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The Conspiracy Against Everything - Battleground Wisconsin Podcast PDF Print E-mail
Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Matt Brusky   
Friday, 11 March 2022 14:20

conspiracy-2022MILWAUKEE - From the conservative leaning WI Supreme Court making up the new “least changes” redistricting criterion to the Republican attempt to funnel public dollars to private schools, it seems the Sith Lords of the WI GOP are embarrassing the dark side…again! We delve into the new political maps for Wisconsin and give some political insider perspective of the new districts pros and cons. Our eye-rolling won’t stop with the newly released Galbegate records showing Gableman’s massive spending of public money on himself, while continuing to drive his big-lie partisan election review into the toilet. And the hits keep rolling as we call out RoJo’s past pro-Putin support and how he continues to show his unworthiness to be in office (don’t forget to Vote Nov 8th!). Speaking of terrible leadership…did you hear about the one where a bunch of white people who don’t live in Milwaukee want to dismantle the multi-racial Milwaukee School district? Join us as we try to find the punchline.

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Agard Reacts to Last Senate Session Day PDF Print E-mail
Written by Melissa Agard Press   
Thursday, 10 March 2022 09:52

sos-2020A session of missed opportunities says Madison Senator.

Madison, WI – Tuesday the Wisconsin State Senate had their last session day for the 2021-22 legislative session. Senator Agard (D-Madison) released the following statement:

melissa-sargent“Every two years as legislators, we have the opportunity to prioritize the issues affecting our state. Instead of continuing to work for the Wisconsin people during the worst pandemic we’ve experienced in a century, Republican leadership has gaveled out for the rest of the session.

“This is a session of missed opportunities for Wisconsinites across the state. Instead of working towards a common vision during this legislative session, my Republican colleagues failed to prioritize the big issues affecting our state: from clean water and green environmental practices, to reliable infrastructure and transportation, to legalizing cannabis and raising the minimum wage. Despite deep bipartisan support for these policies, many of them did not even receive a public hearing from the Republican majority.

“This isn’t right, and Wisconsin deserves better. My Democratic colleagues and I have been working hard for our state and are committed to working for the interests of all Wisconsinites. While Republicans have dedicated this session to advancing corporate interests and perpetuating conspiracy theories and harmful policy—such as making it more difficult to vote—Democrats and Governor Evers have stayed vigilant for the interest of the people and the greater good.

“My legislative agenda will always reflect the will of the people, and I look forward to continuing to address the issues that matter most in Wisconsin in the next legislative session.”

Gableman Grift Must Be Put to an End PDF Print E-mail
Written by Melissa Agard Press   
Wednesday, 09 March 2022 18:00

michael-gableman-we-the-poepleContract extension from Speaker Vos is outrageous and a gross abuse of taxpayer dollars, says Sen. Agard.

Madison, WI – Tuesday, Assembly Speaker Robin Vos (R-Rochester) signed a new contract with Former Justice Michael Gableman to extend his review of the 2020 November election. This extension follows Gableman’s original contract that expired on December 31, 2021. Senator Melissa Agard (D-Madison) released the following statement:

melissa-sargent“After Former Justice Gableman presented his embarrassing sham of an investigation to the Assembly Committee on Campaigns and Elections last week, I had sincerely hoped that we put the conspiracies regarding the November 2020 election to rest.

“This extension from Speaker Vos is outrageous and a gross abuse of taxpayer dollars. Instead of using these funds to invest in and better our state, Republicans continue to fund conspiracy theories and harmful rhetoric with taxpayer dollars. Over half a million taxpayer dollars have cushioned Gableman’s pockets for the last eight months, and the GOP is inciting this corruption.

“Do the right-wing extremists realize that their taxpayer dollars are quite literally paying for Gableman’s Costco membership, Netflix subscriptions, and Uber rides? We know from recent records that Gableman is grifting Wisconsinites in the name of an election investigation. This abuse is disgusting and cannot continue.

“I am calling on Former Justice Gableman to pay back the taxpayers of Wisconsin for these frivolous expenses and stop stealing from us.”

Wisconsin Supreme Court’s decision on maps "Best of the worst" PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Conservation Voters, Ryan Billingham   
Friday, 04 March 2022 11:21

vote-47-mbMaps adopted by Court on Thursday are still hyper-partisan and preserve a built-in advantage for one party, say Conservation Voters.

