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“The Foxconn Resistance” Battleground Wisconsin Podcast PDF Print E-mail
Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Matt Brusky   
Sunday, 06 August 2017 09:39

foxconn_resistanceWe discuss the $3 billion plus Foxconn plan currently being rushed through the Assembly, the collapse of the GOP Senate health care repeal, and more...

MILWAUKEE - We welcome state representative Jonathan Brostoff to talk about his early opposition to the $3 billion plus Foxconn plan that is currently being rushed through the Assembly. We analyze the political dynamic that will likely result from a number of Democrats supporting the Foxconn deal and what investments progressive champions should support to create real economic opportunity throughout the state.

Robert discusses the collapse of the GOP Senate health care repeal, Trump’s sabotage, and what’s next in the healthcare fight. We close the show with Jorna educating us on the viscous Trump effort to restrict immigration.

Last Updated on Sunday, 06 August 2017 10:06
Legislators Should Fully Vet Foxconn Deal PDF Print E-mail
Written by Laura Kiefert, Green Bay Progressive   
Saturday, 05 August 2017 10:30

walker-terry-gou-foxconnRhetoric from Foxconn cheerleaders on deal may be too good to be true and $3 Billion is a lot to spend on vague promises.

HOWARD, WI - While President Donald Trump, Gov. Scott Walker, and U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan are busy celebrating and advertising the Foxconn deal toboost their re-election campaigns, others are looking more closely at the deal and finding things to be concerned about – like the fact that the Taiwan-based electronics giant is one of the world’s most brutal employers, notorious for driving workers to suicide.

They are now poised to reward Foxconn with a whopping $3 billion “incentive” package — the largest in Wisconsin history – with the bulk of this subsidy being paid out in cash.

Reports from economic development specialists say that incentives like these for Foxconn are a waste of money for state and local governments.

Promises of family-sustaining wages are often forgotten by major corporations once the public funding is in hand, and Foxconn is undergoing a major automation plan that might very well leave those hired at lower wages without jobs at all within 15 years.

Finally, the big question remains whether Foxconn can be counted on to hold up its end of the deal and keep its promise to invest $10 billion in Wisconsin in exchange for $3 billion in state tax incentives.

Legislators would be wise to fully scrutinize the agreement in terms of jobs, wages, and the state’s capacity to provide services as it shells out $3 billion to Foxconn.

Things that appear too good to be true, generally are.

Democratic Radio "Celebrate the Wisconsin State Fair" PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Democrats   
Saturday, 05 August 2017 08:43

FairWEST ALLIS, WI – Senator Tim Carpenter (D-Milwaukee) offered the following Democratic Weekly Radio address today regarding the opening of the Wisconsin State Fair.

"The State Fair first started in 1851 in Janesville, and has a long tradition of bringing Wisconsinites together for unique entertainment and incredibly good food. Whether your focus is the first-class musical entertainment on the Main Stage, or seeing award-winning farm animals with your kids, the State Fair is a fun way for the family to enjoy all the great things in Wisconsin." - Sen. Tim Carpenter

The audio file of this week’s address can be found here.

A written transcript of the address is below:

tim-carpenter"Hello, this is State Sen. Tim Carpenter. I hope you are enjoying all the great things about our summer in Wisconsin! From visiting church festivals, watching our kids play, Dairy Breakfasts, or cooking brats on the grill, summer is a great time of year to be outdoors in Wisconsin. And one of my all-time favorite events – the Wisconsin State Fair!

"The State Fair first started in 1851 in Janesville, and has a long tradition of bringing together Wisconsinites for unique entertainment and incredibly good food. Whether your focus is on the first-class musical entertainment on the Main Stage, or the award-winning farm animals with your kids, the State Fair is a fun way for the family to enjoy all the great things in Wisconsin.

"Of course, we can’t talk about Wisconsin’s State Fair without mentioning the food. Famous cream puffs, roasted corn, and every creative type of a fried treat. My father used to refer to spending a happy day at State Fair as “eating my way through the State Fair” and I will try to keep up that tradition. I hope you will join me with friends and family and create new enjoyable memories at the Wisconsin’s State Fair."

