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“You get a Foxconn deal, and you get a Foxconn deal...“ Battleground Wisconsin Podcast PDF Print E-mail
Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Matt Brusky   
Friday, 09 February 2018 16:42

you_get_a_foxconn_dealWalker’s plan to give Kimberly-Clark a Foxconn-style public subsidy, we preview our Democratic Governor candidate forum in Eau Claire, and more...

STATEWIDE - We discuss Gov. Walker’s plan to lure Kimberly-Clark a Foxconn-style public subsidy.

We then dig into what elected Democrats from the region and the some of the Democrat governor candidates are saying and proposing as alternatives. We preview our Democratic Governor candidate forum in Eau Claire this Saturday at 9:30 am that will kick off Citizen Action's endorsement process.

We also talk about the new data showing unexpectedly high enrollment in Obamacare. What are the implications for the GOP's sabotage and repeal crusade.

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Walker Wants $7 Million To Paper Over 7 Years Of Neglect PDF Print E-mail
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Melanie Conklin   
Friday, 09 February 2018 11:37

walker-terry-gou-foxconn-flagWalker plans to spend $7 Million on recruiting out of state for Foxconn workers while we are losing jobs from major employers like Kimberly Clark say Dems.

martha-laningMADISON - “Taxpayers are being taxed twice for Gov. Walker’s election year stunt,” said Martha Laning, chair of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin. “If we don’t have the workers to fill Foxconn jobs, why is Walker gambling away $4.5 billion taxpayer money to bring Foxconn here when we are losing jobs in our communities from major employers like Kimberly Clark?

“This only serves Scott Walker, who is scrambling to paper over seven years of neglecting our state,” added Laning. “Wisconsinites need a leader who will work every year of their term to make our state a place people want to live, work and grow their business.”

Democratic Radio "Celebrating Black History Month" PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Senate, Bridget Esser   
Thursday, 08 February 2018 16:05

blackhistorymonthMADISON, WI – Senator LaTonya Johnson (D-Milwaukee) offered the weekly Democratic radio address today.

The audio file of this week’s address can be found here.

A written transcript of the address is below:


“I’m State Senator LaTonya Johnson.

“There is always reason to celebrate black excellence, but this black history month, I would like to take some extra time to honor the greatness of my fellow African Americans.

latonya-johnson“In 1906, Lucien Palmer became the first African American elected into the Wisconsin Legislature. Years later, in 1978, Vel Phillips made history by becoming the first woman, and first African American to be elected secretary of state in Wisconsin. Representative Palmer and Judge Phillips’ dedication to improving Wisconsin inspires me to do the same. But Representative Palmer and Judge Phillips are only two amongst millions of African Americans enacting change and fighting against the inequities we face.

“Today, I encourage each and every one of you to join me in working to improve outcomes for our African American friends and neighbors, because in doing so we will improve the nation. As Wisconsin has some of the worst African American disparities in the country, we have a long way to go and a lot that must be accomplished. This month we will celebrate black history, but we must also look ahead to the future knowing that, standing side-by-side with one another, we can create the community that Lucien Palmer, Vel Phillips, and many others worked so tirelessly to achieve.

Thank you.”

Last Updated on Thursday, 08 February 2018 16:23
“Walker punishes poor to help his re-election” Battleground Wisconsin Podcast PDF Print E-mail
Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Matt Brusky   
Friday, 02 February 2018 17:10

walker_punishes_poorCovering up political failings, Gov. Walker chose to divide us this week by scapegoating the poor. And, a new report reveals $1.6 billion of the Foxconn state payout won’t be tied to job creation.

STATEWIDE - Gov. Walker rightly understands that he and Republicans are in serious political danger heading into his 2018 campaign. In an attempt to cover up political failings, Walker called a special session this week to further punish the working poor and struggling families in Wisconsin. Instead of calling a special session to address the shortage of family-supporting jobs in most parts of the state, Walker chose to divide us by scapegoating the poor.

Next, we discuss a new report revealing that $1.6 billion of the Foxconn state payout won’t be tied to job creation and that 39% of the water Foxconn takes from Lake Michigan won’t be returned to the lake. Finally, we discuss the news that the state’s school choice program now has nearly 400 private schools registered for 2018-19.

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Democratic Radio "Governor Walker’s Flip-flops" PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Assembly Democrats   
Thursday, 01 February 2018 16:54

amanda-stuckMADISON - This week, Wisconsin Assembly Democrats speaker Representative Amanda Stuck (D - Appleton) welcomes Governor Walker to the Democratic Party.

Audio File of Radio Address

Hello, this is State Representative Amanda Stuck with this week’s Democratic Radio Address.

I would like to start off by welcoming Governor Walker to the Democratic Party, over the Governor’s 25 year political career he has rejected good ideas put forward by his political opponents.

However, after seeing poll numbers and heeding his self-proclaimed “Wake Up Call” after the special election, the Governor has gone full flip-flop, embracing ideas he has rejected for years.

For instance, in two of his budget proposals he wanted to eliminate SeniorCare which saves Wisconsin’s seniors money on prescription drug costs, now suddenly he wants it to be a permanent program.