MADISON – Today, the Wisconsin State Supreme Court adopted the “least change” version of Gov. Tony Evers’s legislative maps.

Civic Engagement Director Anjali Bhasin had this to say about today’s decision:

“While the Supreme Court ruled to adopt the better option under a “least change” framework today, these maps are still hyper-partisan and preserve a built-in advantage for one party.

The court’s decision earlier this year to use a “least change” approach ensured that the maps adopted will further unfairly entrench a hyper-partisan state legislature. This is a clear example of decision-making rooted in the desire to centralize and consolidate Republican single-party power without considering the will of the people and well-being of Wisconsinites, further eroding Wisconsinites’ ability to choose their own representatives.

Over the last decade, we have observed the perilous effects and impacts of gerrymandering on the lives of Wisconsinites especially when it comes to issues like clean air, clean water, and voter access. Overall, we are disappointed by the court’s decision to adopt maps that subvert the will of the people.”

You can access the court’s ruling here.

Agard Comments on Wisconsin Supreme Court Decision PDF Print E-mail
Written by Melissa Agard Press   
Friday, 04 March 2022 11:13

wi-fair-mapsOf all the maps before the Supreme Court, the governor’s maps were the best choice, says Senator.

Madison, WI – Thursday, the Wisconsin Supreme Court announced their decision for the new Wisconsin legislative maps. These maps will dictate Wisconsin’s state legislative districts as well as congressional districts for the next 10 years in Wisconsin. Senator Melissa Agard (D-Madison) released the following statement regarding this decision:

melissa-sargent“Of all the maps before the Supreme Court, the governor’s maps were the best choice to ensure the most competitive districts and to move Wisconsin forward in having the will of the people represented in the legislature.

“Yes, I still strongly believe non-partisan redistricting is the best option and I will continue to steadfastly work toward that goal, but in this legal case, the governor’s maps reflected the most democratic option. I want to thank Governor Evers for his unwavering commitment to ensuring that the Wisconsin people have the best chance at having their voices heard through their elected officials.

“Voters should choose their elected officials, not the other way around. For the last ten years, Wisconsin has been crippled by our gerrymandered maps that has resulted in a state government that is not responsive to the people it represents. Wisconsin’s current maps, as drawn in secret by Republicans in 2011, have even been recognized as one of the worst states in the nation in terms of gerrymandering. This decision in support of Governor Evers’ maps is the best possible outcome for the people of Wisconsin.

“Non-partisan redistricting is the best method to reflect the will of the people, but Governor Evers’ maps are a significant step forward for Wisconsin.”

Pathbreaking BadgerCare Public Option Bill Unveiled - Battleground Wisconsin PDF Print E-mail
Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Matt Brusky   
Friday, 04 March 2022 09:07

badgercare-poll-2022MILWAUKEE - Public option, what? A sweeping BadgerCare Public Option Bill was announced this week in the Legislature, which does more than any bill introduced in over a decade to make health care more affordable and accessible in Wisconsin. We hit on the top details of the BadgerCare Public Option Bill and why it’s so important that legislation like this gets a fair hearing. In the weird and dangerous news of the week, disgraced ex-judge Michael Gableman is back in our chatter-box telling an Assembly committee that he was joining the circus. Okay maybe not, but he did give a clownish performance that spewed anti-democracy propaganda and bizarre conspiracy theories. Will Gableman succeed in nullifying Biden’s 2020 victory in Wisconsin and selling Donald Trump’s Big Lie? We also cover the latest Marquette Law School Poll and wonder, despite the media hoopla, if we really learned anything all that valuable.  We wrap it up this week with a quick yap about the stellar pick of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson by President Biden for the US Supreme Court. Go Badgers!


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The Opportunity to Do What’s Right PDF Print E-mail
Written by Jeff Smith, State Senator District 31   
Wednesday, 23 February 2022 10:47

evers-sos-2022Sen. Smith recaps Governor Evers’ 2022 State of the State Address highlighting the accomplishments from the last year and the governor’s plan to keep our state moving forward.

Wis Democracy Campaign - Will DA Ozanne Indict the False Electors? PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, Matt Rothschild   
Friday, 18 February 2022 15:06

2022-moneyMADISON - We need accountability for the crimes against our democracy.