Last Updated on Saturday, 05 August 2017 09:35
Foxconn Hearing: Big Promises, Little Details, Lacks Transportation Plan PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Assembly Democrats   
Friday, 04 August 2017 11:11

david-crowleyRep Crowley of Milwaukee says we need to have more details of the deal before we sign off on it.

MADISON, WI – State Representative David Crowley (D-Milwaukee), issued the following statement in response to the Assembly Jobs Committee hearing on proposed Foxconn legislation.

“First, let me be clear: I support creating jobs in Wisconsin, for Wisconsinites. However, the legislative process surrounding this particular proposal is moving too fast for any of us to make an informed and accurate decision about whether or not to support the Foxconn legislative proposal put before us today.

"Given the lack of details we have on a bill that would cost the state in excess of $3 billion, it would be irresponsible of us to move forward with it at this time. I cannot support this legislation without first seeing more details, including the actual contract with Foxconn which has not even been negotiated and written yet. I encourage my fellow legislators to exercise the same caution that I am.

“I also have a number of concerns about the lack of environmental stipulations and labor standards that the Foxconn deal would bring to Wisconsin. Foxconn has a troubling history of labor abuses and of disregarding environmental regulations in order to meet their bottom line. What guarantees can Governor Walker or the executives at Foxconn give Wisconsin that will alleviate these concerns?

“Finally, for me to support this legislation, we must ensure that the thousands of Milwaukee’s unemployed and underemployed have the opportunity and the ability to take advantage of these family supporting jobs. That means creating a public transit option, connecting the City of Milwaukee with the proposed job site locations. If we are serious about this legislation creating jobs for Wisconsin residents, this is an essential step towards accomplishing that goal.

“Wisconsin should invest in new jobs, this much is clear. However, it is hard to vote for or against a deal that I have little necessary details on. We need to guarantee that we have the details of the deal before we sign off on it and demonstrate that we are also committed to creating the ability for Wisconsin citizens living in the region to get to these potential new job.”

“FoxCon Game?” Battleground Wisconsin Podcast PDF Print E-mail
Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Matt Brusky   
Saturday, 29 July 2017 09:22

foxcon_gameTrump and Walker’s $3 billion bribe to Foxconn, the failed repeal the Affordable Care Act, Trump's ban on transgendered Americans in the military, Matt Rothschild on school vouchers, and more...

MILWAUKEE - We dive into the slim details surrounding Trump and Walker’s $3 billion bribe to Foxconn to build a display panel plant in Wisconsin that could employ 3,000 - 13,000 workers (if you believe Foxconn).

We review the latest on Senate GOP’s bizarre legislative effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act through a so-called “skinny” repeal. We are joined by Healthcare For All Organizing Cooperative member Joan Hanson to talk about the co-op's long term organizing plan for universal healthcare.

Jorna helps explain why Trump wants to ban transgendered Americans from serving in the military.

We close the show with Matthew Rothschild, executive director of the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, who reviews new WDC research showing that between January 2010 and December 2016, mostly out-of-state school voucher interests doled out about $8.5 million in direct campaign contributions and outside election spending in legislative and statewide races – nearly all of it to support Republican candidates.


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Citizen Action of Wisconsin · 221 S 2nd St, suite 300, Milwaukee, WI 53204, United States

Last Updated on Saturday, 29 July 2017 09:44
Mike McCabe 'Do We Put All Our Eggs in the Foxconn Basket?' PDF Print E-mail
Written by Mike McCabe, Blue Jean Nation   
Friday, 28 July 2017 15:36

walker-terry-gou-foxconnPoliticians typically try to build the economy top down, showering tax breaks and subsidies on a few thousand of the richest among us or even just one company like Foxconn. The other way is from the bottom up, giving the whole population the means to do more for themselves. Bottom-up is best.

ALTOONA - To me, the most important question is not whether Foxconn is a good company. Or whether Foxconn can be trusted to deliver on its promises. Or whether the benefits of this deal for Wisconsin will at least equal the costs to the public when all is said and done. These are all very important questions, but not the most important.

