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“Interview with Mandela Barnes for Lt. Governor” Battleground Wisconsin Podcast PDF Print E-mail
Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Matt Brusky   
Friday, 20 July 2018 14:03

j0ftysBarnes talks about his race, news on the GOP’s continued sabotage of the Affordable Care Act, and more...

MILWAUKEE - We welcome Citizen Action of Wisconsin endorsed Lt. Governor candidate Mandela Barnes to talk about his race. We review the latest Marquette Law Poll and take a deep dive into the Democratic Governor’s primary.

Robert tells us about the news conference this weekend with Congresswoman Gwen Moore and Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi about the GOP’s continued sabotage of the Affordable Care Act. Join us Saturday, 7/21, at 10: 45am, at Independence First (540 S. 1st St in Milwaukee.) And of course, as we do most weeks, we have more Foxconn revelations.

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Last Updated on Saturday, 21 July 2018 14:10
Wisconsin Democracy Campaign "Russian Woman and Walker" PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, Matt Rothschild   
Thursday, 19 July 2018 13:46

maria-butina-walker-arRussian woman highlights Walker’s NRA ties, pay to play, and more from a bizarre week.

MADISON - What a bizarre week for our democracy!

There was Donald Trump’s disastrous press conference in Helsinki and his embarrassing attempts to walk it back. And there was Maria Butina, under arrest, with Scott Walker making a veiled cameo appearance in the FBI’s arrest request. Walker and Butina met at an NRA event, which is fitting, since the NRA has been a steady Walker supporter, as we note here:

Russian woman highlights Walker’s NRA ties

We broke a story, earlier this week, on Walker and an illegal contribution he received relating to the state pension fund:

Walker received "pay-to-play" contribution from exec of investment company

And we pored over the campaign finance filings that Wisconsin candidates submitted this week.

First for the governor’s race:

Walker raises twice as much as all of the Democratic candidates

And then for the race for Attorney General:

AG candidates raise nearly $1.3M in first half of 2018

I hope you like these postings.


Matt Rothschild
Executive Director
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P.S. Please support the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign with a tax-deductible donation today. It’s simple! Just click here. Thanks!

Last Updated on Saturday, 21 July 2018 13:59
Democratic Radio "Protecting our democracy" PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Senate, Bridget Esser   
Thursday, 19 July 2018 12:55

ron-johnsonRepublicans in Wisconsin like Ron Johnson have not taken Russian attacks on our country and our democracy seriously.

MADISON, WI – Senator Mark Miller (D-Monona) offered the weekly Democratic radio address today.

The audio file of this week’s address can be found here.

A written transcript of the address is below:

mark-miller“Hello this is Senator Mark Miller with this week’s democratic radio address.

“The latest round of indictments against Russia by the Department of Justice reminds us how serious the Russian attacks on our country and our democracy have been.

“It is especially concerning that republicans in Wisconsin like Ron Johnson have not taken these attacks seriously. In fact, Senator Ron Johnson spent the 4th of July in Russia. He came home to say that ‘we’ve blown it way out of proportion’ and that it is difficult to meddle in our elections. That is, unfortunately, false. Not only have the Russians meddled in our election, primarily by spreading disinformation and hacking campaigns, Department of Justice is literally in the middle of telling us who, when and how.

“The right to vote, be informed, and have your vote counted is among the most precious to the American people. For Americans to have an unfriendly nation jeopardize that right is unacceptable and dangerous. President Trump said this week at his summit with Russian President Putin that both countries were at fault for the election meddling. President Trump, when asked, said he believes Putin over our own American Intelligence agencies. This is preposterous and deeply disturbing.

“The Russian hacks were successful. They will continue to commit these crimes as long as they continue to be successful. Instead of pretending that this isn’t happening, it is time for Republicans to join Democrats in taking these threats and attacks seriously. This is not a witch hunt. This is protecting our democracy.”

"Trump’s New Healthcare Sabotage" Battleground Wisconsin Podcast PDF Print E-mail
Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Matt Brusky   
Friday, 13 July 2018 12:36

trumps_new_healthcare_sabotageTalk of Trump and the political implications of the 2018 election on healthcare and the Supreme Court. Next Milwaukee County Board Supervisor, Sylvia Ortiz-Velez, will talk about her resolution opposing Trump’s zero tolerance immigration policy. Finally, the WEDC.

MILWAUKEE, WI - We do a deep dive into Donald Trump’s latest sabotage of the Affordable Care Act and its political implications for the 2018 election.

We look at Trump’s new arch-conservative Supreme Court nominee and how Democrats are turning to healthcare as the center of their strategy to defeat his appointment.

We welcome Citizen Action Organizing Cooperative member and Milwaukee County Board Supervisor, Sylvia Ortiz-Velez, to talk about her resolution opposing Trump’s zero tolerance immigration policy.

We close by discussing WEDC failure to collect a $1.1 million loan from a jailed De Pere businessman convicted of bank fraud and Foxconn’s sleazy effort to lower wage requirements for the jobs it has promised to create with our public money.

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Democratic Radio "Water and the Environment" PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Senate, Bridget Esser   
Thursday, 12 July 2018 14:19

lake-michigan“In order to move Wisconsin forward, we need to prioritize communities and the natural resources we all rely on. That means investing in our water and our environment."

MADISON, WI – Senator Patty Schachtner (D-Somerset) offered the weekly Democratic radio address today.

The audio file of this week’s address can be found here.

