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Republicans Pass Massive Corporate Giveaway To Foxconn Says Larson PDF Print E-mail
Written by Chris Larson, State Senator, District 7   
Wednesday, 13 September 2017 11:14

walker-ryan-gou-foxconnDeal Fails to Protect Wisconsin Taxpayers, workers victims of a Foxconn automation ‘bait and switch.’.

MADISON - Our Wisconsin economy must be built on rewarding hard work and innovation by creating more opportunities for our small businesses, innovators, communities, and children to reach their full potential. Choosing a foreign corporation over our Main Street businesses is a dangerous and desperate gamble.

From listening to my neighbors, it is abundantly clear that this proposal is a bad deal for Wisconsin.

chris-larsonThat’s why my Democratic colleagues and I offered common sense protections for our neighbors through amendments that would maintain environmental safeguards and ensure the health and safety of our waters and lands. We also offered an amendment that would have protected Wisconsin workers from being victims of a Foxconn automation ‘bait and switch.’

Perhaps the most common sense amendment offered to allow our Wisconsin communities a real opportunity to weigh-in on their priorities for our state. In every corner of Wisconsin, local communities have passed referenda to invest more in our neighborhood schools as the GOP turned their backs on our kids time and again. If we are going to pick a billion dollar corporate giveaway over our schools, we should allow the taxpayers a chance to sign off via a referendum.

At the end of the day, Senate Republicans rejected our common sense protections and were not able to guarantee that our neighbors would not be on the hook for the $3 billion handout included in the Walker/Trump/Foxconn proposal. For these reasons, I stood with Wisconsin families and voted against the largest state taxpayer giveaway to a foreign corporation in U.S. history.


Senator Larson released this statement Tuesday regarding the passage of the Walker/Trump/Foxconn proposal in the State Senate.

Conservative Vukmir Says "Wisconsin leads the way with Foxconn" PDF Print E-mail
Written by Leah Vukmir for Senate, Jessica Ward   
Wednesday, 13 September 2017 11:00

leah-vukmirU.S. Senate hopeful says Foxconn deal is proof Republicans are listening.

MADISON, WI - Senate Assistant Majority Leader Leah Vukmir, R–Brookfield, issued the following statement Tuesday upon passage of the Foxconn bill in the state Senate:

“Wisconsinites have been calling on their elected officials to listen to them and put their interests first. The Foxconn deal is proof that we are listening, and we are — once again — getting things done.

trump-walker-foxconn-annc“This will allow Wisconsin to lead the way and have quality, good-paying jobs for our workers and families for years to come. As technology evolves, we have heard from people who are afraid of what that means for their industries. Our action today will ensure that manufacturing continues to play an important role in Wisconsin’s economy.

“I am thrilled about what this investment means for our state and the significant ripple effects it will have for Wisconsin business. It goes without saying that Foxconn would not be coming to Wisconsin if it weren’t for the bold reforms that Republicans have enacted over the past few years. Real leaders produce results, and we are seeing those results today.

“I thank President Trump, Speaker Ryan, Gov. Walker, and my colleagues in the state Capitol for working together to make this possible.”

Last Updated on Wednesday, 13 September 2017 11:13
WI Democracy Campaign "Call for Action Sept. 12!" PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, Matt Rothschild   
Tuesday, 12 September 2017 10:07

matthew_rothschildMake sure Tuesday, Sept. 12 is a Fair Maps Day of Action.

MADISON - I know you were disgusted by the way Scott Walker and his cronies in the legislature rigged our electoral maps back in 2011.

And I know you’re in favor of fair maps and nonpartisan redistricting – no matter which party holds power.

Currently, there is a bill languishing in the legislature that would end gerrymandering in Wisconsin.

I need you to rattle some cages in the State Capitol so it doesn’t languish there any longer. We need a hearing on this bill!

Tuesday, Sept. 12 is a Fair Maps Day of Action.

Please contact the committee chairs in the Assembly and the Senate who preside over this crucial issue and urge them to hold a public hearing on it.