The most important question is what basket should we be putting our eggs in? If we're going to spend $3 billion, should it be to subsidize the expansion of one company from Taiwan, or should we spend it to empower the more than 5 million people who call Wisconsin home?

I think we should spend it on people. We should concentrate on developing the human potential of our own population. We should be equipping people to do for themselves rather than hoping that a multinational corporation from the other side of the world will work some magic for us.

Most new jobs get created by small businesses, not global conglomerates. But countless people with great ideas who dream of starting their own businesses too often feel trapped, with no choice but to stay in dead-end jobs because that's the only way they can hold on to health insurance for their families. Using our resources to guarantee health care for all and detach health insurance from employment would be one of the single best investments we could possibly make to unleash the creativity and ingenuity of our state's population. People would be free to be entrepreneurs and take their ideas and turn them into new businesses.

What's the best use for $3 billion? What basket should we be putting our eggs in? The way I see it, the best investment is developing the potential of Wisconsin's population through things like health care for all, affordable and debt-free education and job training, and bringing 21st Century necessities like high-speed Internet to every household in the state.

There are two paths to building a sturdy economy. Politicians typically try doing it from the top down, showering tax breaks and state subsidies on a few thousand of the richest among us or even just one company in hopes that some of what they get will trickle down to the rest of us. The other way is from the bottom up, giving the whole population the means to do more for themselves and each other.

The bottom-up approach is the best bet.

Last Updated on Friday, 28 July 2017 16:23
Proceed with Caution During Foxconn Frenzy PDF Print E-mail
Written by Chris Larson, State Senator, District 7   
Thursday, 27 July 2017 13:23

trump-walker-foxconn-anncWisconsinites should not blindly put their faith, and money, in this jobs promise. We’ve been deceived by Walker’s rose-tinted glasses before.

MADISON - It is with good reason that Wisconsinites are not yet willing to blindly put their faith, and money, in a feeble jobs promise. We’ve been deceived by Walker’s rose-tinted glasses before.

Since taking office, Walker has left a trail of broken promises. His pattern of deception has resulted in our hard-earned tax dollars being handed over to campaign donors and companies that outsource, as well as some of the biggest tax breaks going to the richest people in the state, some of whom have used tax loopholes to avoid paying any state income tax for years.

chris-larsonOur neighbors care about making sure this is a good deal for everyone in Wisconsin. Any move for Foxconn to locate in Wisconsin must also fit with the spirit of our great state. We look to partner with companies that will respect our state’s shared lands and waters. We should reward companies that pay our neighbors a living wage and treat them fairly. If they expect special treatment, they need to have a long-term commitment to our state so we know they won’t abandon Wisconsin as soon as a new enticement goes on the table from somewhere else.

Wisconsin leaders should not commit to corporate welfare or anything that carves out special exceptions in our laws if it will unfairly hurt local businesses already in our state. Every small-business owner knows: with a billion dollar pinky swear, the devil is always in the details.

Too many people in our state are struggling in low-wage jobs and living in fear that any day the security of health care could be pulled out from under them. They deserve leaders who will be looking out for their future.

We demand fairness, and that’s what we’ll be looking for in this deal.


Senator Larson released this statement Wednesday on the anticipated announcement that Foxconn would open a plant in southeastern Wisconsin.

Last Updated on Thursday, 27 July 2017 13:55
Wis Democracy Campaign "School Voucher $$$" PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, Matt Rothschild   
Wednesday, 26 July 2017 10:46

wis-democracy-campaign$8.5 million reasons why State GOP wants to expand school vouchers, financial filings at Walker run Republican Governors Association, and more...

MADISON - While almost all the press coverage on the state budget lately has been about the petty bickering among GOP leaders over transportation, there’s been little attention paid to a relatively united GOP effort to greatly expand school vouchers. We show the money behind this push here.

$8.5M reasons Wisconsin GOP wants to expand school vouchers

In other news, our research staff has been pouring over recent financial filings of special interest electioneering groups. One such group is the Republican Governors Association, now headed by none other than Scott Walker. That may be why some wealthy Wisconsinites decided to fork it over, as we note here:

10 Wisconsin donors give outside electioneering group $1M+

You know why I don’t get depressed by all this big money being tossed around, even when we see it up close and personal every day here?

