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Wis Democracy Campaign - The Toll of Citizens United PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, Matt Rothschild   
Friday, 20 January 2023 16:22

vote-citizens-united-protestProgressive Matt Rothschild comments on Citizens United, WEC's Robert Spindell, the Wisconsin Supreme Court Candidates and more.

Last Updated on Saturday, 21 January 2023 13:44
Agard Reacts to 50th Anniversary of Roe v Wade PDF Print E-mail
Written by Melissa Agard Press   
Friday, 20 January 2023 15:51

womens-healthNo government entity should interfere with complex medical decisions and there is absolutely no room for a politician, law enforcement officer, or judge in the doctor’s office of any individual.

Gerrymandered Legislature off the rails in first week - Battleground Wisconsin Podcast PDF Print E-mail
Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Matt Brusky   
Friday, 20 January 2023 08:08

gerrymandered-smith-2023MILWAUKEE - We are joined by State Senator Jeff Smith to discuss the first week of the gerrymandered State Legislature. Seeking to influence the State Supreme Court race, the session opened by placing on the Spring ballot a cynical political referendum asking voter opinion on a BadgerCare work requirement and a constitutional amendment on cash bail. The top priority of this illegitimate Legislature appears to be more tax giveaways for the ultra rich. Sen. Smith tells us why he is leading the charge to oppose the Republican attack on Wisconsin’s progressive income tax.

We also talk about state budget strategy,rural broadband, and the deepening bi-partisan public concern over PFAS in our water. Eau Claire City Council member and Citizen Action Organizing Director Kate Felton joins us to discuss her effort to organize local leaders in Western Wisconsin to fight for desperately needed increases in state shared revenue to municipalities during the upcoming state budget fight.

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Last Updated on Saturday, 21 January 2023 13:17
Smith Calls for Spindell’s Dismissal from WEC PDF Print E-mail
Written by Jeff Smith, State Senator District 31   
Thursday, 19 January 2023 12:14

vote-election-workerMADISON – Senator Jeff Smith (D-New Brunswick) joined his Democratic colleagues in the State Senate in calling for the resignation or dismissal of Wisconsin Elections Commissioner Bob Spindell following comments Spindell made bragging about voter suppression targeting Black and Brown people in Milwaukee, then doubling down on his statements.

jeff-smith“Republicans have been covertly using voter suppression for years, and Mr. Spindell’s boasts make that clear,” said Smith. “For years, Republicans have employed these tactics, but overtly bragging about it warrant his removal as a board member on our agency to oversee elections. While I am not surprised by these comments, I am appalled that Mr. Spindell remains in a position of public trust.

“It’s appalling that he remains on the commission,” Smith continued. “If Mr. Spindell doesn’t do the right thing and resign, it falls solely on Senator LeMahieu to remove him from the commission as his pick.”

The 31st Senate District includes all of Buffalo, Pepin and Trempealeau counties and portions of Pierce, Dunn, Eau Claire, Jackson and St. Croix counties.

Agard Wants WEC’s Bob Spindell to Resign PDF Print E-mail
Written by Melissa Agard Press   
Thursday, 19 January 2023 12:03

wi-elections-commMADISON – Yesterday, Senate Democrats and community leaders called for the resignation of Wisconsin Election Commissioner Bob Spindell after he celebrated successful voter suppression efforts in the 2022 election. Last week, it came to light that Senate Republican appointment to the Wisconsin Elections Commission, Bob Spindell, sent an email stating that Republicans ‘can be especially proud of the City of Milwaukee (80.2% Dem Vote) casting 37,000 less votes than cast in the 2018 election with the major reduction happening in the overwhelming Black and Hispanic areas.’

Senator Democratic Leader Melissa Agard (D-Madison) released the following statement:

melissa-agard“Wisconsin Election Commissioner Bob Spindell is celebrating voter suppression in the light of day, celebrating that efforts to undermine the democratic process in one of Wisconsin’s most diverse cities was successful. Bob not only recently applauded lower voter turnout amongst minority groups, he also served as a fake elector for Donald Trump after the former president lost his 2020 re-election bid.

“Bob’s motives are clear and for the sake of our democracy, he has absolutely no business serving on the commission charged with administering Wisconsin’s elections and supporting more than hundreds of county and municipal clerks. He is unfit to serve the people of our great state and he must immediately resign.

“Unlike Bob Spindell’s efforts to thwart voter participation, my Democratic colleagues and I know that every eligible voter should be empowered to cast a ballot in each election. Voting is the cornerstone of our democracy and Wisconsin’s elections must remain free, fair, and accessible.”

