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Conservation Voters Endorse New Environmental Justice Office PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Conservation Voters, Ryan Billingham   
Friday, 22 April 2022 14:04

evers-annc-earthofficeGov. Evers makes historic announcement on Friday establishing the Office of Environmental Justice

MADISON – Today, Gov. Tony Evers announced the creation of the Office of Environmental Justice at the Wisconsin Department of Administration (DOA), a state office that will work with and support communities that have been historically disenfranchised in the fight against climate change.

Wisconsin Conservation Voters and its members have supported the creation of this office in past state budgets, where it was unfortunately stripped out by members of the Joint Finance Committee. We applaud the governor for his continued commitment to establishing it via Executive Order 161.

Angelito Tenorio, Wisconsin Conservation Voters’ Engagement and Development Manager and member of the Milwaukee Environmental Roundtable, had this to say about the Office of Environmental Justice:

“Today’s announcement is historic and much needed. The creation of the Office of Environmental Justice was possible thanks to the collaborative work of the Milwaukee Environmental Justice Roundtable and Gov. Evers.

Both Wisconsin Conservation Voters and the Milwaukee Environmental Justice Roundtable thank Gov. Evers and his administration for its commitment to creating this office in collaboration with the communities most affected by climate change.

Black, Indigenous, and other communities of color have historically been left out of the decision-making process and excluded from the environmental movement. These communities are disproportionately affected by climate impacts and must be at the table when decisions are being made.

The Office of Environmental Justice is a vital step toward addressing the generations of harm done and to dismantling systems that threaten the wellbeing of these communities.”

Wisconsin Democrats Celebrate Earth Day PDF Print E-mail
Written by WisDems Press   
Friday, 22 April 2022 09:46

gaylord-nelsonMADISON, Wis., — Today, in honor of Earth Day, Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair Ben Wikler released the following statement:

“52 years ago, Wisconsin’s own Democratic Senator Gaylord Nelson founded Earth Day — a global celebration of the environmental movement and the need for education, reform, and protection. Our state has a long history spearheading environmental movements, beginning with the Native Tribes, who are the original stewards of our land and continue to work tirelessly to protect it.

“Earth Day helped catalyze and fuel the transformative grassroots movement that pushed leaders to create the Environmental Protection Agency, the Clean Air Act, and the Clean Water Act. As the climate crisis accelerates, Democrats – both nationally and in Wisconsin – champion legislation to protect our planet, working towards a greener, cleaner future for generations to come. This week, the Governor announced Wisconsin’s first ever Clean Energy Plan, which will create over 40,000 jobs while working towards a reliable and affordable energy plan that works with our natural resources. Governor Evers has also pledged to make Wisconsin carbon neutral by 2050.

“Building on Governor Evers’ commitments, President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law will invest billions to fund critical clean-up projects along the Great Lakes and makes the largest investment in electric vehicle charging in American history.

“A half-century in Wisconsin’s past, Senator Nelson described the work of the environmental movement as requiring ‘a long, sustained, political, moral, ethical and financial commitment, far beyond any other commitment ever made by any society in history.’ Wisconsin Democrats are committed to carrying that commitment forward, to protecting and restoring our environment, and to working towards a healthier, cleaner planet for generations to come.”

Conservation Voters applaud Gov. Tony Evers’ historic release of Clean Energy Plan PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Conservation Voters, Ryan Billingham   
Wednesday, 20 April 2022 16:01

clean-energy-2022Plan meets the scale and scope needed to properly address the climate crisis says group.

Hagedorn’s Pathetic Surrender PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, Matt Rothschild   
Wednesday, 20 April 2022 08:15

wi-fair-mapsMADISON - The decision by the Wisconsin Supreme Court, late last Friday, to impose the rigged Republican maps on us is one of the most infuriating in recent memory.

Infuriating because it violates the separation of powers and the people’s will.

Justice Brian Hagedorn was especially pathetic in his surrender to his nasty conservative colleagues.

I write about all this here: Hagedorn Blinks on Maps.

But rest assured, we will continue to fight to ban gerrymandering in Wisconsin until victory is won.