  • In the Assembly, that’s Rep. Kathy Bernier (pronounced “BURN-yer) and the bill is AB44. Please call her office at (608) 266-9172.
  • In the Senate, that’s Sen. Devin LeMahieu (pronounced LEMMA-hue), and the identical bill is SB13. Please call his office at (608) 266-2056.

You may be asked if you live in their district. Tell them this legislation affects us all, and as chairperson of this important committee they represent everyone in our state on this matter, and it’s up to them to set the agenda for public hearings.

You may also be asked – or wonder yourself – whether the case before the U.S. Supreme Court on Wisconsin’s redistricting won’t solve this problem. While the court case is historic, whichever way the court rules, it won’t take the map-drawing out of partisan hands. Only the pending legislation would do that.

So please make your call tomorrow, Tuesday, Sept. 12!

The Wisconsin Democracy Campaign is pleased to be participating in this coordinated action sponsored by the Fair Maps Coalition (#FairMaps), of which we’re an integral part.

Thanks for picking up your phone and making these two calls.


Matt Rothschild
Executive Director
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

P.S. And if you have the time, please report back with any response or reaction you get.

“Hurricane Donald sets sights on DACA” Battleground Wisconsin PDF Print E-mail
Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Matt Brusky   
Friday, 08 September 2017 10:12

hurricane_donaldHurricanes and other human-made climate disasters, the latest Foxconn news, the state budget, and Trump’s attack on young immigrants with the termination of DACA.

STATEWIDE - As Hurricane Irma rampages toward Florida, we discuss the political implications of Hurricanes and other human-made climate disasters.

The panel considers the latest Foxconn news, including a likely vote in the senate next week, and a new amendment that sends lawsuits directly to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.

The GOP continues to wrangle over the state budget. Accion Ciudadana organizer Luz Sosa joins us to discuss Trump’s attack on young immigrants with the termination of DACA, and Anna Dvorak tells us about the movement for Fair Election Maps

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Last Updated on Friday, 08 September 2017 10:21
Saving DACA is the Moral Thing to Do PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Senate, Scott May   
Thursday, 07 September 2017 19:41

statue-of-liberty"It is my hope that the Republican led Congress fixes this mistake by the Trump Administration", says Sen. Tim Carpenter of Milwaukee.

MADISON – State Senator Tim Carpenter (D-Milwaukee) today released the following statement regarding the Trump Administration’s decision to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

tim-carpenter"I am proud that the United States of America is a great and diverse nation made up of immigrants from around the world and their descendants. Our country – and certainly the South Side of Milwaukee, where I have lived all my life – is richer for it.

"That is why I was extremely disheartened with the news that the Trump Administration is ending the very popular Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program (DACA). It is my belief that allowing the children of undocumented immigrants (800,000 young people) who were brought here at a very young age (Dreamers) to stay is the moral thing to do.

"We have seen time and again the contributions of these Dreamers to our country. They were raised here, they share our values, and they strengthen the fabric of our country. I will advocate from my position for immigration reform that is fair, just, and moral. Now is not the time for nativist rhetoric or cheap political stunts.

"It is my hope that the Republican led Congress fixes this mistake by the Trump Administration. We cannot be a nation that tears families apart and throws people’s lives into chaos and uncertainty at the whims of politicians."

Republican JFC Transportation Plan Falls Short Says Barca PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Assembly Democrats   
Wednesday, 06 September 2017 13:39

road-closed-delayPlan doesn’t create a sustainable funding solution, is littered with political pork, and sneaks in non-budget policy changes that strip local control.

MADISON - Assembly Democratic Leader Peter Barca (D-Kenosha) released the following statement after reviewing the Republican Joint Finance Committee transportation plan:

peter-barca“Republicans spent more than two months squabbling with each other and this is the result – a spending plan that still doesn’t create a sustainable funding solution, that is littered with political pork for their buddies, and sneaks in non-budget policy changes that strip local control from counties, towns, and cities across Wisconsin. Maybe we should have sent legislative Republicans back to school today because, yet again, they are failing.

