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Hintz on Gov. Evers’ $110 Million Investment in Public Schools PDF Print E-mail
Written by Gordon Hintz Press, Rep. 54th Assembly District   
Thursday, 02 December 2021 13:13

school-bus-kidsLegislator confident Oshkosh Area School District’s leaders will invest the additional $1.26 million allocation wisely as they focus on the unique needs of our local schools and our kid's education.

OSHKOSH -- Today, Gov. Tony Evers announced $110 million in funding for Wisconsin public schools. In response, Rep. Gordon Hintz (D-Oshkosh) released the following statement:

gordon_hintz“Earlier this year, at a time when Wisconsin had record revenues available and faced unprecedented needs due to the COVID-19 pandemic, legislative Republicans chose to put political games before the future of our kids by doing the bare minimum on education funding in the biennial budget. Fortunately, Gov. Evers put millions of dollars back into the state’s general fund through his strategic partial vetoes. Today, Gov. Evers has announced a $110 million investment in new education funding to support Wisconsin’s kids and schools as they continue to recover from the pandemic.

“I am grateful that Governor Evers continues to find ways to provide funding to schools and prioritize our kids. We know this $110 million investment will help our school districts to avoid having to choose between laying off teachers and cutting programs or going to referendum as they come out of the pandemic. There is no more important investment than the future of our kids. Here in the 54th Assembly District, I am confident Oshkosh Area School District’s local leaders will invest the additional $1.26 million allocation very wisely as they focus on meeting the unique needs of our local schools and our kids’ education.”

Gov. Evers, First Lady Share Thanksgiving Message PDF Print E-mail
Written by GOV Press Wisconsin   
Thursday, 25 November 2021 10:19

tony-evers-kathyTo all those gathering today and into this weekend, we wish you a joyful and safe holiday.

Wis Democracy Campaign - An Appalling Verdict! PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, Matt Rothschild   
Friday, 19 November 2021 16:18

kenosha-rittenhouse-verdictMADISON - I feel like I’ve been kicked in the gut, and you probably do, too, so I wanted to share with you my statement on the Rittenhouse verdict:

“This appalling verdict is a green light for white vigilante violence. It is yet another sign that there is no accountability in America, and no respect for the lives of people in the anti-racist camp. Look no further than the closing statement of Rittenhouse’s attorney, Mark Richards, who “I’m glad he shot Rosenbaum.” That is sickening! And so is this verdict. Rittenhouse will become even more of a hero to the far right. And there will be more Rittenhouses to come. The jury has sowed the wind, and the harvest will not be pretty.”

It may be open season on protesters now.

trump-insurgents-enterI’m deeply, deeply concerned that we’re headed toward a kind of civil war. Yesterday, while I was driving up to Wautoma to give a talk, I listened to rightwing talk radio, and they were already lionizing Rittenhouse, mocking any anti-racist protester in the vilest terms, and dismissing all liberals as idiots and fools.

And I’m reminded of the recent hideous comment by the audience member at the rightwing Turning Point USA conference who stood up and said, “When do we get to use our guns? How many elections are they going to steal before we kill these people.”

The Rittenhouse verdict is a spur to all those who want to go out and start using their guns against Black Lives Matter protesters or liberals in general, for that matter.

To counteract this threat, we need to be courageous. We need to protest nonviolently against this verdict despite the threats, we need to call out racism wherever we see it, and we need to try to reach two or three people in our lives who don’t always agree with us but are otherwise decent people and try to draw them away from the lures of the far right.

The fate of our democracy depends on us!



Matt Rothschild
Executive Director
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There is no place for vigilantism in our country PDF Print E-mail
Written by Tom Nelson, Kaukauna   
Friday, 19 November 2021 15:54

kenosha-militia-streetUnfortunately, the verdict acquitting Kyle Rittenhouse may encourage other misguided individuals fueled by extremist groups and media to perform similar acts.

KAUKAUNA, WI - There is no place for vigilantism in our country. Unfortunately, the verdict acquitting Kyle Rittenhouse sends a different message. It will encourage other misguided individuals fueled by extremist groups and media to perform similar acts.

There is no question that Anthony Huber and Joseph Rosenbaum would still be alive had Mr. Rittenhouse not been present in Kenosha. The fact that Kyle Rittenhouse has become a hero to the extreme nationalists in our country is both disheartening and dangerous. This verdict will only empower them.

Tom NelsonRegardless of political beliefs, we, as Americans, cannot tolerate violent action by citizens against others exercising their right to assemble.

When a lawful assembly gets out of control, it is the job of law enforcement and other local and state authorities to deal with it in a controlled and trained manner. The idea that any armed individual can insert themselves into a law enforcement scenario is a danger to our citizens, law enforcement, and our National Guard.

— Tom

Last Updated on Saturday, 20 November 2021 11:11
WisDems on the Rittenhouse Verdict PDF Print E-mail
Written by WisDems Press   
Friday, 19 November 2021 15:47

kenosha-militia-streetWe need to come together peacefully to help the community of Kenosha heal, say Democrats.