We’ll also keep tracking all the money in our politics.

matt-rothschildOur online individual contributor database is up to date through December 31, 2021, for all current state office holders, LCCs and their segregated funds. Rebecca Kleefisch is in there too.

Go here to take a look:


Matt Rothschild
Executive Director
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Agard Denounces Wisconsin Supreme Court Decision on Legislative Maps PDF Print E-mail
Written by Melissa Agard Press   
Friday, 15 April 2022 20:53

capitol-night-wiscOur state has suffered tremendously in the last ten years due too grossly gerrymandered maps. Today, the Wisconsin Supreme Court gave us another ten, says Senator.

Madison, WI – Today, the Wisconsin Supreme Court announced the adoption of the GOP’s legislative maps in a 4-3 ruling. Justice Hagedorn, after previously backing Governor Evers’ maps, joined fellow conservatives on the vote. State Senator Melissa Agard (D-Madison) released the following statement:

melissa-sargent“This is a terrible day for democracy in Wisconsin. Our state and our democracy has suffered tremendously in the last ten years due too grossly rigged, gerrymandered maps by the GOP behind closed doors. Today, the Wisconsin Supreme Court has sided with another ten years of highly partisan maps.

“Once again, the Wisconsin Supreme Court has demonstrated that they do not believe in upholding judicial fairness. Instead, this decision will only further suppress Wisconsin voters, who are already suffering the consequences of gerrymandering.

“The people of Wisconsin are fierce advocates for fair, nonpartisan maps. Voters should be choosing their elected officials—not the other way around. I am ashamed of this blatantly partisan decision made by the State Supreme Court.

“We must keep fighting for fair maps. Wisconsin’s democracy has never been more in jeopardy.”

Last Updated on Saturday, 16 April 2022 15:02
“Goodbye to Claire” Battleground Wisconsin Podcast PDF Print E-mail
Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Matt Brusky   
Friday, 15 April 2022 08:53

bye-claire-2022MILWAUKEE - We say goodbye to panelist Claire Zautke who is leaving Citizen Action to join Milwaukee Mayor Cavalier Johnson’s new administration in a senior policy position. The panel discusses the GOP effort to stop Governor Evers Administration from using the state’s energy efficiency program to lower carbon emissions, showing yet again how dangerous conservative ideology is for the future of humanity. The public wants to respond to the climate crisis, but will Democrats finally be effective at holding them accountable at the ballot box? We take a deep dive into Wisconsin’s new Congressional maps and compare their competitiveness over the last two decades and the role the urban/rural divide plays in the expansion of “safe seats.” Citizen Action Driftless Cooperative organizer Ben Wilson joins us to promote a La Crosse Earth Day event next Friday. We close by welcoming Justice Global’s Tobita Chow to discuss his In These Times Magazine editorial on the war in Ukraine. We also dig into U.S. Senate Candidate Alex Lasry’s anti-China ad. Are Democratic politicos urging China-bashing as a political strategy in 2022?




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Last Updated on Saturday, 16 April 2022 09:03
Voting Rights at the Wis. Supreme Court PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, Matt Rothschild   
Thursday, 14 April 2022 20:58

vote-denied-wdcWisconsin Supreme Court hearing on drop boxes Wednesday featured arrogant attitude and shoddy arguments of rightwing Institute for Law and Liberty.

Kaul, Legislative Democrats Renew Commitment to Progressive Public Safety PDF Print E-mail
Written by Melissa Agard Press   
Thursday, 14 April 2022 10:49

gb-policeMadison, WI – Wednesday, Attorney General Kaul and Legislative Democrats highlighted their commitment to public safety through the Safer Wisconsin legislation, a comprehensive package to reduce crime and support stronger communities. State Senator Melissa Agard (D-Madison) released the following statement:

melissa-sargent“I was honored to join Attorney General Kaul, Representative McGuire, and my Democratic colleagues to renew our commitment to sensible, progressive safety in Wisconsin. Everyone deserves to feel safe and secure where they live. The Safer Wisconsin package both honors Wisconsin’s progressive tradition and provides a path forward for pragmatic public safety.

