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Governor Evers Delivers for Wisconsin PDF Print E-mail
Written by Melissa Agard Press   
Tuesday, 15 February 2022 21:46

tony-evers-s-sos-2022The issues that matter the most to people of Wisconsin are the same priorities as Governor Evers, says Madison area Senator.

Madison, WI – This evening, Governor Tony Evers delivered his 2022 State of the State Address. In it, the governor addressed challenges Wisconsin faced in 2021 in addition to priorities for his administration in 2022. Senator Melissa Agard (D-Madison) issued this statement in response to the governor’s State of the State Address:

“Governor Evers has kept his promise to the Wisconsin people and delivered results. Unlike my Republican colleagues, Governor Evers is not here to play political games or score political points—he cares about Wisconsin and her people, and has continued to put them first.

melissa-sargent“It’s no secret that we live in a time of political division, but Governor Evers has worked to bring our communities together through compassion, kindness, and respect. These last few years have been particularly challenging, but Governor Evers has continued to focus on health, safety, and prosperity for all of us.

“From investing in our small businesses and family farms to improving our infrastructure and transportation systems, Wisconsin is in a better place because of Governor Evers’ unrelenting commitment to our state. We’re seeing the results. Over thousands of miles of highways and bridges have been fixed. Broadband has continued to be invested in. Wisconsin is projected to have the largest surplus in state history, as well as a record low unemployment rate.

“The issues that matter the most to people of Wisconsin are the same priorities as Governor Evers: we need childcare to be more accessible and affordable, to support our Main Streets and local economies, to invest in our schoolteachers and public education, and to work for greener and more sustainable environmental practices. It’s clear that the governor and his administration are not only prioritizing the issues facing Wisconsin right now, but are working hard to build a better Wisconsin for generations to come.

“Wisconsin works best when our government and elected officials work for us. My Democratic colleagues and I join Governor Evers in working hard to ensure that this vision for a better Wisconsin becomes a reality for today, tomorrow, and the future. I applaud Governor Evers for his dedication and leadership.”

Last Updated on Saturday, 19 February 2022 10:55
Defend Our Freedom to Vote! PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, Matt Rothschild   
Friday, 11 February 2022 16:18

vote-unlockOn Monday, I testified before Senator Kathy Bernier’s Senate Committee on Elections, Election Process Reform, and Ethics about a bunch of anti-voter bills that I go into here:

A Barrage of Bad Election Bills

And yesterday, my colleague Iuscely Flores wrote about some important pro-voter bills:

Unlock The Vote to Eradicate Ages Old Jim Crow Legislation

So I’m hoping you’ll contact your legislators and urge them to support the good bills to Unlock the Vote and oppose the barrage of bad ones.

And also, please urge Gov. Evers to veto any anti-voter bills that land on his desk.

Go here for information on how to contact your legislator or the Governor.

Thanks for defending our freedom to vote!


Matt Rothschild
Executive Director
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P.S. Please send us a donation so we can keep fighting for our fundamental freedoms. It’s simply: Just click here. Or mail a check the old-fashioned way to the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, 203 S. Paterson St, Suite 100, Madison, WI 53703. Thanks for your support!

Trust is Complicated PDF Print E-mail
Written by Jeff Smith, State Senator District 31   
Wednesday, 09 February 2022 10:51

wi-senate-swearing-inSen. Jeff Smith writes about the importance of earned trust and doing one’s own research before making conclusions.

Wis Democracy Campaign - A Barrage of Bad Election Bills PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, Matt Rothschild   
Tuesday, 08 February 2022 10:26

voting-dropboxMatt's testimony to the Senate Committee on Elections, Election Process Reform, and Ethics in Opposition to SB 934, SB 935, SB 936, SB 937, SB 939, SB 940, SB 941, SB 943, and SJR 101 on February 7, 2022

Agard Responds to Medical Marijuana Bill PDF Print E-mail
Written by GBP Staff   
Tuesday, 08 February 2022 10:26

hemp-farmer-wiscMedical Marijuana is a start, but Wisconsin's best move is through fully legalized cannabis says Madison Senator.

