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“Supreme Injustice” Battleground Wisconsin Podcast PDF Print E-mail
Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Matt Brusky   
Friday, 03 September 2021 09:21

scotus-2021MILWAUKEE - We are joined by Planned Parenthood Advocates of Wisconsin president and CEO, Tanya Atkinson, to discuss the U.S. Supreme Court court’s midnight assault on Roe v. Wade, which rendered abortion illegal in the second largest state and may reach Wisconsin in 2022. We head into Labor Day Weekend with guest Laura Dresser, the lead researcher for the Center On Wisconsin Strategies (COWS) on their annual State of Working Wisconsin report released this week. Our panel also discusses WEAC’s call for vaccine and mask mandates in Wisconsin schools in the face of a wave of violence against educators and public health leaders by anti-mask and anti-vax protesters. Finally the empire is striking back in Congress, as a united corporate America unleashes a massive lobbying and advertising blitz against President Biden’s visionary Build Back Better agenda. Can the newly united Democrats stand up to the pressure?

Listen now - Episode #508
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Gov. Evers: Welcoming Wisconsin Students Back to School PDF Print E-mail
Written by GOV Press Wisconsin   
Thursday, 02 September 2021 16:57

schools-reopeningMADISON — Gov. Tony Evers delivered the Democratic Radio Address on Thursday welcoming students across Wisconsin back to school and expressing gratitude to teachers, students, and school faculty for their hard work this past year to keep themselves and their communities safe.

Audio file of Radio Address.

tony-evers-students-backHi, Wisconsin teachers, staff, administrators, kids, and parents! Governor Tony Evers here welcoming you back to school this semester.

I hope you've had a chance to enjoy a safe and fun summer and you're ready for another great school year ahead of teaching, learning, collaborating, and creating.

There’s no doubt about it—the past couple semesters have been tough, and I know for a lot of folks this semester will be difficult, too.

Every semester over the last eighteen months has presented new challenges, and this semester promises to be different still.

But in the midst of all of that, I’m incredibly proud of how hard you’ve worked to always do your best, to support your friends and neighbors, and to help keep each other safe—and I know you’ll keep it up this semester, too!

Thank you for doing all you can to wear your masks, getting vaccinated if you can, and keeping your distance to help keep each other, your classrooms, and your communities healthy and safe.

I know if everyone masks up, stays safe, and continues to be good, kind, and respectful neighbors, we can get through this pandemic together.

So, with that, stay safe, study hard, and welcome back to school, Wisconsin!

Hintz Comments on Increased General Tax Fund Collections PDF Print E-mail
Written by Gordon Hintz Press, Rep. 54th Assembly District   
Thursday, 02 September 2021 14:14

school-kidsMADISON – Representative Gordon Hintz (D-Oshkosh) issued the following statement on today’s announcement of increased general tax fund collections:

gordon_hintz“Under the leadership of President Biden’s American Rescue Plan Act and Governor Evers’ COVID-19 response plan of getting shots in arms, Wisconsin continues to see strong economic growth and record state revenue.

“It is remarkable that with continued strong economic news the Republican Legislature could add almost zero new funding for K-12 public school classrooms. Today’s news should serve as another opportunity to invest in our future at a time of increased need so local school districts are not forced to make cuts or ask voters to raise property taxes.”

Gov. Radio Address - New $100 COVID-19 Vaccine Reward Program PDF Print E-mail
Written by GOV Press Wisconsin   
Friday, 27 August 2021 09:31

evers-speaksMADISON — Gov. Tony Evers today delivered the Democratic Radio Address highlighting the new $100 COVID-19 Vaccine Reward Program he announced earlier this week and encouraged eligible Wisconsinites ages 12 and up who haven’t gotten their COVID-19 vaccine yet to take advantage of this program and do so. Wisconsinites who receive their first dose of the vaccine from a Wisconsin provider before the program ends on September 6th will receive a $100 Visa gift card.

Audio file of Radio Address.

Hey, Wisconsin! It’s Governor Tony Evers.

We’ve got big news for you this week, folks: starting August 20th and running through September 6th, Wisconsinites 12 and over who get their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine will also get a $100 Visa gift card.

You heard that right: a $100 Visa gift card!

The Delta variant is spreading rapidly around the country, and with our kids headed back to school, it’s critical that we all do our part to stop the spread and get vaccinated.

COVID-19 vaccines are safe, effective, and one of the best tools we have to keep folks safe and continue bouncing back from this pandemic.

If you haven’t received the vaccine yet, I’m encouraging Wisconsinites who are eligible to get vaccinated as soon as possible.

