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Senate Minority Leader Voices Strong Support for Surplus Plan PDF Print E-mail
Written by Janet Bewley Press, State Senator Dist 25   
Friday, 28 January 2022 11:32

high-voltage-lines-farmsDuring the COVID-19 pandemic, Democrats across the state supported the Governor as we built a strong economy, reached record-low unemployment, and achieved unprecedented revenue projections.

Last Updated on Friday, 28 January 2022 12:08
Plan Using Surplus Funds to Address Rising Costs, Barriers to Employment in Wisconsin PDF Print E-mail
Written by GOV Press Wisconsin   
Friday, 28 January 2022 11:12

tony-eversMADISON — Gov.Tony Evers Thursday delivered the Democratic Radio Address highlighting his plan announced earlier today to use a portion of the recently announced state revenue surplus funds to address rising costs facing Wisconsin families while defraying costs for caregiving and childcare that present barriers to employment.

Audio File of Radio Address.

Hi folks, Governor Evers here.

Im proud of our work to make smart decisions with your tax dollars, get folks back to work, and keep more money in your pockets by signing one of the largest tax cuts in Wisconsin history.

Now, Wisconsin has the lowest unemployment rate and the fewest people unemployed ever, and the largest positive GAAP balance in our general fund in state history. And just this week we received more good news—new projections show that Wisconsin has a $3.8 billion surplus in our general fund, which is great for our state and our economy.

At the same time, I also know folks and families are concerned about rising costs at the checkout line and gas pump, and businesses face challenges getting supplies and resources and filling job openings.

Because of our tax cuts and changes I directed, many Wisconsinites could already see hundreds more in their paychecks this year, but we can do more to help folks across our state. And we can’t wait until the next budget to address these challenges—Wisconsinites need relief now.

Today, I announced my plan to send every Wisconsin resident $150 to help defray rising costs families are experiencing, which would ensure a family of four could receive $600 to help make ends meet.

We also know that accessing childcare and caregiver support continues to be a barrier to employment in Wisconsin. Thats why we’re also investing over $130 million in targeted tax relief through child and caregiver tax credits to support working families and help make sure that affording childcare and caring for a loved one aren’t barriers to finding work.

My plan puts even more money in your pockets, bolsters our workforce by providing targeted relief to help families with the costs of childcare and caregiving, and makes robust investments in our kids and our schools without raising property taxes.

Weve worked hard to get our state into a good fiscal position, and that means we have the resources to help folks and families across our state.

There’s no time to waste. Let’s get it done, folks.

Thank you.

Wis Democracy Campaign - Ask Evers to Veto “Riot Bill” PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, Matt Rothschild   
Friday, 28 January 2022 10:12

assembly-wiMADISON - This week, the Legislature passed a nasty bill that would violate our First Amendment right to freedom of assembly, as I point out here:

Gov. Evers Must Veto “Riot Bill”

>> Please contact the governor and urge him to veto this dangerous bill (Senate Bill 296).

In the money race, candidates and political parties have been filing their reports, and here’s one thing that popped out:

State Dems Raised Nearly 5x More Than State GOP in 2021

But just because Democrats in Wisconsin have figured out how to play the money game, that doesn’t make this game any cleaner, any fairer, any more transparent, or any more participatory.

Here’s a short piece I wrote to try to illustrate how the super-wealthy of both parties are getting around the limits on direct donations to candidates:

2 Donors Who Epitomize Why We Need Campaign Finance Reform in Wisconsin

matt-rothschild-2018I hope you find these pieces of interest.

And thanks for contacting Gov. Evers on the “riot” bill.


Matt Rothschild
Executive Director
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


P.S. Please support our urgent work protecting our democracy. Click here to pay by credit card or PayPal. Or you can send us a check, made out to the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, and mail it to us at 203 S. Paterson St., Suite 100, Madison WI 53703. Thanks!

Investigating Wisconsin’s fake electors - Battleground Wisconsin Podcast PDF Print E-mail
Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Matt Brusky   
Friday, 28 January 2022 09:53

wi-fake-electionsMILWAUKEE, WI - We welcome State Senator Chris Larson for an extensive conversation about revelations he and Rep. Brostoff dug up this week about the direct role of Wisconsin Congressman Scott Fitzgerald in sending forged Trump electors to Congress. Will Fitzgerald and his conspirators in the Wisconsin GOP be investigated by Wisconsin Attorney General Josh Kaul?

The panel also comments on the big news that U.S. Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer will retire this year, setting off speculation about the nomination of the first African American woman on the high court. We also discuss the continued fight for the Build Back Better agenda, Vice President Kamala Harris’ visit to Milwaukee to promote federal infrastructure money for lead pipes, and the smear campaign of corporate Democrats targeting President Biden’s Chief of Staff Ron Klein for daring to empower the progressive wing of the Democratic Party.

