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Democratic radio: Democrats promote expanding Family Medical Leave PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Senate, Bridget Esser   
Thursday, 19 October 2017 09:40

healthcare-family-drSen. Janis Ringhand talks about Senate Bill 215, to expand and improve our current Family Medical Leave Law and create a Family Medical Leave Insurance Program.

MADISON, WI – Senator Janis Ringhand (D-Evansville) offered the weekly Democratic radio address today.

The audio file of this week’s address can be found HERE.

A written transcript of the address is below:

janis-ringhand“Hello, this is Senator Janis Ringhand with this week’s Democratic radio address.

“Senate Democrats are committed to supporting ideas and policies that increase the economic well-being of all Wisconsin families.

“Democrats have authored a plan, Senate Bill 215, to expand and improve our current Family Medical Leave Law and create a Family Medical Leave Insurance Program.

“Expanding our Family Medical Leave Law to allow employees to take time off time to care for not only themselves, a spouse, child, parent, domestic partner, in-law but also grandparents, grandchildren, and siblings makes sense and reflects the make-up of modern day families.

“Our bill allows workers to take up 12 weeks off if they become seriously ill or need to care for a sick family member without facing the threat of losing their job.

“Furthermore, Senate Bill 215 creates a Family Medical Leave Insurance Fund so employees can set aside money to use when they are forced to take time off because of a serious illness or to take care of a loved one.

“Not enough workers have access to paid Family and Medical Leave through their employer. Senate Bill 215 creates a new benefit for workers in every part of Wisconsin by enabling them to care for their families and keep their jobs in the event of a medical emergency.

“Creating a Family and Medical Leave Insurance Program will save businesses money and provide economic security for workers. This common sense solution does the right thing for Wisconsin businesses, workers and families.”

What are Walker and Foxconn hiding? PDF Print E-mail
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Melanie Conklin   
Wednesday, 18 October 2017 10:52

walker-terry-gou-foxconn$3 billion deal continues to be negotiated in secret.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 18 October 2017 11:04
"Scott Walker's Hemp Problem" -- Battleground Wisconsin Podcast PDF Print E-mail
Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Matt Brusky   
Saturday, 14 October 2017 10:01

scottwalkershempprobWe discuss Trump's latest attempt to sabotage ObamaCare, charter schools in Wisconsin, and Scott Walker panning an industrial hemp bill by GOP legislators.

STATEWIDE - This week we dig into Donald Trump's latest illegal attempt to sabotage ObamaCare, and a new initiative by Legislative Democrats to reign in price gouging by prescription drug corporations.

We evaluate a shocking move to expand charter schools in Wisconsin coming from a surprising source.

We also bat around a bizarre statement by Scott Walker panning an industrial hemp bill being moved by GOP legislators, Trump's arrogant response to the climate disaster in Puerto Rico, the latest Foxconn follies, and the right wing attempt to punish cities which respect the basic human rights of immigrants.

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Democratic Radio: Democrats Ready to Work for All Wisconsinites PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Assembly, Kathy Divine   
Friday, 13 October 2017 11:06

Madison – Today, State Representative Jill Billings (D – La Crosse) offered the following Democratic Weekly Radio Address regarding legislative Democrats’ “Wisconsin Way Forward” agenda.

The audio file can be found here.

The video file can be found here or viewed below:

A written transcript of the address is below:

jill-billingsHello. I’m State Representative Jill Billings with this week’s Democratic Radio Address.

Now that the state budget has been signed into law, my Democratic colleagues and I are looking forward to digging back into the issues that affect Wisconsinites’ daily lives, and there are a number of bills we are eager to review and pass.

The Democrats’ “Wisconsin Way Forward” legislative agenda is built around fairness, opportunity and community, and the bills we have proposed back these values. A number of these bills have been on stand-by for months, and, with three available session days this week, I was disappointed that the majority party did not call us into session.

One of Democrats’ main goals this session is to promote fairness by building an economy that works for everyone. To address this issue, we have introduced legislation that would restore tax fairness by cutting taxes for the middle class, working families and seniors. Similarly, we believe Wisconsinites should have greater workplace flexibilities which is why we have put forth a bill that would expand paid family leave.

Our economy depends on creating opportunities for our young people to succeed and keeping them in Wisconsin after graduating. This is why we prioritize fair funding for our public schools and legislation like our “Higher Ed, Lower Debt” bill, which aims to relieve the financial burden of students who chose to pursue university and technical college degrees.

We know our communities are stronger when everyone is allowed fair opportunities, which is why the Democrats’ main objective is to get back to work on passing legislation to help Wisconsinites in every corner of our state. The decision not to call session this week is a missed opportunity that prevents us from getting back to the work our constituents elected us to do. Democrats are ready to work, and we are calling upon our Republican colleagues to join us.

Last Updated on Friday, 13 October 2017 11:17
Sen. Mark Miller: What Happened to Wisconsin? PDF Print E-mail
Written by Mark Miller, State Senator 16th District   
Wednesday, 11 October 2017 15:19

sulfide-mining-runoffNative Americans, originating from the Great Law of the Iroquois, have approached conservation decisions made today as ones that should benefit the people seven generations from now. Today, we seem to be rushing towards a new era, one where promises of the past are cast aside in the name of eliminating obstacles for business.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 11 October 2017 15:59
Democratic Radio "Stewardship Heritage Under Attack" PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Senate, Kate Constalie   
Thursday, 05 October 2017 10:47

great-river-road-wiMADISON – Today, Senator Chris Larson offered the following Democratic Weekly Radio address regarding preserving our shared, public lands and waters.

The audio file can be found here.

