know Wisconsin. We take care of one another, and we certainly don’t leave anyone behind. That’s why I’m happy to announce we are taking another step forward in doing just that.

This week, our Blue Ribbon Commission on Rural Prosperity will be holding their first meeting. This Commission is comprised of farmers and members from the agricultural industry from across our state. These folks will be gathering input from people on the challenges facing families, businesses, and communities in rural Wisconsin.

I know there’s no silver bullet to solving these issues, but we do know we have to invest in agricultural and rural communities across our state, and we have to start today. 

I’m looking forward to the work of this commission, and am excited to hear about their thoughts and yours about how we can make our state stronger, together.

Thank you.

Last Updated on Saturday, 15 August 2020 14:43
Tom Palzewicz: It is my friend, Kamala Harris PDF Print E-mail
Written by Tom Palzewicz, Candidate for Congress   
Wednesday, 12 August 2020 14:42

tom-palzewicz-baldwin-harrisCongressional candidate inspired by her commitment to service.

BROOKFIELD, WI - It is Senator Kamala Harris! The wait is over, I am sure you may have seen or heard the news; Joe Biden selected Kamala Harris to be his running mate. This is the first African American woman to ever be on the ticket. It is truly a historic moment.

tom-palzewiczWhen I met Kamala, I was inspired by her commitment to service. She showed that she cared deeply and had such a thoughtful vision for our country. She is a leader we can admire. She brings real energy and enthusiasm to every room she enters, and I know she will bring it to this race.

This is a critical time, not just for the Presidential election and our nation, but for our race in Wisconsin’s 5th district. Primary voting is happening today. There are just 84 days until the general election. Let’s come together and let’s forge a new way forward. Let’s restore integrity. Let’s put people over partisanship and let’s win in November.

Thank you for all your support!

Your candidate,

Tom Palzewicz

“Essential workers and elections” Battleground Wisconsin Podcast PDF Print E-mail
Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Matt Brusky   
Friday, 07 August 2020 14:59

bgw-essentialSTATEWIDE - We discuss the potential for a new COVID-19 relief package in Congress and the GOP conspiracy to get Kanye West on the presidential ballot in Wisconsin. Could it influence the outcome in November?

We welcome Citizen Action endorsed State Representative candidates Supreme Moore-Omokunde and JoAnna Bautch to discuss their campaigns and next week’s important primary election on Tuesday, August 11th. Will they shake up the Democratic Party in Madison? We encourage you to volunteer with a candidate to help get out the vote.

We close the show with Voces de la Frontera’s Christine Neumann-Ortiz and Mario Ramirez discussing their Friday 11am rally in support of fired Strauss workers in Franklin, and the importance of their statewide organizing campaign fighting for the rights of all “essential” workers during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Listen Now – Episode #454
Download MP3
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DPW Comment on Job Numbers PDF Print E-mail
Written by WisDems Press, Philip Shulman   
Friday, 07 August 2020 14:46

trump-ques-covid19-cnnWisconsinites are still suffering because of Donald Trump’s failed response to the COVID-19 pandemic, say DEMS.

WISCONSIN -- On Thursday, Democratic Party of Wisconsin spokesperson Philip Shulman released the following statement in response to the new BLS numbers:

“Wisconsinites are still suffering because of Donald Trump’s failed response to the COVID-19 pandemic. His failure to stand up to the Chinese government, refusal to accept the guidance of public health experts, and inability to implement a national testing and tracing program have millions across the country wondering how they’ll pay their rent, put food on their table, or what it could mean for their families if they get sick with this deadly virus. The only way we can rebound and get our economy back on track is by electing Joe Biden the next president of the United States”

AFSCME Wisconsin Supports Dane County Recommendation Honoring Juneteenth PDF Print E-mail
Friday, 07 August 2020 10:39

juneteenth-flag-buffalo-soldiersLabor Union reaffirms its commitment to achieving economic and racial justice.

MADISON - AFSCME Wisconsin heartily supports the Dane County Board of Supervisors Personnel and Finance Committee’s unanimous recommendation in support of recognizing Juneteenth as a paid holiday for county employees beginning in 2021. Juneteenth celebrates the rich culture and contributions of African Americans and commemorates the ongoing struggle for freedom and equity.

union-members-at-capitolDane County employee and AFSCME Wisconsin Local 720 member Angela Wilson-Richards stated, “I am very happy to hear that the Personnel and Finance Committee has honored the recommendation to make Juneteenth a paid holiday. As an American Descendant of Slavery (ADOS), I understand that my ancestors’ freedom did not begin in 1776, but in 1865 when all slaves realized they were emancipated. As there is a paid holiday for July 4th, it seems only befitting to recognize June 19th as well.”

AFSCME Wisconsin reaffirms its commitment to achieving economic and racial justice in Dane County and across Wisconsin by advocating for quality public services, eradicating systemic injustices in our society, and protecting Dane County employees’ freedom to build workplace power and achieve prosperity.

AFSCME Wisconsin Local 720 President Sonia Kurhajetz explained, “I became an even prouder Dane County citizen when I learned that the Personnel and Finance Committee recommended the resolution to observe Juneteenth as a county holiday. Black Lives Matter is not a moment, it is a movement. It's through recognition and acts such as this that we, as a community, can continue to prove to our Black neighbors that their lives and histories matter and we celebrate them."

AFSCME Wisconsin calls upon all other Wisconsin municipalities to join Milwaukee and Dane Counties by extending holiday status to Juneteenth as is deserved.

Democratic Radio: Thanking Wisconsinites for Masking Up PDF Print E-mail
Written by Lt Gov Office Press   
Thursday, 06 August 2020 12:22

coronavirus-officeMADISON - Lt. Gov. Barnes today delivered the Democratic Radio Address thanking Wisconsinites for wearing face coverings and providing some tips on how and when to wear a face covering.

Audio file of radio address.

mandela-barnesHi, Wisconsin! It’s Lt. Governor Mandela Barnes here.

As every region of our state continues to see high levels of COVID-19, I wanted to take a moment today to thank you for wearing a face covering or mask whenever you’re out and about.

This simple task could save lives as we know face coverings and masks are effective tools to stop the spread of COVID-19.

So I wanted to share some tips to make sure you’re wearing your mask the right way and at the right times.

First of all, wear your mask whenever you are indoors in a space that is not your own home.

Second, wear a mask anytime you’re around others who you don’t share a home or living unit with.

Next, always wash your hands before and after putting on or taking off your mask. And try not to touch it or move it around without washing your hands.

And finally, remember that a mask or face covering is not a substitute for physical distancing. Please continue to maintain 6 feet of distance between you and anyone who is not a member of your household.

These steps are critical to our efforts to box in this virus and keep Wisconsinites safe. My mask protects you, your mask protects me.

So Mask Up, Wisconsin, and let’s get through this together.

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