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Agard Welcomes Afghan Refugees Coming to Wisconsin PDF Print E-mail
Written by Melissa Agard Press   
Thursday, 19 August 2021 07:50

afghanistan-refugees-2021MADISON - Tuesday, Senator Melissa Agard (D-Madison) released the following statement regarding the relocation of Afghan Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) applicants and refugees to Fort McCoy in Wisconsin:

melissa-sargent“Here in Wisconsin, we take care of each other and we look out for one another. I support the relocation efforts for Afghan refugees who have been displaced due to the ongoing crisis in Afghanistan and welcome them into Wisconsin. Everyone deserves to live in a secure environment without fear of retribution. My heart is with the thousands of Afghan families who are being forced to leave their homes in search of safety.

“I am confident in the leadership of the service members at Fort McCoy in helping resettle Afghan refugees. We must ensure that Afghan refugees have access to culturally appropriate supports to ease their transition in the US. I am ready to assist federal and local officials in relocation efforts and pray for the safe evacuation of the SIV applicants and refugees.”

Last Updated on Saturday, 21 August 2021 07:57
Agard Supports UW-Madison’s Efforts to Provide Sexual Assault Services PDF Print E-mail
Written by Melissa Agard Press   
Tuesday, 17 August 2021 15:17

sexual-assault-harassmentSANE nurses offer a different level of care for survivors and provide emotional support after a traumatic experience.

Radio Address - Underscoring Critical Need to Protect Voting Rights in Wisconsin PDF Print E-mail
Written by GOV Press Wisconsin   
Friday, 13 August 2021 10:43

tony-eversMADISON — Gov. Tony Evers Thursday delivered the Democratic Radio Address on his action earlier this week to veto Republican legislation that attempted to curtail voting rights in the state of Wisconsin. The governor reaffirmed his promise to protect the right of every eligible voter to cast their ballot and to ensure it is easy and accessible for them to do so.

Audio file of Radio Address

Hey, Wisconsin. Governor Tony Evers here.

In Wisconsin, we’re no stranger to politicians trying to abuse their power to change election results they didn’t like.

We see it in our maps—some of the most gerrymandered in the nation.

We see it in our photo ID requirement—a law we’ve had on the books for the better part of a decade now.

And we’ve seen firsthand as all of this has played out in costly litigation over the years.

But since November 2020, we’ve watched Republican legislators and governors across the country add more hurdles to voting and abuse their power to try to change election results they didn’t like.

And some of those bills have even been introduced right here in Wisconsin.

This week, Legislative Republicans sent several bills to my desk that would’ve made it harder for folks to cast a ballot in our state.

These bills would’ve restricted how an absentee ballot can be returned and by whom, limited municipalities’ ability to organize community events to help voters return ballots, and made burdensome changes to the use of indefinitely confined voter status.

That’s simply unacceptable.

Democracy isn’t something that just happens for us, WE choose to make it happen every day.

When I ran for this office, I promised that I’d work to protect voting rights in our state.

I intend to keep that promise.

That’s why I vetoed these bills to curtail our democracy earlier this week, and it’s why, as long as I’m governor, I’m going to keep working to protect the right of every eligible voter to cast their ballot and to make sure it is easy and accessible for them to do so.

Thank you.

Farmers Union President Slams Ron Johnson’s Failure to Stand Up For Agriculture PDF Print E-mail
Written by WisDems Press, Philip Shulman   
Friday, 13 August 2021 10:30

farmer-wicornDarin Von Ruden slams Ron Johnson for voting against the bipartisan infrastructure bill.

Eau Claire, Wis. -- Thursday, Wisconsin Farmers Union President Darin Von Ruden slammed Ron Johnson for voting against the bipartisan infrastructure bill and abandoning Wisconsin’s farming communities. The legislation includes funding to repair roads and bridges, invest in clean water infrastructure, and expand high-speed internet.