A written transcript of the address is below:

“Hi, I’m State Senator Patty Schachtner with this week’s Democratic Radio Address.

“As we head into summer, I learn to cherish our lakes, rivers, and water even more.

“As someone raised on a farm and a hunter, I understand just how important it is to invest in conservation and environmental stewardship.

“The natural beauty of our waterways attracts thousands of people across the nation to visit, bringing tourism revenue and friendly faces to our main street businesses.

“Conservation is crucial to our enjoyment of Wisconsin’s natural wonders, safe drinking water, and our tourism economy – which brought in $12.7 billion in direct spending last year.

“Despite the importance of water, I am concerned we are not doing enough to protect this crucial resource.

“Foxconn was approved to pump 7 million gallons of water each day from Lake Michigan, with about 2.7 million gallons being evaporated. Residents near lakes and streams are seeing water levels declining.

“Our friends in northeastern Wisconsin are concerned about the state of their drinking water, where fecal matter contamination is affecting many wells.

“And in municipalities across the state, more than 176,000 lead service lines exist, threatening our children’s brain, kidney, and blood cell development.

“In order to move Wisconsin forward, we need to prioritize communities and the natural resources we all rely on. That means investing in our water and our environment.

“Thank you.”

WEDC’s Continued Failure, Green Box Edition PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Senate, Jay Wadd   
Thursday, 12 July 2018 13:33

walkerThe decision by WEDC to write off a $1.1 million dollar loan to an area businessman convicted of fraud confirms that it is the wrong model for economic development and should be scrapped.

GREEN BAY, WI - According to a new report in the Wisconsin State Journal, the Wisconsin Economic Development Corp. has written off a $1.1 million loan to a jailed De Pere businessman who was convicted last year of bank fraud and faces additional charges for allegedly defrauding the state’s job-creation agency.

In response, Sen. Dave Hansen of Green Bay had the following statement.

dave_hansen“The decision by WEDC to write off a $1.1 million dollar loan to an area businessman convicted of fraud confirms what many of us have said from the beginning—that WEDC is the wrong model for economic development and should be scrapped for one that puts more resources into the hands of local economic development experts.

“Today’s news also reaffirms the need for new laws making fraudulent applications for taxpayer assistance a crime in and of itself.

“It also makes one wonder: If WEDC can’t enforce payment of a $1.1 million loan or weed out fraudulent applicants, how can we expect it to adequately safeguard the billions in tax dollars that taxpayers are being forced to pay to Foxconn, which has already announced the downsizing of its proposed plant in Southeast Wisconsin?”

Last Updated on Thursday, 12 July 2018 13:54
Opioids vs. Medical Cannabis PDF Print E-mail
Written by Laura Kiefert, Green Bay Progressive   
Tuesday, 10 July 2018 09:34

brown-county-exec-comm-070918A person diagnosed with diabetic eye and peripheral nerve damage makes a statement on her personal experience with legal prescription drugs and her hope to see medical marijuana legalized in Wisconsin. Made before the Brown County Board Executive Committee on July 9, 2018.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 10 July 2018 20:15
“What Does the Progressive Upsurge Mean for Democrats?” Battleground Wisconsin Podcast PDF Print E-mail
Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Matt Brusky   
Friday, 06 July 2018 14:10

bg350imgConversation about the progressive upsurge in Democratic primaries and what it means to be a progressive.

MILWAUKEE - In a special episode of Battleground Wisconsin State Senator Chris Larson and Lt. Governor candidate Mandela Barnes join regular panelists Rebecca Lynch and Robert Kraig for an in-depth conversation about the progressive upsurge in Democratic primaries. Are the victories of strong progressive candidates a threat to Democratic election prospects in 2018, or are they a sign of a new reform politics that can change America?

In addition, the panel digs into the question of what it means to be a progressive, and how we can create a movement grounded in empathy and love which both breaks structural racism and sexism, while also inviting in working class voters who have turned away from Democrats in recent elections.

LISTEN NOW - Episode #350
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Democratic Radio: "Celebrating Independence Day" PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Senate, Bridget Esser   
Thursday, 05 July 2018 14:26

immigration-childrenAs we celebrate our Independence Day this week, Gov. Walker is still committed to his plan to send Wisconsin’s National Guard troops to the border where families have been cruelly ripped apart. We must all speak up for what is right and humane.

“Supreme power grab” Battleground Wisconsin Podcast PDF Print E-mail
Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Matt Brusky   
Friday, 29 June 2018 12:29

supreme_power_grabWill Court's "Fair Share" ruling backfire by sparking a new era of labor activism? How about Justice Kennedy’s decision to step down? Get the buzz here.

MILWAUKEE, WI - We welcome Candice Owley, President of the Wisconsin Federation of Nurses & Health Professionals to discuss this week’s Janus ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court that seeks to gut union and worker power. Will these right wing politicians in robes succeed, or will their rigging of the system backfire by sparking a new era of labor activism and protest?

We also talk over the implication of Justice Kennedy’s decision to step down from the Supreme Court. Will it make the Supreme Court even worse?

Luz Sosa, lead organizer for Citizen Action Latino Co-op Caucus, Accion Ciudadana, joins us from Thursday’s Milwaukee protest of President Trump, who is in Wisconsin for the Foxconn groundbreaking. Luz tells us more about a media event led by Citizen Action on Saturday at the Federal Building opposing family separation, indefinite internment, and the many Trump/GOP human rights violations on the border.

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