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Last Updated on Friday, 28 January 2022 10:02
Democrats Deliver High-Speed Internet PDF Print E-mail
Written by WisDems Press, Julia Hamelburg   
Wednesday, 26 January 2022 20:45

internet-ruralWisconsinites will not forget that it was Democrats who made the state’s internet faster, more reliable, and affordable.

MADISON, Wis. – Thanks to investments from President Biden, Governor Evers, and Democrats in Congress, every neighborhood in Wisconsin will soon have access to high-speed internet. Funded by President Biden’s American Rescue Plan, which passed without the vote of a single Republican in Congress, Gov. Evers has provided millions of grants to expand access to high-speed internet in rural and urban communities across the state.

So far, Gov. Evers has allocated nearly $100 million in ARP grants to expand rural internet access – funding 83 projects. Just this week, the governor presented Vernon Communications Cooperative with a $5.6 million grant, which will help to bring fiber optic cables to 52 businesses and 993 homes, and Tri-County Communications with a $3.3 million grant, which will expand affordable internet in Buffalo and Jackson counties. Gov. Evers’ investments mean nearly 300,000 homes and businesses will be connected to high-speed internet.

Democrats are continuing to close the digital divide. President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law will dedicate an additional $100 million in federal funds to expand internet across the state. The infrastructure law will also enable 1,246,000 Wisconsinites –  22% of people in the state – to qualify for the Affordability Connectivity Benefit, which will help low-income families afford internet access.

U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo recently spoke with Wisconsin’s WMTV, further highlighting the Biden-Harris administration’s commitment to ensuring internet access in the Badger State is accessible and affordable. Secretary Raimondo explained how President Biden’s plan will ensure companies can’t mislead consumers about internet prices: “A requirement of any company that’s participating in the program is that they have price transparency. That they allow the consumers to comparison shop.”

Whether Wisconsinites are using the internet to launch new business ventures, work on homework, or connect with family and friends, they will not forget that it was Democrats who made the state’s internet faster, more reliable, and affordable – and that every Wisconsin Republican in Congress voted against the ARP and infrastructure law that made it possible.

LWVWI on Ballot Drop Box Decision PDF Print E-mail
Written by League Women Voters WI, Molly Carmichael   
Friday, 21 January 2022 18:13

voting-dropboxVoting should be accessible to all, say nonpartisan advocates for informed and active participation in government.

MADISON, WI–Casting a ballot is a process that must be accessible and secure for all voters. Time and time again Wisconsinites find themselves having to navigate around barriers.

On Thursday, Jan. 13, a Wisconsin Circuit Court judge made a decision to prohibit the use of drop boxes for the upcoming spring primary and election, even though many clerks have already created absentee voting instructions that include information about local drop boxes. Changing rules about the use of drop boxes and who can put a voter's absentee ballot in the mail or drop it off the clerk’s office will lead to enormous confusion from voters and clerks alike, and ultimately disenfranchise Wisconsinites, as voters prepare to make their voices heard in these important local elections.  The League has already filed an appeal to correct this unfortunate decision.

vote-47-mbOur elections are fair, safe and accurate but sham reviews and partisan games are increasingly making it more difficult for voters–especially youth, folks with disabilities, and people of color– to cast their ballots. This ruling ignores the fact that some voters are physically unable to put their ballots in the mail themselves due to a disability and leave those voters without options. The League of Women Voters of Wisconsin won’t stand for these purposeful tactics and will continue to stand up for voters and fight for the freedom to vote.

“We should be removing barriers to voting, not creating them. It should be encouraged. And, crucially, it must be accessible,” said Debra Cronmiller, executive director of the League of Women Voters of Wisconsin. “This decision will impact those with disabilities and mobility issues who may need a family member or friend to help them return their ballot.”

As we pointed out in court then, this is an attempt to disenfranchise people days before an election.

The League of Women Voters of Wisconsin advocates for measures that make voting something voters feel empowered and informed to do. Find information about how to vote in person or absentee in Wisconsin at


The League of Women Voters of Wisconsin is a nonpartisan political organization that advocates for informed and active participation in government. There are 20 local Leagues throughout Wisconsin. More information at

Last Updated on Saturday, 22 January 2022 11:30
Agard Supports Child Victims’ Act PDF Print E-mail
Written by Melissa Agard Press   
Friday, 21 January 2022 15:32

sexual-assault-childBill would extend the statute of limitations to file a civil action against a perpetrator of child sexual abuse to 45 years.