MADISON, Wis. -- Today, the jury delivered a verdict in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial.

Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair Ben Wikler released the following statement:

“Today’s verdict—searing, shocking, but painfully unsurprising—has sent a wave of heartbreak and grief through our state and country. If a Black person had done what Kyle Rittenhouse did, it almost goes without saying, they would be far more likely to have been killed by police that night than to be walking free today. This verdict, and the trial and other events that preceded it, are a gut-wrenching illustration of a society with two systems of justice, two ways lives are valued, two sets of rules. A year ago, the movement for Black lives sustained the biggest demonstrations on any topic in the history of our country. Today, far-right and white supremacist militias are cheering and lifting up a teenager—who killed two human beings and almost killed another—as a hero.

“This moment demands that we remake our systems to create a state and a world where none of these events could ever have happened. Where our justice system treats all equally, with both fairness and accountability; where everyone, no matter where they live or the color of their skin, has the safety and security that every human being deserves. Where Anthony Huber and Jason Rosenbaum would still be alive, and Gaige Grosskreutz and Jacob Blake would be uninjured.

“We echo the call for peace and support for Kenosha, a community that has been through unthinkable tragedy. To Republican politicians who are trying to distract and divide Wisconsinites by politicizing a tragedy—the people of Kenosha deserve better.

“In this moment of tremendous tension and pain, we can reimagine what a safe future will look like. We can show up for each other, come together peacefully to help the community of Kenosha heal, and we can honor the victims and their families by calling for accountability, safety, and justice for all; by dismantling systems and cultures of white supremacy and violence; and by building a state where everyone, no exceptions, can thrive.”

Last Updated on Saturday, 20 November 2021 10:53
Rittenhouse Verdict a Travesty PDF Print E-mail
Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin Press   
Friday, 19 November 2021 15:34

kenosha-shooter-hispanicnewsnetworkIt is heartbreaking that Rittenhouse gets to live out the rest of his life with his family and friends, while Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber’s friends and families have to figure out how to go on without them, say progressive activists.

MILWAUKEE - On behalf of our grassroots member activists and staff across the state, Citizen Action of Wisconsin stands in solidarity with the families of victims Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber, and survivors Gaige Grosskreutz, Jacob Blake, and the residents of Kenosha seeking justice and peace.

In Wisconsin, we care and show up for each other, no matter who we are or what we look like. We share food, cry, pray, and hold each other up when tragedy strikes. We talk through what we have in common and join together across our differences to come up with solutions to make the world a better place for all of us in Wisconsin and America.  In response to Kyle Rittenhouse being found not guilty on all charges today, Citizen Action of Wisconsin’s Movement Politics Director JoAnna Bautch had the following to say:

“Kyle Rittenhouse crossed state lines to come to Wisconsin with the intent to infiltrate a peaceful protest organized by leaders and residents in Kenosha calling for racial justice. He did not come to help the community.  He waved a gun in the face of people exercising their first amendment rights. He is a white supremacist who came with support from white nationalist groups to incite violence and intimidate Wisconsinites -Black, white, and Brown- to keep us from speaking out. In his attempts to stop people from exercising their rights, he shot and killed two innocent men, and harmed another.”

“Black and Brown people across this country should not be targeted and subjected to excessive brutality and violence and murdered by the very police who our tax dollars fund to protect us and keep our communities safe.  We come together in our communities to spotlight the long-standing economic, racial, and structural oppression perpetuated by certain politicians and public institutions.  They defund our schools, cut public transportation, and block our own tax dollars from coming into our communities to create good family-supporting jobs and access to quality healthcare. They profit from incarcerating our fathers, brothers, and sons. They then try to divide us across race and class by blaming poor people and People of Color for all of us being denied the things we know will make our communities safe and healthy.

“When we come together, as we did in Kenosha and across the state and country last year, we are calling for good family-supporting jobs, access to quality healthcare, fully funded schools, safe streets for our kids to play in, and a healthy future full of opportunity for all of us in Wisconsin. Rittenhouse came to Kenosha last year because he believes that those things are only for certain people. The Judge and Jury of this trial have given permission to anyone who is filled with hate to show up with a gun and murder people just because they are willing to stand up and call for justice and a better way of life.”

“The fact is that Rittenhouse is free after murdering two innocent men and harming a third because of racist ideology. It is heartbreaking that he gets to live out the rest of his life with his family and friends, while Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber’s friends and families have to figure out how to go on without them. The idea that our criminal justice system is so broken as to allow for this to happen is just plain scary. But in the spirit of the civil rights movement, we won’t stop gathering peacefully in our communities, calling for what is right and just, for all of us in Wisconsin.”