MADISON - Monday, Senator Jon Erpenbach (D-West Point) and Representative Dianne Hesselbein (D-Middleton) released LRB-5891, a bill to legalize cannabis for medicinal purposes. Senator Melissa Agard (D-Madison) released the following statement:

melissa-sargent“Wisconsin will best move forward through fully legalized cannabis for adult, responsible usage. That is where I am putting my time and energy.

“It is clear that policymakers inside the Capitol are now ready to have these conversations - so let’s have that discussion. We have a lot of options on the table to consider, let’s start by having public hearings so the people of Wisconsin can have their voices heard. Folks are ready for these discussions, its past time to act and put cannabis legislation through the legislative process.

“Wisconsin is ready for legal cannabis. Communities most affected by disparate and outdated drug policies are ready. Our farmers are ready. Our Main Streets are ready. Let’s do this together - let’s legalize cannabis.”

Wis Democracy Campaign - The Roots of Anti-Democracy PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, Matt Rothschild   
Friday, 04 February 2022 19:36

anti-democracyMADISON - I’ve been giving lots of talks lately about the dangerous threats to our democracy, and I wanted to share my latest one with you, which explores the roots of the anti-democracy movement we’re facing right now:

The Roots of the Anti-Democracy Movement

This week, our research team tracked the money that corporations gave to political parties and legislative campaign committees last year. Find out which companies gave the most here:

State Parties, Legislative Campaign Committees Accepted $1.3M in Corporate Contributions in 2021

And our research team profiled Betsy DeVos’s public school privatization group, which has spent more than $8 million in Wisconsin since 2010 to elect Republican legislators who will siphon off your tax dollars and give them to private schools:

Influence Peddler for February 2022 – American Federation for Children

Meanwhile, our Racial Equity and Economic Justice Advocate Iuscely Flores wrote about the misplaced priorities of Republicans in our legislature when it comes to combating crime:

We Say Defund, Republicans Say Fund, Fund Fund!

matt-rothschildThanks, as always, for supporting our work, and I hope you have a nice weekend.


Matt Rothschild
Executive Director
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Gov. Address - More Than $20 Million in Tourism Capital Investment Grants Across the State PDF Print E-mail
Written by GOV Press Wisconsin   
Friday, 04 February 2022 11:04

evers-speaksMADISON — Gov. Tony Evers today delivered the Democratic Radio Address highlighting $21.9 million in grants announced earlier this week awarded to 27 local governments and organizations through the Tourism Capital Investment Grant Program. These grants will support major tourism-related capital improvement projects across the state that will help promote, maintain, or bolster Wisconsin's tourism industry.

Audio File of Radio Address.

Hi, folks. Governor Tony Evers here.

Tourism is a $17.3 billion industry in our state that supports more than 150,000 jobs in communities across Wisconsin. In fact, the overall Wisconsin tourism industry recovery last fall even outpaced the national average.

That’s exactly why we’ve made major investments in our tourism industry, providing more than $200 million in support throughout the last two years.

We know that the tourism industry is critically important for our local economies—promoting events, small businesses, local restaurants and hotels, outdoor recreation industries, and so much more.

And that if we want to continue this industry’s success—and all the industries that depend on it—we need to make long-term investments to ensure this essential part of our economy stays strong.

So, this week, I announced our Tourism Capital Investment Grant Program to provide up to $3.5 million grants for shovel-ready tourism-related investment projects that help promote, maintain, or bolster Wisconsin's tourism industry.

That grant program received 200 applicants and this week, we are announcing more than $20 million in grants will be distributed across the state to help areas that serve as gateways for national and international visitors to experience all Wisconsin has to offer.