A written transcript of the address is as follows.

chris_larson“Hello. This is state Senator Chris Larson.

“As you know, Wisconsin is a place that prides itself on our clean and abundant water. Each of us expects and deserves access to safe water to drink and the reassurance that our state policies reflect a long-term commitment to safeguarding the quality health of our shared natural land.

“Across Wisconsin, our neighbors are concerned about the health and quality of our rivers, streams, and forests after years of Republicans putting polluters and profits over people. It’s no secret that they have been quietly eroding our heritage of good stewardship.

“Right now, a dangerous bill, Senate Bill 395, is being pushed through by the Republican-controlled Legislature. This, despite broad concerns from the public and conservation advocates. Senate Bill 395 threatens the health and safety of our land and water by getting rid of a decades-long ‘Prove it First’ mining law that requires mining corporations to prove they can mine responsibly without hurting local drinking water before being granted a sulfide mining permit. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, sulfide mining is America's most toxic industry, proving a common sense need for an effective reporting system like the one currently in place. If passed into law, this bill would hurt Wisconsin’s water and our reputation.

We have an obligation to our children and grandchildren to ensure pollution-free water, air, and land for the health and enjoyment of generations to come. Like the majority of Wisconsinites, Wisconsin Democrats remain committed to our stewardship heritage and the future legacy of our great state.”

Last Updated on Friday, 06 October 2017 11:16
“America Abandons Americans” Battleground Wisconsin Podcast PDF Print E-mail
Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Matt Brusky   
Saturday, 30 September 2017 09:35

Trump abandons Americans in Puerto Rico, Healthcare for all, and Trump's dust up with the NFL.

STATEWIDE - We welcome Acción Ciudadana organizer Luz Sosa to discuss the disgusting and immoral abandonment by the Trump administration of Americans in Puerto Rico, Vieques and other U.S. territories following last week’s devastating (climate change induced) hurricane. Luz also tells us what members are doing to help.

We review this week’s implosion of TrumpCare 3.0 and talk with Healthcare for All Organizing Cooperative member Christine Rahlf about how members organized against this week's threat and are preparing to fight against future repeal efforts.

We also discuss Trump’s big dust up with NFL players and owners and what it says about the status of the First Amendment in conservative ideology.

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Shilling Statement on Budget Signing PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Senate, Kate Constalie   
Friday, 22 September 2017 14:35

walkerRepublican budget further rigs the economy for the wealthy, while it delays road projects, limits healthcare access and takes funding away from local schools.

MADISON – Senate Democratic Leader Jennifer Shilling released the following statement after Governor Walker signed the 2017-19 state budget into law:

jennifer-shilling“As Wisconsin working families continue to pay more for less, the Republican budget further rigs the economy for the wealthy. This budget was bad from the start, and with his veto pen Gov. Walker managed to make it worse by cutting more funding from Wisconsin schools while keeping a tax break for 47 millionaires.”

“Families in Wisconsin deserve better than a budget that continues to delay road projects, limits healthcare access and takes funding away from local schools. Given Wisconsin’s lagging economy and stagnant family wages, Democrats remain focused on leveling the playing, strengthening the middle class and expanding economic opportunities for a brighter future.”

“It’s Back” Battleground Wisconsin Podcast PDF Print E-mail
Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Matt Brusky   
Friday, 22 September 2017 09:25

itsbackSTATEWIDE - The GOP health care zombie bill is back and worse than ever! We discuss the latest conservative effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act and welcome Healthcare for All Cooperative organizer Katie Dunn to discuss next Monday’s 1:30pm rally in opposition to the GOP repeal plan at Sen. Ron Johnson’s Milwaukee office.

We also welcome Cooperative organizers, Jeff Smith and Joel Lewis, to discuss the Western and North Central Wisconsin Organizing Cooperatives, including member-led organizing on health care, CAFOs and green energy jobs.


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Senator Chris Larson on the State of Education PDF Print E-mail
Written by Chris Larson, State Senator, District 7   
Thursday, 21 September 2017 17:10

school-kidsIn budget after budget, Republicans in control of our state have failed our children by denying them adequate funding for their education.

MADISON - Today, the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Tony Evers, reminded all of Wisconsin of the importance our public schools have in our communities. This annual address comes just days after the passage of the largest budget in our state’s history. Despite spending a record of $76 billion, our kids were not a priority.

tony_evers_statesuptSuperintendent Evers reminded us that budget after budget, Republicans in control of our state have failed our children and put their future in jeopardy by intentionally denying them adequate and equitable funding for their education.

Under Walker and the GOP, our state’s commitment to our neighborhood schools has plummeted. The state budget signed by the governor today marks the second-lowest percentage of state general spending on education of the last 12 state budgets. With the passage of the 2017-2019 state budget Wisconsin has dropped below the national average in per-child funding.

In his speech, Superintendent Evers recognized the vital role our schools play in ensuring access to the most basic needs: food, reliable transportation, health care, and a supportive environment. If Wisconsin finally accepted our share of the Medicaid expansion, our community schools would be able to offer our children critical services to reduce roadblocks to learning. I applaud his leadership and offer my full support to the effort to provide safe, supportive learning environments for our kids.

As noted by Superintendent Evers, Wisconsin has a long way to go to restore our schools to the pre-Walker era; however, the citizens of our great state have stepped up along the way.

Faced with years of budget cuts to our local schools, over a million of our neighbors have voted through referendums to invest more in their local neighborhood schools to offer their children, community, and state the brightest possible future. We are truly stronger together. It is time those in power hear the call of the people and finally realize there is nothing more important than our children.


This statement was made by Senator Chris Larson regarding the State of Education speech given by State Superintendent Tony Evers on Thursday.

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