MADISON - Friday, Senator Melissa Agard (D-Madison) signed on to LRB 5747/5759, the Child Victims’ Act, a bill to extend the statute of limitations to file a civil action in court against a perpetrator of child sexual abuse to 45 years old.

Senator Agard released the following statement:

melissa-sargent“Survivors across our state deserve the opportunity to seek justice if they choose, extending the statute of limitations to age 45 gives survivors of childhood sexual abuse the ability to come forward when they are ready. Being a lead author on this legislation in previous sessions, it is great that more of my colleagues are recognizing the effect this bill will have on the people of Wisconsin. I want to thank Senator Joan Ballweg and Representative Jesse James for leading on this crucial piece of legislation and hearing the voices of survivors across the state. It is imperative that we support survivors and provide them avenues to seek justice on their terms and when they are ready. I am proud to be a part of this strong, bipartisan effort.

“While no piece of legislation can ever erase the trauma of sexual violence and abuse, no one should experience barriers to justice. It is the role of the government to step up and provide for a safer, more compassionate path so that people can heal. So that victims become survivors.

“For far too long, legal barriers have halted justice and healing for survivors. It is time to put an end to keeping the known abuse of children in the shadows. I look forward to seeing this bill move quickly through the legislative process.”

The Cause of Democracy: 1 year into the Biden Administration Battleground Wisconsin Podcast PDF Print E-mail
Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Matt Brusky   
Friday, 21 January 2022 11:44

biden-1yr-2022MILWAUKEE - Our panel reflects on the 1 year anniversary of the Biden Administration, taking stock of his governing successes and failures trying to manage a global pandemic, economic disruption, and an on-going right-wing insurrection. We review the record COVID case rates in Wisconsin last week, as the City of Milwaukee passes a new mask ordinance and Ron Johnson holds a Washington, DC event packed with medical quacks and other vaccine deniers. We welcome Shawn Phetteplace from Wisconsin’s Main Street Alliance to discuss the latest effort by Legislative Republicans to cut worker unemployment Insurance, access to healthcare, and food stamps in the name of putting people back to work. Shawn tells us what policy changes would actually help small businesses and workers in Wisconsin.

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Gov. Radio - Celebrating National Cheese Lover's Day, Investments to Support Wisconsin Farmers PDF Print E-mail
Written by GOV Press Wisconsin   
Friday, 21 January 2022 11:02

dairyfarm-wiMADISON — Gov. Tony Evers Thursday delivered the Democratic Radio Address wishing Wisconsinites a happy National Cheese Lover's Day and highlighting the governor's directed $100 million to support farmers and their families through the Farm Support program. The most recent round of payments announced last month provided direct aid payments to over 20,000 Wisconsin farmers.

Audio file of Radio Address.

tony-eversHey folks, Governor Tony Evers here wishing you a happy National Cheese Lover’s Day!

If you didn’t already know, I’m not only from Plymouth, which is the Cheese Capital of the World, but one of my first jobs was scraping mold off of cheese. So, I guess you could say I’ve been a longtime friend and fan of Wisconsin cheese.

Here in Wisconsin, we’re proud to be called America's Dairyland. Even during uncertain and challenging times, and especially these past two years, Wisconsin farmers kept working tirelessly to keep food on our tables and our grocery store shelves stocked, whether it was cheese, produce, meat—you name it!

And just as we have for generations, our state has relied on the resilience and dedication of our farmers. That’s why we’ve been working hard to get support to our farmers and recently announced that we’ve supported more than 20,000 Wisconsin farmers who have received a total of $50 million through my 2021 Farm Support Program.

Through three rounds of the Farm Support Program, we’ve now directed $100 million in direct aid payments to Wisconsin’s farmers and were able to help support more than 15,000 farmers in the first two rounds.

This is great news for our farmers, their families, and our agriculture industries, but it’s also great news for our state and our economy. As so many folks are worried about rising costs and supply chain issues affecting our communities, we know that having a strong agricultural economy and supporting our farmers are critically important to our state’s success and ensuring we have what we need here at home.

I'm proud to direct these funds to help bolster Wisconsin’s farm businesses, support our rural communities, and ensure the long-range recovery and success of our farmers, their families, and ag industries all across our state.

So, happy National Cheese Lover’s Day, Wisconsin!

Thank you.

Last Updated on Saturday, 22 January 2022 11:11
Wis Democracy Campaign - Don’t Expand Gableman’s Role PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, Matt Rothschild   
Friday, 21 January 2022 07:00

michael-gableman-we-the-poepleMatt Rothschild makes statement to the Assembly Committee on Campaigns and Elections opposing the motion to enlarge the scope of the special counsel's role.

Last Updated on Friday, 21 January 2022 18:01
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