Last Updated on Saturday, 20 November 2021 10:45
Hintz Applauds Governor Evers’ Veto of Rigged GOP Maps PDF Print E-mail
Written by Gordon Hintz Press, Rep. 54th Assembly District   
Friday, 19 November 2021 09:39

voting-rightOSHKOSH -- In response to Governor Evers’ veto of legislative Republicans’ gerrymandered maps, Rep. Hintz issued the following statement:

gordon_hintz“I applaud Governor Evers for vetoing legislative Republicans’ Gerrymander 2.0. For the last decade, our state has suffered the damaging effects of Republicans’ gerrymandered 2011 maps. The maps passed by legislative Republicans last week would make Wisconsin’s gerrymander even worse.

“By vetoing Republicans’ rigged maps, Gov. Evers is putting the people of Wisconsin ahead of partisan politics. Wisconsinites deserve a functioning democracy, and that starts with ensuring the people can choose their elected officials and hold them accountable.”

Johnson’s outsourcing incentives are hurting Wisconsin workers PDF Print E-mail
Written by Jarret Brown, Green Bay   
Wednesday, 17 November 2021 12:05

ron-johnsonGREEN BAY - Wisconsin has a long, proud history of making things right here in the Badger State. And while manufacturing and blue-collar jobs have certainly taken a hit in our state, Senator Ron Johnson has been pouring gasoline on the fire by incentivizing corporations that outsource our jobs to other countries. Not only did Senator Johnson vote for former President Donald Trump’s tax scam that included rewards for outsourcing, but he also rewrote the law to benefit his wealthy corporate donors.

In places like Green Bay, we get up, go to work, and come home. We do this day in and day out because we take pride in hard work. When I hear about politicians like Senator Johnson making it easier for big corporations to bankrupt Badger State towns and communities, I can’t stay silent.

We deserve a U.S. Senator that will fight for Wisconsin’s working families instead of the wealthy and well-connected. Senator Johnson has spent his entire career looking out for his deep-pocketed donors. It’s time he starts working for us.

Jarrett Brown
Green Bay, WI

Wis Democracy Campaign - Bad Week, But a Book for You PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, Matt Rothschild   
Friday, 12 November 2021 15:52

capitol-night-wiscMADISON - What an ugly week for democracy in Wisconsin!

The Republican-dominated legislature rammed through their re-rigged maps, despite the overwhelming support among Wisconsinites for nonpartisan redistricting, as I noted here:

Wisconsin GOP Re-Rigs Maps

Also this week, Michael Gableman gave one of the most arrogant performances I’ve ever seen. He was providing testimony at a public informational hearing (which was by invitation only from far-right committee chair, Rep. Janel Brandtjen), and the only other person invited was Sgt. Michael Luell of the Racine County Sheriff's Office. Gableman refused to even give the names and qualifications of the people on his staff, whose salaries you and I are paying for!

There also was a hearing on the Legislative Audit Bureau’s report on elections administration, which I testified at, as you’ll see here:

A Few Points About the Audit Bureau Report on Elections

At the hearing Rep. Macco was incredibly rude to Meagan Wolfe, the staff director at the Wisconsin Elections Commission. It was disgusting to watch!

Then there was Ron Johnson speaking with Republican legislators after urging them last week to bypass the Wisconsin Elections Commission and just run the elections themselves!

Republicans in Wisconsin are going to keep whipping the dead horse about last November elections all the way through 2022 and maybe even up to 2024. That, too, is disgusting to watch.

OK, enough of the bad news.

matt-rothschild-2018Here’s some good news: My latest book, “12 Ways to Save Democracy in Wisconsin,” just came back from the printer, and goes on sale on Dec. 7.

You can pre-order today at the University of Wisconsin Press directly or you can order from Amazon.

Most of the proceeds go to the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign.

I hope you like the book, and I hope you have a nice weekend.


Matt Rothschild
Executive Director

Last Updated on Saturday, 13 November 2021 13:00
Hong Condemns Passage of Gerrymandered Maps PDF Print E-mail
Written by Francesca Yunjung Hong Press   
Friday, 12 November 2021 11:46

voter-us-electionsGerrymandering disintegrates democracy and serves only the majority power of elected officials, says lawmaker.

MADISON — Rep. Francesca Hong (D-76) issued the following statement:

francesca-yunjung-hong“I am shaken, enraged and broken after witnessing WI Republicans undermine democracy today with the passage of a gerrymandered map, again. My GOP colleagues have doubled down on maintaining power through a rigged and unconstitutional manner that defies the will of the people.”

“Gerrymandering disintegrates democracy and serves only the majority power of elected officials and not the people of the state. Instead of living in a Wisconsin that provides opportunity for all, we are living in a Wisconsin that serves the privileged few.”

“The will and power of the people is deeply connected to their abilities to hold their elected officials accountable. Republicans continue to ignore the facts, the numbers, the truth that Wisconsin is a purple state. With the gerrymandered map 2.0 they are hell-bent and keeping us in the deep red. This undemocratic and irresponsible act will continue to keep Wisconsin back when it should be the people moving us forward. While I am deeply disappointed in today’s outcome, the people’s voice will always be first in the office of the 76th.

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