After railing against the Affordable Care Act in his campaigns and rejecting every provision since taking office, he suddenly wants to stabilize the insurance marketplace and protect those with pre-existing conditions.

In last year’s budget, he vetoed a plan to help fund rural schools, but now with early polls looking bad he is embracing increasing sparsity aid.

For six years, he has ignored the crisis at Lincoln Hills and refused to visit the facility, now suddenly he is embracing Democratic plan to regionalize our juvenile corrections system.

There is still time for Governor Walker to embrace a few more Democratic ideas before the November election.

We could find a long-term solution for our transportation system.

The Governor could also accept the proposal to allow college graduates to refinance their student loans, rather than being weighed down with student loan debt.

We could repeal the $4.5 billion giveaway to Foxconn. Instead we could help the Wisconsin businesses and families in northeast Wisconsin who have seen plants shuttered or file for bankruptcy. We can help the family farms in western Wisconsin who led the country in bankruptcies last year, making sure that family farms can make their payments.

While there seems to be nothing that the Governor won’t say or do to help him get re-elected, Democrats will continue to work on good ideas that help the people of Wisconsin, because they will help people in our state, not just to use as an election year talking point.

Last Updated on Thursday, 01 February 2018 17:04
“Scott Walker’s SOS distress signal to voters” Battleground Wisconsin Podcast PDF Print E-mail
Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Matt Brusky   
Friday, 26 January 2018 19:14

walker_sosWalker tries to re-brand himself heading into the 2018 election, AFSCME Council 32’s Mike Horecki to talk about efforts to close Lincoln Hills, and more...

STATEWIDE - Our panel reviews Gov. Walker’s State of the State (SOS) address which reveals a massive re-branding effort heading into the 2018 election. Robert analyzes Walker’s 11th hour conversion on health care designed to address his biggest electoral vulnerability.

We welcome AFSCME Council 32’s Mike Horecki to talk about Walker’s belated effort to close Lincoln Hills after 7 years of pressure from workers and advocates to address the destructive impact of his policies.  Health Care Co-op Organizer  Katie Dunn joins us to promote this Saturday’s Healthcare Jeopardy forum with Democratic candidates for Governor in Milwaukee. We close with Rebecca educating us about a police shooting in Racine that has the community organized and searching for answers.

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Democratic Radio "The real state of the state" PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Senate, Bridget Esser   
Friday, 26 January 2018 16:59

farm-familyWe feel seven years of failed Republican budgets every time we drive over a pothole, or cast a ballot for a school referendum. We feel it in our pocketbooks as our wages remain stagnant, while 47 millionaires receive a new tax break.

MADISON, WI – Senator Jennifer Shilling (D-La Crosse) offered the Democratic weekly radio address highlighting the failed leadership of Gov. Walker and legislative Republicans and the Democratic solutions to help Wisconsin families.

“Wisconsin families are working harder than ever but can’t get ahead because Republicans continue to favor the wealthy and foreign corporations. Gov. Walker has drained resources from our schools, roads and local communities in order to fund the largest taxpayer giveaway to a foreign corporation in U.S. history.” – Sen. Jennifer Shilling

The audio file of this week’s address can be found here:

A written transcript of the address is below:

jennifer-shilling“Hi, I’m State Senator Jennifer Shilling.

“Despite Governor Walker’s frantic attempts to improve his public approval ratings in a tough election year, Wisconsin residents will not be fooled.

“Seven years of failed Republican budgets are felt every time we drive over a pothole, or cast a ballot for a school referendum. We feel it in our pocketbooks as our wages remain stagnant, while 47 millionaires receive a new tax break.

“Wisconsin families are working harder than ever but can’t get ahead because Republicans continue to favor the wealthy and foreign corporations. Gov. Walker has drained resources from our schools, roads and local communities in order to fund the largest taxpayer giveaway to a foreign corporation in U.S. history.

“Senate Democrats remain united in the Wisconsin Way Forward that expands access to affordable health care, expands the family medical leave act, and invests in our infrastructure and local schools.

“These are the issues that impact families across Wisconsin and these are the issues that families want fixed. By focusing on policies that encourage growth and drive innovation, we can expand economic opportunities and move Wisconsin forward.

Thank you.”

Rep. David Bowen: Gov. Walker hopes you’ll forget the past seven years PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Assembly Democrats   
Friday, 26 January 2018 15:10

walker-factuallychallengedState of the State Walker wants to convince Wisconsinites he’s had their best interests in mind all along. They aren’t that stupid.

MADISON – Rep. David Bowen (D-Milwaukee) issued the following statement on Governor Walker’s final state of the state address:

david-bowen“In delivering his last state of the state address, Governor Walker continued to project a sudden urgency to transition from seven years of failure into one desperate year where he will attempt to convince Wisconsinites he’s had their best interests in mind all along. Wisconsinites aren’t stupid. They are not suffering from the collective amnesia the governor is counting on.