Wisconsin families deserve real solutions that address our crumbling roads and failing bridges. Wisconsin families deserve a government that relies less on debt. They deserve a government that is honest that the Republican solution means drivers will continue to spend more on front-end alignments and road delays out of their family budget. Republicans want to push the costs off onto our children. Republicans want to lower wages for transportation construction workers. That is not the future Democrats want for Wisconsin. We can and must do better.”

“Labor Day 2017” Battleground Wisconsin Podcast PDF Print E-mail
Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Matt Brusky   
Friday, 01 September 2017 10:44

labor_day_2017The important role of unions, Hurricane Harvey, and the mining industry’s latest push to roll back Wisconsin’s mining moratorium.

MILWAUKEE - Happy Labor Day Weekend Wisconsin! Our panel discusses the vital role labor unions play in creating democratic workplaces, real economic opportunity, and access to the middle class.

We reflect on the devastation in Houston in the wake of Hurricane Harvey and the role climate change and bad public policy played in its creation.

Wisconsin League of Conservation Voters (WLCV) organizer Matt Dannenberg educates us on the mining industry’s latest push to roll back Wisconsin’s mining moratorium which protects our water and environment. Robert previews the next health care fight this fall in the federal budget and Jorna tells us about Congressman Grothman’s demand for other federal budget cuts to pay for Hurricane Harvey relief.


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Democratic Radio "We Can Do Better for Our Kids" PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Assembly Democrats   
Friday, 01 September 2017 09:17

school-bus-kidsMADISON – Rep. Sondy Pope (D-Mount Horeb) offered the Democratic Weekly Radio Address Thursday on the new school year and the same old Republican tricks:

"On Tuesday, students across Wisconsin will pack their backpacks and head back to the classroom. Yet, we still don’t have a finalized state budget," Rep. Pope said. "Wisconsin has a proud tradition of quality public education. We need to make sure our kids have the tools they need to succeed as the future workforce of our state."

The audio file of this week’s address can be found here, and the video can be found here or below.

A written transcript of the address is below:

sondy-pope"Hi, I’m Representative Sondy Pope, ranking Democrat on the Assembly Committee on Education, with this week’s Democratic radio address.

"On Tuesday, students across Wisconsin will pack their backpacks and head back to the classroom. Yet, we still don’t have a finalized state budget. That means school districts across our state are left in the lurch, unsure about how much money they have to provide quality education for our children.

"That is why I was surprised this week when the Republicans on the Joint Finance Committee advanced a funding option for Wisconsin schools that still doesn’t make up for the mistakes of the past. Today, we’re still $1 billion dollars short of where we should be. Not a single proposal from Republicans would fill that hole.

"Wisconsin has a proud tradition of quality public education. We need to make sure our kids have the tools they need to succeed as the future workforce of our state.

"Democrats have a plan to put more money into schools and to lower property taxes. You can learn more about our plan at That’s

"As Democrats, we support our public schools, our teachers, and most of all, our students. As our main priority, we will continue the fight for them and the future of our great state.

"Thank you."

Public Hearings: Where Are the People? PDF Print E-mail
Written by Kathleen Vinehout, State Senator 31st District   
Tuesday, 29 August 2017 08:41

capitol-night-wiscAt a recent public hearing, ideological groups push a de-licensing plan for state professionals in an all-to-common process of speed and secrecy. Notice was posted late Friday for a meeting the following Thursday to discuss public safety as well as erosion of wages and workers’ rights.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 29 August 2017 09:21
Sen. Hansen on U.S. AG Sessions Green Bay Visit PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Senate, Jay Wadd   
Tuesday, 29 August 2017 07:56

opioid-young-startState Senator Dave Hansen (D-Green Bay) is calling on the Wisconsin and U.S. Attorneys General to stand up for taxpayers by holding big drug companies accountable for their role in the opioid crisis.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 29 August 2017 09:00
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