Agard Supports referendum on Wisconsin’s 1849 criminal abortion ban PDF Print E-mail
Written by Melissa Agard Press   
Tuesday, 17 January 2023 14:29

women-health-servicesWe should hear from the people and gather their viewpoint on eliminating Wisconsin’s 1849 criminal abortion ban, says Agard.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 18 January 2023 11:41
Lt. Gov. Rodriguez Delivers Radio Address on Inauguration PDF Print E-mail
Written by GOV Press Wisconsin   
Friday, 13 January 2023 10:37

sara-rodriguez-swornin-2023MADISON — Lt. Gov. Sara Rodriguez delivered the Democratic Radio Address on Thursday highlighting her inauguration, her background as a nurse and public health professional, and her commitment to partnering with Gov. Evers to build a better future for Wisconsin.

Audio File of Radio Address.

Hey there! It’s Lieutenant Governor Sara Rodriguez.

I’m incredibly humbled the people of Wisconsin have placed their trust in me to serve as lieutenant governor alongside Governor Evers.

Over the last year, I had the pleasure of traveling all over our great state to meet folks and families in their homes and businesses to hear about their lives and the challenges they face—and I had the chance to share a little bit about my own story, too.

I’m a born-and-raised Wisconsinite from Waukesha County. I'm the granddaughter of dairy farmers, the proud daughter of a working-class family, and now a mom of two teenagers.

I’m a nurse and public health professional who worked for more than 20 years, answering calls at all times of day and night to take care of my patients, friends, and neighbors.

So, the lesson I learned from conversations with Wisconsinites I met on the road won’t surprise you: we aren’t all that different.

Every family, like mine, wants to earn a good living, to have access to quality, affordable healthcare, and every family wants to be healthy.

Every family knows that fully funding our public schools is an investment in our kids and our future and that investing in affordable childcare and early education, maternal and infant health, and paid family leave will ensure our families succeed.

We want to reduce gun violence with commonsense gun safety reform, safe communities for kids to play in, clean water to drink, and to know that we’re leaving our kids with a better world than the one we inherited.

I ran for the State Assembly and then to be your lieutenant governor because issues like these were heavy on my mind—as a mother, as a small business owner, as a healthcare provider, and as a Wisconsinite.

We’ve got a lot of work ahead of us, but I promised to always answer the call—and I meant it. I could not be prouder or more humbled to be a part of building that future as your lieutenant governor.

Last Updated on Saturday, 14 January 2023 10:44
No New Cold War! Battleground Wisconsin Podcast PDF Print E-mail
Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Matt Brusky   
Friday, 13 January 2023 09:57

cold-war-2023MILWAUKEE - We are joined by Tobita Chow, the director of Justice is Global to discuss the new House committee aimed at the Chinese government and has Republicans warning of a “New Cold War”. We discuss why a cold war is disastrous to progressive governing and unnecessarily stokes anti-Chinese hate in America.

We debrief Citizen Action’s excellent State Supreme Court progressive candidate forum Wednesday night. We encourage you to watch and vote on what Citizen Action should do in the election. We talk about the newly unveiled Republican agenda in Congress and the State Legislature to provide tax cuts and tax avoidance for the wealthy while declaring no legislative pathway on very popular issues like legalized marijuana. We also review disgraced Wisconsin Election Commissioner Robert Spindell bragging about suppressing voters.

Play Podcast Now!

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Agard Likes Appointment of James Bond to DVA PDF Print E-mail
Written by Melissa Agard Press   
Monday, 09 January 2023 17:29

james-bond-dvaMADISON – Today, Governor Tony Evers appointed deputy secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA), James Bond, to fill the vacancy created by former Secretary Mary Kolar’s retirement. Senate Democratic Leader Melissa Agard (D-Madison) released the following statement:

melissa-sargent“Wisconsin veterans and their families sacrifice so much for our communities, our state, and our country and deserve to be adequately supported throughout their life. As a disabled veteran with over ten years of service to the DVA, I am confident that Secretary-designee James Bond will be a dedicated leader and fierce advocate for Wisconsin veterans and their loved ones. Furthermore, this is a historic appointment in Wisconsin as James Bond will serve as the first openly LGBTQ secretary in any of the state’s cabinet agencies.

“I am looking forward to working with Secretary-designee James Bond during the 2023-24 legislative session on behalf of Wisconsin's veterans and their families. I know he brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to this position and will serve our state’s population of veterans with the utmost integrity.”

Jan. 6 Accountability in Wis! PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, Matt Rothschild   
Friday, 06 January 2023 11:29

trump-jan6-attackTwo years after the Jan. 6 insurrection and coup attempt, and still we’ve had no accountability for Donald Trump and his accomplices.

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