You can watch the full event here and see highlights of what Darin Von Ruden said below:

ron-johnsonWisconsin Farmers Union President Darin Von Ruden: With the bipartisan infrastructure bill, we’ll have the support we need to help our farms and businesses grow and be better equipped to provide for our families and communities. Ron Johnson was soundly against even discussing what this bill could do for the agriculture sector in our state and is clearly in Washington to serve himself and those who can pay to play.

Last Updated on Saturday, 14 August 2021 10:43
Release of US Census Data Provides Challenge to State Legislators PDF Print E-mail
Written by League of Women Voters WI, Debra Cronmiller   
Friday, 13 August 2021 09:44

voter-us-electionsCan this Legislature draw maps in an open, nonpartisan manner that reflects the will of all Wisconsinites, asks non-partisan election watchdogs.

Last Updated on Saturday, 14 August 2021 10:05
“U.S. Senate Candidate Interview with Sarah Godlewski” Battleground Wisconsin Podcast PDF Print E-mail
Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Matt Brusky   
Friday, 06 August 2021 09:30

godlewski-2021MILWAUKEE - This week we welcome yet another U.S. Senate candidate, State Treasurer Sarah Godlewski, to discuss her primary campaign. This is our second in a series of interviews with the crowded field of Democratic candidates vying to face off against incumbent Senator and Trump sycophant Ron Johnson. Our panel also talks about the explosion of COVID and the return of masking for some businesses and local governments, while the Legislative Republicans move this week to bar the UW System from enacting COVID safety rules, endangering young people, university staff, and the communities in which they live. We also look at the eviction crisis, the important role of movement leaders like U.S. Rep. Cori Bush cutting through traditional political gridlock, and the hard path ahead to real structural reform.

Listen Now - Episode #504
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Gov. Evers Urges Wisconsinites to Get Vaccinated PDF Print E-mail
Written by GOV Press Wisconsin   
Thursday, 05 August 2021 19:42

covid-19-vaccine-shot-eversMADISON — With cases of COVID-19 once again rising in Wisconsin and across the nation due to the Delta variant, Gov. Tony Evers today delivered the Democratic Radio Address urging Wisconsinites who have yet to receive their free, effective, and safe COVID-19 vaccine to do so as soon as possible. Getting shots in arms remains critical to ensuring the state and economy continue to recover from the coronavirus pandemic.

Audio file of Radio Address.

tony-eversHey, Wisconsin! Governor Tony Evers here.

Summer is in full swing, and boy, what a summer it’s been.

After following the science and working hard this past year to combat COVID-19, we’ve been able to start returning to doing the things we missed most: spending time with loved ones, traveling, enjoying all the things that make Wisconsin great.

I know we’re all ready to get back to our Wisconsin way of life, but we’re not out of the woods yet, folks.

This pandemic isn’t over, and the new Delta variant poses a serious threat to our public health—and to the progress we’ve made in trying to put this pandemic behind us.

We can’t afford to lose this important progress we’ve made. Making sure our state and our economy can recover depends on getting shots in arms so we can beat COVID-19.

The COVID-19 vaccine is safe and effective, and it’s based on years of science and research. Millions of Americans have gotten their shot, and most with minimal side effects.

So, if you’ve already gotten your shot, please talk to your family members, your friends, and your neighbors about why you got the COVID-19 vaccine.

And if you still need to get your vaccine, talk to your family doctor about getting the vaccine or visit and find a shot near you.

If we keep working together and doing our part to beat COVID-19, we can put this pandemic behind us once and for all.

Thank you.

Hong Applauds UW - Madison Mask Order PDF Print E-mail
Written by Francesca Yunjung Hong Press   
Thursday, 05 August 2021 10:35

covid-19-uw-madisonMADISON - Tuesday, the University of Wisconsin - Madison announced that effective Thursday, August 5, all students, employees, and visitors to campus will be required to wear masks when inside campus buildings.

Representative Hong released the following statement:

francesca-yunjung-hong“The Delta variant is currently raging throughout Wisconsin and the country. Cases are on the uptick and increased community spread of Covid-19 is more than likely if we do not take immediate measures to protect ourselves and our community.