“The way the governor’s time in office will be remembered is clear: attacking the hard-working people of our state, hurting Wisconsin communities by gutting education funding, rigging the Wisconsin economy against everyday people by giving billions of taxpayer dollars and tax cuts to a foreign corporation and the wealthy elite while raising taxes and fees on working families, and leaving his responsibilities as governor behind to embark on a failed run for president where Republican voters nationwide rejected his agenda.

“The governor hopes you’ll forget all that, and he’s going to use your time and your money over the next year to try to help you forget. Fearing the end of his political career, he’s issued a “wake up call” that Wisconsinites are rejecting his failed agenda.

“He wants you to forget the crisis in youth corrections he caused and ignored for six years.

“He wants you to forget he signed off on a plan that will give up to $4.5 billion to a foreign corporation who might end up creating jobs in Wisconsin.

“He wants you to forget he signed off on billions in tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires.

“He wants you to forget he eliminated the Working Families Tax Credit and cut the Homestead and Earned Income Tax Credits that hard working Wisconsin families counted on to reduce the burden of a tax system that Republicans have rigged against them.

“He wants you to forget that the state’s commitment to funding public education still has not returned to the level it was at before his record cuts in the classroom.

“He wants you to forget he vetoed additional help for rural school districts faced with mounting transportation costs.

“He wants you to forget he turned down nearly $2 billion of our own federal tax dollars to improve our state’s transportation system, expand rural broadband, make sure kids don’t go hungry, and offer healthcare to thousands more Wisconsinites.

“We won’t forget.”

Senator Chris Larson remarks on Gov. Walker’s ‘State of the State’ PDF Print E-mail
Written by Chris Larson, State Senator, District 7   
Thursday, 25 January 2018 16:24

walker-state-denialThe Governor's smooth talking spin on the State of our State ignores the facts that reflect the reality our neighbors are facing every day.

MADISON, WI – On Wednesday the legislature gathered once again to hear Governor Walker’s State of the State address. True to form Governor Walker donned his rose-colored glasses and told the state that our lackluster economy, healthcare crisis, underfunded schools, job creation failures, dismantled environmental safeguards, threats to our drinking water, and struggling middle class are not a problem. Like Trump, he is ignoring the facts that reflect the reality our neighbors are facing every day.

Just a few things Governor Walker is running away from:

 Rejecting the Medicaid expansion for the people of Wisconsin, costing our taxpayers over $700 million  Selling out our state’s future to a foreign company, costing taxpayers a staggering $4.5 billion

 Pushing for the dismantling of our conservation heritage

 Devastating the ability of our neighborhood schools to educate our children by cutting nearly $1 billion for their futures. Cutting more money from public schools than ever before

chris-larsonOn behalf of my neighbors, I will continue to fight for a fair economy that expands opportunities for families and strengthens our community. I am committed to:

 Strengthening our neighborhood schools by restoring the over $1 billion in state aid that was cut by Republicans

 Making child care more affordable and expanding access to paid leave

 Updating our infrastructure to meet the needs of our current generation

 Adequately funding lead abatement to stop the poisoning of our children

 Protecting our environment

 Legalizing the recreational and medicinal use of marijuana

 Protecting and promoting Wisconsin born and grown businesses

Despite the smooth talk offered by the governor, Wisconsinites are still stuck cleaning up Walker’s mess of the last seven years. His apparent rush from his record of partisan extremes is a little too late to mediate the damage he has done. Our neighbors are calling out for sensible leadership that will serve the people, not just the wealthy and well-connected.

Last Updated on Thursday, 25 January 2018 16:52
Senator Hansen: State of the State Address PDF Print E-mail
Written by Dave Hansen, State Senator Dist 30   
Thursday, 25 January 2018 10:41

walkerGov. Walker can spin his record anyway he wants, but is more spin what we really needed?

GREEN BAY - The Governor’s latest series of flip flops on health care, education and the lack of jobs in our rural communities just shows how desperate he is about his chances in the upcoming election.

- Not that long ago he took President Trump’s side in supporting the ability of insurance companies to deny people with preexisting conditions.

- In his first term he inflicted the biggest cut to our public schools in our state’s history—costing many of our schools some of their best teachers and forcing local school districts to beg taxpayers for enough money to keep the lights on.

- And offering $50 million to rural communities in north and western Wisconsin is a pittance compared to the $4 billion he is giving to a Taiwanese billionaire to help create jobs for people living in northern Illinois.

dave-hansenGovernor Walker has also failed to keep his promise to create 250,000 jobs.  He has failed to take responsibility for driving our transportation system into the ditch, and he has signed into law some of the most egregious corporate attacks on our environmental protections that will lead to more of our wetlands being lost and more of our lakes, streams and drinking water being polluted.

And, despite his claims to the contrary, Governor Walker has still done absolutely nothing to lower student loan payments for the over 800,000 people in this state who are struggling under the weight of high cost student loans.

Governor Walker can spin his record anyway he wants, but as we have seen around the country and in western Wisconsin, the people want change.  And next fall they will have the ultimate say on whether his speech today was a success.

Last Updated on Thursday, 25 January 2018 16:47
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