“We know that there are sensible policies that will make a real difference—from keeping guns out of the hands of people who have shown they are dangerous, to strengthening our communities’ trust and preventing crime, to addressing substance use disorders and mental health crises, to holding offenders accountable.

“We also know that our current systems do not work to benefit of all—especially for Black and Brown neighbors. Now more than ever, it is crucial that we install thoughtful policies that will reform historically harmful institutions. The Safer Wisconsin legislation offers commons sense, practical measures for safety and equity.

“Public safety should not be a partisan issue. While my Republican colleagues have gaveled out for the session and decided the work is done, I continue to stand with Attorney General Kaul and my Democratic colleagues to reaffirm our dedication to a vision of progressive public safety.”

Senator Agard Responds to Medical Marijuana Bill Hearing PDF Print E-mail
Written by Melissa Agard Press   
Tuesday, 12 April 2022 09:31

marijuana-farmerWisconsin are ready for cannabis reform, but Republicans refuse to listen, says Senator.

Madison, WI – Monday, the Senate Committee on Insurance, Licensing and Forestry noticed that it would hold a public hearing on Senate Bill 1034 relating to medical marijuana on Wednesday, April 20th. Senator Melissa Agard (D-Madison) responded to the notice:

melissa-sargent“The people of Wisconsin are ready for cannabis reform. It is supported by the majority of the residents of our state, including a majority of Republicans. While I’m encouraged people will have the ability to come testify at a public hearing, it is disappointing that we had 15 months of session in which we could have rolled up our sleeves and worked in a bipartisan manner on this important and complex policy. Sadly, Republicans are all talk and no action when it comes to legalization efforts in Wisconsin.

“For the second straight session, legislative Republicans have introduced a late session, politically motivated bill to try and fool the people of Wisconsin into thinking they are genuine about legalization. Having a public hearing after session has already been gaveled out is a cynical political ploy that gives people false hope about the prospects of this legislation.

“I have been earnestly working for full cannabis legalization for adult responsible use for over nine years. In that time, I have reached out to my colleagues on the other side of the aisle to legalize cannabis for Wisconsin in a bipartisan manner—but not a single Republican has ever taken me up on this opportunity to put out a bipartisan bill.

“I am disappointed by my Republican colleagues’ constant refusal to do the right thing and listen to Wisconsinites when it comes to the issue of cannabis legalization. My efforts will always work towards full cannabis legalization.”

WisDems on Historic Ketanji Brown Jackson Appointment and Ron Johnson’s Unacceptable Opposition PDF Print E-mail
Written by WisDems Press, Julia Hamelburg   
Friday, 08 April 2022 10:27

ron-johnson-dc-2022After years of obediently voting to confirm extremist and hyper-partisan judges dead set on rolling back the clock on hard-fought freedoms, Ron Johnson once again put his self-serving agenda before the people of Wisconsin say Democrats.

MADISON, Wis. – Just one year after being sworn into office, President Biden fulfilled his promise of nominating the first Black woman to the Supreme Court – and Thursday, Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson has made history with her confirmation as our next justice. After a rigorous confirmation process rife with Republican obstruction and blatant contempt, it’s more clear than ever that Judge Jackson will be a superb jurist on the nation’s highest court.

Despite the public’s broad bipartisan support for Judge Jackson, with Republican senators themselves noting her astute qualifications and “her demonstrated judicial independence,” Ron Johnson voted against confirming one of the most qualified candidates ever nominated to the U.S. Supreme Court. In response, Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair Ben Wikler released the following statement:

ketanji-brown-jackson“Wisconsin and the United States will be better off with Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson sitting on the highest court in our land – her qualifications are second to none and her record shows she is someone who will always fight for fairness and justice. Today’s vote not only adds a brilliant legal mind to the Supreme Court but will also ensure the Supreme Court better reflects the diversity of Wisconsin and our nation.

"After years of obediently voting to confirm extremist and hyper-partisan judges dead set on rolling back the clock on hard-fought freedoms, Ron Johnson once again put his self-serving agenda before the people of Wisconsin and voted against Judge Jackson, an experienced and fair judge who will always uphold our Constitution and the rule of law.”

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