That means accountability for Donald Trump.

And it means accountability for anyone in Wisconsin who were co-conspirators in the coup attempt.

On Wednesday, our legal allies over at Law Forward asked Dane County District Attorney Ismael Ozanne to prosecute the Republican false electors. I write about that here:

Law Forward Asks DA Ozanne to Go After False Electors

On the legal beat, I also wrote about the horrendous decision by the Wisconsin Supreme Court late last Friday that infringes on our freedom to vote:

Wisconsin Supreme Court’s Horrible Ruling on Drop Boxes and Ballot Delivery Assistance

And on the campaign finance front, we noted that Republican fundraising for legislative races in Wisconsin is far outpacing that of the Democrats:

GOP Lawmakers Had 4x More Cash Than Dems Entering 2022

matt-rothschildThis is what we do, day in and day out: We track the money, we expose the anti-democracy forces, and we advocate for a broad range of pro-democracy reforms so that everyone can have an equal voice.  

Thanks for supporting us in these efforts.


Matt Rothschild
Executive Director
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P.S. If you’d like to send us a donation, you can do so by clicking here and pay with credit card or PayPal, or the old-fashioned way by sending us a check, made out to the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, and mailed to our office at 203 S. Paterson St. Suite 100, Madison WI 53703. We really appreciate it!

“Texas sized Wisconsin emergency” Battleground Wisconsin Podcast PDF Print E-mail
Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Matt Brusky   
Friday, 18 February 2022 11:19

texas-size-2022MILWAUKEE - We welcome Courtney Hayward and Tanya Atkinson from Planned Parenthood Advocates of Wisconsin to the show to talk about the impending threat to reproductive healthcare in Wisconsin. In addition to the looming threat to Roe v. Wade by a lawless right-wing Supreme Court, the State Legislature introduced a Texas style ban, which could end reproductive freedom even if Roe is not overturned. Next, Ben Wilson, Citizen Action Driftless Coop Organizer, joins us to urge you to attend the virtual, In The Wash: A Virtual Workshop About Wisconsin Water Quality, where you can learn how to help protect Wisconsin water.  We discuss Republican state legislative attacks on BadgerCare and public education, Robert raises concerns about an anti-Asian hate bill in the legislature targeting the UW System, and we shout out state Sen. Jeff Smith for speaking truth telecom corporate conspiracy against universal broadband in Wisconsin.


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Stubbs on Governor Evers’ State of the State Address PDF Print E-mail
Written by Shelia Stubbs Press   
Wednesday, 16 February 2022 11:56

evers-sos-2022This administration has shown that we can do great things when we take action, says Representative Stubbs.

MADISON, WI- On Tuesday Governor Tony Evers gave his annual State of the State address, outlining Wisconsin’s accomplishments from this past year. On this, Representative Stubbs (D-Madison) released the following statement.

“Tonight Governor Evers has shown us exactly what the benefits are of leading with competence, empathy, and respect. When we focus on lifting each other up, we lift ourselves as well. Investing in our communities and investing in each other makes Wisconsin a better place to live and work for everyone.”

shelia-stubbs“Thanks to Governor Evers’ administration, our share of federal aid has increased and we have succeeded in putting that money to work. By directing it towards economic development and support for small businesses, our communities are set to succeed. In addition, Governor Evers announced his ‘Get Kids Ahead’ initiative, which will provide $20 million to our public schools to support the mental health of our students. I applaud Governor Evers for putting the people of Wisconsin first, and directing funding to where it is needed most.”

“This administration has shown that we can do great things when we take action. Our state’s $3.8 billion surplus can make a huge difference in the lives of Wisconsin families. Governor Evers’ surplus plan to give every Wisconsinite a surplus refund, invest in education, and provide a caregiver tax-credit will be a game-changer for our state.”

“I am proud to have a Governor that continues to fight for the families of Wisconsin. I urge our legislative leaders to take the Governor’s call for a special session seriously, vote to bring relief to Wisconsin families. Together, we can build a better future for generations of Wisconsinites yet to come.

“This will be an exciting year for Wisconsin and I look forward to building off of this success. I am proud to say that our state is heading in the right direction and that there is so much potential for progress.”

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