Because I also see an amazing grassroots movement to do something about this. I bet you didn’t know that Wisconsin is second only to Massachusetts in the number of communities that have voted, by overwhelming margins, that they want to amend the U.S. Constitution to proclaim, once and for all, that corporations aren’t persons and money isn’t speech. It’s been voted on in in 112 communities, and it's passed every single time!

In Door County alone, seven communities have climbed on board just in the last six months, as you’ll see here:

Door County pushes amendment to overturn Citizens United

This is one of the most under-reported stories in the state. You heard it here first!

I hope you’re having a nice summer.


Matt Rothschild
Executive Director
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

P.S. Please support our urgent work with a tax-deductible gift by clicking here or making and mailing a check to the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign.

GOP Health Care Repeal Still Cruel PDF Print E-mail
Written by Jennifer Shilling, State Senator 32nd District   
Saturday, 22 July 2017 12:09

elderly-crowdThe health care repeal, also known as TrumpCare, will affect every single resident in Wisconsin. So why are some politicians still supporting it?

MADISON - After weeks of overwhelming opposition, Republican politicians are still pushing a cruel health care repeal that increases costs, limits coverage and jeopardizes access to care. The Congressional Budget Office estimated that the latest repeal plan would double health care premiums and result in 32 million more uninsured Americans by 2026.

The health care repeal, also known as TrumpCare, will affect every single resident in Wisconsin. So why are some politicians still supporting it?

Gov. Walker and a handful of legislative Republicans have been vocal supporters of the health care repeal effort. Rather than lowering health care costs, they have sided with out-of-state HMOs and pharmaceutical companies whose CEOs profit by gaming the health care system.

jennifer-shilling-portrait-2017The latest version of TrumpCare continues to favor these special interests by cutting taxes for the wealthy, raising out-of-pocket costs on working families and making huge cuts to Medicaid. Even more troubling for Wisconsin families, Republicans have refused to stand up and protect individuals with pre-existing conditions from the uncertainty created by TrumpCare.

Roughly half of all Wisconsin residents have some form of pre-existing health condition. From asthma and diabetes to cancer and heart disease, we all know someone who has been affected by a serious health condition at some point in their life. Through no fault of their own, these individuals could see massive price spikes or lose their coverage if the repeal plan approved by Speaker Paul Ryan moves forward.

These consequences haven’t deterred Republicans and their special interest allies. In fact, Gov. Walker admitted early on that he was open to eliminating protections for individuals with pre-existing conditions. His statement shocked and disappointed many families who are already struggling with difficult illnesses and costly treatments.

Rather than siding with big-money special interests, Wisconsin Democrats introduced a series of solutions to protect health care access and lower costs. We believe residents shouldn’t be denied coverage based on a pre-existing condition. We believe access to preventive care shouldn’t come with a premium penalty. And we believe that insurance companies shouldn’t be the ones writing their own rules.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 25 July 2017 14:30
"GOP repeal in critical condition" Battleground Wisconsin Podcast PDF Print E-mail
Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Matt Brusky   
Friday, 21 July 2017 11:49

gop_repeal_in_critical_conditionWe discuss health care repeal and the Russian scandal, the movement for fair elections in Wisconsin, 620 AM WTMJ efforts in Milwaukee to prevent Resistance Radio 1510 AM, and more...

STATEWIDE - We discuss whether the health care repeal crisis or the Russian scandal are diverting too much attention from other Trumpian threats and dig deeper into the next steps in the health care fight.

Anna Dvorak, organizer for the Citizen Action Organizing Cooperative, joins the panel to update listeners on the movement for fair elections that is sweeping the state.

Mike Crute, of the Devil's Advocates and the owner of a new progressive radio station in Milwaukee, joins us to discuss the shady and undemocratic effort by mega station 620 AM WTMJ in Milwaukee to prevent Resistance Radio 1510 AM from getting an FM station signal to allow 24 hour programming.


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Citizen Action of Wisconsin · 221 S 2nd St, suite 300, Milwaukee, WI 53204, United States

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