Not only will you get $100 in your pocket, but you can rest assured knowing that you’re helping keep yourself, your loved ones, and your community safe.

So don’t wait, folks. Get your COVID-19 vaccine and the $100 Visa gift card as soon as possible.

And remember, you have to get your first shot between August 20th and September 6th to be eligible for the gift card.

For more information, visit the $100 COVID-19 Vaccine Reward program page on the DHS website at

Thanks, Wisconsin. Let’s get this done!

Alex Lasry on the One Year Anniversary of the Shooting of Jacob Blake PDF Print E-mail
Written by Alex Lasry Press   
Tuesday, 24 August 2021 12:09

jacob-blakeCandidate for Senate comments on the one year anniversary of Kenosha police shooting.

MILWAUKEE - "I want to offer my condolences to Jacob and the Blake family, and to all the families of the victims of the senseless violence that occurred in the aftermath of Jacob being shot last summer.

We can never forget what happened in Kenosha. It is up to each of us to make sure that this year’s anniversary is not just a reminder of last summer's horrifying violence, but a call to action for all the work that is still ahead of us. A year later, we still have not seen true accountability for what happened to Jacob.

alex-lasryLast summer, people rose up and demanded change. We have seen the Kenosha community come together, lean on one another, and continue to fight for justice. Just this weekend, there was a rally in Kenosha to continue this fight.

I urge everyone to continue marching and continue supporting the Blake family and Kenosha community as they keep up the fight to ensure that what happened to Jacob does not happen again."

Hintz Applauds Gov. Evers’ $100 COVID-19 Vaccine Reward Program PDF Print E-mail
Written by Gordon Hintz Press, Rep. 54th Assembly District   
Tuesday, 24 August 2021 10:50

covid-19-vaccine-shot2OSHKOSH - Governor Tony Evers on Monday unveiled a new incentive opportunity for Wisconsinites who get vaccinated against the COVID-19 virus. Rep. Gordon Hintz (D-Oshkosh) released a statement following the announcement:

gordon_hintz“I am excited to welcome Governor Evers to Oshkosh for his $100 COVID-19 vaccine reward program announcement today. Getting vaccinated against COVID-19 is the best way to protect yourself from getting hospitalized or dying from the virus, and Gov. Evers’ new $100 vaccination incentive reward program will give Wisconsinites in every part of our state yet another reason to get vaccinated.

“Vaccination is a public health issue, and getting as many people as possible vaccinated against COVID-19 is crucial to helping Wisconsin recover from the pandemic. All three COVID-19 vaccines have undergone strict testing and are based on decades of research, so we know they are safe and effective. While there are some who remain vaccine reluctant, there are many others who simply have not gotten around to scheduling their vaccines or who have been talking with their health care providers to get their questions answered.

“I thank Gov. Evers for creating this new program to help protect the health and lives of the people of Wisconsin and I encourage all Wisconsinites who aren’t yet vaccinated to take advantage of this opportunity to protect themselves and put an extra $100 in their pocket. The more people that remain unvaccinated, the higher the odds that the virus will mutate and develop variants that will not be a perfect match for the vaccines. Providing an additional incentive for unvaccinated individuals to get their vaccine benefits us all.”

Hintz on 1-Year Anniversary of Jacob Blake Shooting PDF Print E-mail
Written by Gordon Hintz Press, Rep. 54th Assembly District   
Tuesday, 24 August 2021 10:04

jacob-blakeOSHKOSH - One year after the shooting of Jacob Blake, Rep. Gordon Hintz (D-Oshkosh) released the following statement:

gordon-hintz“One year ago today, Jacob Blake was shot and paralyzed by law enforcement here in Wisconsin. My thoughts continue to be with him and with his loved ones.

“As we think back to what happened a year ago, I ask all Wisconsinites to continue to have the difficult but important conversations that are part of working toward reform. Let us all recommit ourselves to addressing systemic racism in our state and in our nation, and to ensuring accountability and transparency in public safety and law enforcement. Black lives matter. While progress has been made in the last twelve months, our work is far from done.”

Redistricting The Future - Battleground Wisconsin Podcast PDF Print E-mail
Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Matt Brusky   
Friday, 20 August 2021 11:22

redistricting-wiscMILWAUKEE - We welcome the Fair Elections Project's Sachin Chheda to discuss the breaking news on redistricting. The 2020 census data has just arrived from DC, the lawsuits have begun, and a new Harvard report ranks Wisconsin the least democratic state in the nation, classifying it a “democracy desert”. Our panel also talks about worsening COVID infection and hospitalization rates, and the controversy over the Biden Administration's decision to authorize a third dose when big Pharma is still denying it to most of the world. Robert updates us on the dramatic and historically significant Congressional battle over the President’s Build Back Better agenda.