From Green Bay to Hayward to Wisconsin Dells—and everywhere in between—these projects will bring more folks to our state, encourage them to stay a little longer and spend a few extra bucks, and that means more jobs and economic activity for all the hard-working folks here in Wisconsin.

Thanks so much.

Wisconsin is key to fraudulent Trump electors” Battleground Wisconsin Podcast PDF Print E-mail
Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Matt Brusky   
Friday, 04 February 2022 10:39

wi-trump-electors-2022MILWAUKEE - We discuss what’s next for the Build Back Better agenda and breaking news on Citizen Action’s upcoming Congressional Week of Action. The panel talks about a bombshell New York Times report that Wisconsin was at the epicenter of the plot to send fake electors, a key piece of Donald Trump’s insurrection plot. In the Legislature this week Republicans introduced a series of bills to rig future elections, while Senate Minority Leader Janet Bewley announced her retirement. We close with an interview of Marina Dimitrijevic, Citizen Actions’ newly endorsed candidate for Milwaukee Mayor.

Download Mp3

Last Updated on Friday, 04 February 2022 10:55
Northwoods Leaders Applaud Governor’s Commitment to Paper and Forest Products Industries PDF Print E-mail
Written by Janet Bewley Press, State Senator Dist 25   
Friday, 04 February 2022 07:44

forest-productsArea has secured $11.8 million in funds from businesses, tribal and local governments, individuals, and nonprofits, and this additional commitment from Governor Evers will bridge the gap to qualify for the $100 million grant.

MADISON, WI – Wednesday, Governor Tony Evers announced that he will commit up to $8.2 million in matching funds to help Wisconsin paper and forest products industry stakeholders secure a $100 million federal Build Back Better Challenge Grant. Governor Evers and Wisconsin Economic Development Council (WEDC) CEO Missy Hughes have also sent a letter to U.S. Department of Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo in support of the grant application.

The coalition has already secured $11.8 million in funds from businesses, tribal and local governments, individuals, and nonprofits, and this additional commitment from Governor Evers will bridge the gap to make sure they have the full $20 million in matching funds required to qualify for the $100 million grant.

Senate Minority Leader Janet Bewley (D-Delta) and Representative Katrina Shankland (D-Stevens Point) issued the following statements in support of the Governor’s announcement:

janet-bewley“I am thrilled to hear that our paper and forest products industries have the golden opportunity to secure up to $100 million in federal funds,” Senator Bewley said. “The paper and forest products industries are a driving economic force in both our state and our Northwoods community, and one of our top employers. I commend Governor Evers for his commitment to this vital sector, and I am nothing but optimistic that our great state’s paper and forest products industries will continue to flourish.”

katrina_shanklanddRep. Shankland added, “I’m very pleased that Governor Evers has committed the state support needed to ensure that Wisconsin’s grant application for the Build Back Better Regional Challenge is eligible to apply for the next round of funding. This $8.2 million in state funding is pivotal to strengthening the important work of the coalition as they promote the paper and forestry industries in Wisconsin. It will pay significant dividends as the coalition competes for additional federal funds.

“I strongly support the grant application from the Wisconsin Paper Council, Mid-State Technical College, Great Lakes Timber Professionals Association, Sustainable Resource Institute, UW-Stevens Point’s Wisconsin Institute for Sustainable Technology, Menominee Nation Tribal Enterprises, and the Wisconsin DNR’s Division of Forestry to strengthen our state's forestry and paper industries. This partnership is key to supporting workers and local businesses in these industries while bolstering the state's economy. Governor Evers’ leadership to ensure the paper and forestry industries have the resources they need to be successful is greatly appreciated.”

Thank You to our Clerks PDF Print E-mail
Written by Mark Smith, Oconto Falls, WI   
Tuesday, 01 February 2022 11:00

voteA brave voice from those of us who live in rural counties overrun and conquered by our ex-president speaks out on the current climate of fear.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 01 February 2022 11:22
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