Universities are hotbeds for viral transmissions, therefore there is no place for politics when it comes to the safety of our students, staff, and faculty. I condemn the actions of Republican legislators who seek to block our state’s universities from being able to require testing and masking.

The UW System has a right to keep its community safe, and I applaud their efforts in doing so. I remain a partner in the effort to ensure the safety of all Wisconsinites during this pandemic.”

Last Updated on Friday, 06 August 2021 10:45
Stubbs Likes Governor Evers’ $10 Million Tourism Investment PDF Print E-mail
Written by Shelia Stubbs Press   
Thursday, 05 August 2021 10:21

workingThe $10 million is in addition to the $140 million ARPA funding previously announced.

MADISON, WI- Today, Governor Evers announced a $10 million investment in Wisconsin’s tourism industry. On this announcement, Representative Stubbs (D-Madison) released the following statement

shelia-stubbs“As the Ranking Member for the Assembly Committee on Tourism, it is my pleasure to share today that Governor Tony Evers has announced a $10 million investment from federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to local governments and tourism nonprofits. This investment will boost Wisconsin’s tourism industry, and strengthen our state’s economy as a whole.”

“Through the COVID-19 pandemic, the tourism industry suffered immensely compared to other industries. By investing in our tourism infrastructure, we will create a foundation for the industry to recover and thrive. Our beautiful state is a great destination for people across this country, and the Department of Tourism is committed to maintaining Wisconsin as a memorable destination. By investing in our tourism industry, we are creating revenue streams that will pay off for years to come.”

“In 2020, despite all of the unprecedented events that occurred, the tourism industry continued to support almost 160,000 jobs and brought in $17.3 billion to our economy. Now as we progress towards bringing people back together safely, jobs will only become more available and Wisconsin’s economy will return stronger than ever. This $10 million boost is in addition to the ARPA funding previously announced by Governor Evers of $140 million, which includes:

  • $75 million for lodging grants;
  • $11.25 million for movie theaters;
  • $12 million for live event small businesses;
  • $2.8 million for minor league sports teams;
  • $10 million for live venues;
  • $15 million for destination marketing organizations;
  • $8 million for summer camps;
  • $1 million for the Wisconsin Historical Society to assist in reopening historical sites; and
  • $7.5 million to increase marketing support for Wisconsin's tourism industry.

“I thank Governor Evers for all of his support and effort put into making sure that our most valuable industries can Build Back Better. By continuing to support our tourism industry, Wisconsin will be a place to create memories for generations to come.”

Last Updated on Friday, 06 August 2021 10:32
“Infrastructure politics” Battleground Wisconsin Podcast PDF Print E-mail
Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Matt Brusky   
Friday, 30 July 2021 11:29

nfrastructure-politics-cawMILWAUKEE - We discuss this week’s apparent breakthrough in the U.S. Senate on a $1 trillion bi-partisan infrastructure bill. What’s in it, and is it really on track? We then evaluate the progressives’ two track strategy on infrastructure, and the threat from moderate Senator Kyrsten Sinema to derail the entire Biden Build Back Better agenda. In the state Legislature the Wisconsin Manufactures and Commerce reveals their hand behind this week’s failed GOP effort to cut UI for workers with a veto override vote. Q Anon caucus member and Election Committee chair Rep. Janel Brandtjen embraces conspiracy theories and the “Big Lie” as she launches an Arizona-style fishing expedition of the 2020 election in Wisconsin. We review the CDC’s new recommendation for indoor masking where infection rates remain high and Sen. Johnson’s incorrect statement calling it a mandate and saying the CDC should stop making recommendations to end the spread of COVID. Finally, we celebrate Medicare and Medicaid’s 56th birthdays on Friday and Sen. Baldwin calls for rejecting Purdue Pharma’s bankruptcy plan.

Listen Now - Episode #503
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