Listen Now - Episode #506
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Press Clips

Governor Radio: Highlighting $50 Million in New Funding for Wisconsin Farmers PDF Print E-mail
Written by GOV Press Wisconsin   
Friday, 20 August 2021 10:40

wisc-dairy-farmMADISON — Gov. Tony Evers Thursday delivered the Democratic Radio Address highlighting a new round of the Wisconsin Farm Support Program including $50 million in direct payments to support Wisconsin farmers and agricultural producers. To date, the governor has earmarked a total of more than $100 million from federal coronavirus relief funds to support Wisconsin’s agricultural industries.

Audio file of Radio Address.

tony-eversHi, folks! Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers here.

I don’t have to tell you that the past 18 months have been especially challenging. This pandemic has hit our farmers and their families especially hard.

But despite these unprecedented challenges, Wisconsin farmers kept working tirelessly to keep food on our tables this past year.

Our agricultural industry remains a critical driver of the state’s economy and our workforce.

So, though our farmers are some of the most resilient folks in our state, we know we have to provide them with the support they need to thrive.

Earlier this week, I was excited to announce a new round of the Wisconsin Farm Support Program. This program will provide $50 million in direct payments, made available under the American Rescue Plan Act, to support our state’s farmers.

And, since these funds are unrestricted, farmers will be able to use them wherever they see fit—whether it's investing in innovative farming practices, conservation efforts, or just paying bills and making ends meet.

I also know folks have a busy harvest season coming up, which is why applications for these direct payments will open after the fall harvest, so there’s plenty of time for folks to learn about the program and apply.

Investing in our farmers is an investment in Wisconsin’s future.

With this new support, farmers and their families can get the resources they need to keep recovering from this pandemic and bounce back even stronger than before.

Thank you.

End Abuse Urges Evacuation and Humanitarian Aid for Afghan Refugees PDF Print E-mail
Written by End Domestic Abuse WI, Jenna Gormal   
Friday, 20 August 2021 09:43

afghanistan-refugees2021Group urges prioritizing action to support Afghan refugees at both the Federal and State levels.

Madison, WI – This week the world has watched devastating scenes of violence in Afghanistan and witnessed the desperate attempts being made to evacuate the country. Scenes from the airport in Kabul show chaos as thousands of people face violence from the Taliban when trying to reach the airport to evacuate. Meanwhile, others are still sheltering in their homes, in too much fear to attempt reaching the airport at all. Under Taliban rule from 1996-2001, women were prevented from accessing education and employment in all but rare cases; now there are warning signs that the Taliban may severely curtail women’s rights again.

Here in Wisconsin, Fort McCoy is preparing to accept refugees from Afghanistan. Once refugees arrive at Fort McCoy, local resettlement agencies may assist the Afghan refugees to obtain critical services. As of yet, it is unclear when refugees will begin arriving at Fort McCoy.

“We stand against oppression, violence, and gender-based abuse in all forms. End Abuse has deep roots in supporting immigrant and refugee survivors of violence, and we will work to uplift and support new arrivals to Wisconsin directly and through our member programs,” said Monique Minkens, Executive Director for End Domestic Abuse Wisconsin (End Abuse).

In alignment with our mission, End Abuse urges our federal and local administrations to take action to support Afghan refugees through the following steps:


Establish a policy for all Afghans fleeing violence to be eligible for humanitarian parole

Designate Afghanistan for Temporary Protected Status


Commit to funding emergency shelter and long-term housing options for Afghan refugees arriving at Fort McCoy

Allocate funds from the American Rescue Plan Act to provide civil legal services, including immigration services, needed by Afghan refugees arriving in Wisconsin


End Domestic Abuse Wisconsin: The Wisconsin Coalition Against Domestic Violence (End Abuse, is the leading voice for victims of domestic abuse in Wisconsin. At End Domestic Abuse Wisconsin, we educate shelter and program volunteers and advocates, law enforcement, legislators, and community members to provide safety and support to survivors. We strive to shift Wisconsin from the attitudes and beliefs that cause domestic violence to values of mutual respect and equity, and we partner with communities in the effort to prevent and end domestic abuse. We encourage reporters to include the National Domestic Violence Hotline number [1−800−799−SAFE(7233)] in their stories for victims who need help. A list of local Wisconsin domestic violence victim service providers can be found at

Last Updated on Saturday, 21 August 2021 10:37
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