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Governor Walker’s Foxconn Bait-and-Switch PDF Print E-mail
Written by Dave Hansen, State Senator Dist 30   
Saturday, 08 September 2018 19:14

foxconn-groundbreakAs Foxconn pulls the classic bait-and-switch on jobs and commitment to Wisconsin, the people are stuck with a  deal that will cost everyone for 25 more years. Is Walker's big deal turning into just another empty election year promise?

Martha Laning on Labor Day PDF Print E-mail
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin   
Monday, 03 September 2018 21:13

unionworkersMADISON -- The following is a statement from Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair Martha Laning on the significance of Labor Day.

martha-laning“This Labor Day, I’m so grateful for the hard work and determination of leaders before us who fought tooth and nail for the rights of our nation’s working people. The Democratic Party has been proud to stand beside the workers of Wisconsin through some of the toughest fights our state has seen. And we will stand arm in arm together as we build a better future for our families and our communities.

“We remain committed as ever to fighting for a living minimum wage, for ensuring working people have the ability to organize for better working conditions, for equal pay guarantees and for workplaces free of discrimination. We all do better when we all do better, and that means making sure hardworking Wisconsinites have a fair shot at getting ahead.”

Democratic Radio "Back to School Week" PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Senate, Bridget Esser   
Thursday, 30 August 2018 18:24

schoolyardSchools are the heart of the community for cities and towns across Wisconsin. In order to move forward, we need to prioritize K-12 education.

MADISON, WI – Senator Patty Schachtner (D-Somerset) offered the weekly Democratic radio address today.

The audio file of this week’s address can be found here.

A written transcript of the address is below:

patty-schachtner“Hi, I’m State Senator Patty Schachtner with this week’s Democratic Radio Address.

“Students, parents, and teachers are gearing up for another school year.

“Schools are the heart of the community for cities and towns across Wisconsin. They are a place of learning, collaboration, and growth for our children and their families.

“As a parent and former school board member, I want every child to have the opportunity to succeed.

“Whether a child is interested in the agriculture or academia, white-collar work or blue-collar careers, schools should help them grow along the way.

“Despite the importance of education, I am concerned we are not doing enough to prepare our children for today’s competitive economy.

“Wisconsin’s K-12 schools are still recovering from historic cuts to education made in 2011, when $792 million in direct state aid was eliminated.

“Statewide, the average years of teaching experience declined since 2011.

“While state lawmakers increased K-12 spending this year, many communities fear the overdue increases are insufficient to meet next year’s needs.

“In order to move Wisconsin forward, we need to prioritize K-12 education. That means investing in our schools and teachers.

“Thank you.”

Celebrating Peace through the Sport of Art PDF Print E-mail
Friday, 24 August 2018 14:58

milw-arena-plazaJoin the team of artists and Mayor Tom Barrett for a Peace Post Ceremony with a live performance by WebsterX inaugurating the Home Court Design.

MILWAUKEE - Anne and Ben Koller, owners of the iconic MECCA floor, were born and raised in Milwaukee’s Midtown neighborhood, growing up playing sports at Tiefenthaler Park, a park that has been the scene of two homicides and multiple shootings in one of the most violent zip codes in the City. Over the years, community organizations surrounding the park have been seeking innovative initiatives that foster peace and encourage youth in a positive direction. After traveling the world and working in public art, placemaking and entrepreneurship, Anne and Ben felt called to return to their roots and support the community they grew up in.

Since January, in partnership with Lake Valley Camp and ActivateMKE, they have been working with community residents and leaders on peacemaking efforts that use sport and art as a platform for peace. With the support of generous grants from the Milwaukee Arts Board and Harry and Mary Franke Idea Fund, community-based public artist Muneer Bahauddeen was commissioned to lead the neighborhood through a process of peacemaking to craft five (5) Peace Posts made using the residents intentions for peace as the inspiration and foundation of the art pieces.

In the spirit of the MECCA Floor, bring together the seemingly opposite worlds of Sport and Art, a diverse team of local artists were assembled to design and execute a fully painted basketball court at Tiefenthaler park as a memorial to the Life and Work of the late pop artist Robert Indiana. On Saturday, August 25th from 5 to 9PM join Midtown residents and leaders at Tiefenthaler Park (25th and Galena) for their city-wide Stand 4 Peace Day Celebration.

Attendees are invited to join the team of artists and Mayor Tom Barrett for a Peace Post Ceremony with a live performance by WebsterX inaugurating the Home Court Design in support of peace and unity in the community. Learn more and RSVP at


Anne and Ben Koller

Last Updated on Friday, 24 August 2018 15:10
No more cheaters like Trump PDF Print E-mail
Written by LegitAction Team   
Friday, 24 August 2018 13:46

donald-trumpHelp build momentum behind Senator Elizabeth Warren’s timely new Anti-Corruption and Public Integrity Act.

MIDDLETON, WI - The real surprise isn’t President Trump’s former attorney Michael Cohen pleading guilty to eight felonies. And it isn’t Trump’s former campaign chair Paul Manafort being found guilty of eight more felonies by a Virginia jury.

The surprise is seeing powerful Washington players like Cohen and Manafort actually facing accountability from our system.

elizabethwarrenBut accountability could start happening a whole lot more often. Americans are outraged at what they’re seeing right now -- which means our Elizabeth Warren couldn’t have picked a better week to build momentum for the newest and most ambitious anti-corruption legislation since Watergate.

But this bill won’t go anywhere without progressives behind it.

Join thousands of fellow Legit supporters endorsing Senator Elizabeth Warren’s brand-new Anti-Corruption and Public Integrity Act. Show progressives stand behind accountability for public officials.

Trump’s inner circle collapsing under its own corruption has been a blaring wake-up call for the American people and many in the press.

Corruption in Washington isn’t a small problem, and it can’t be fixed with piecemeal solutions. The sweeping protections of the Anti-Corruption and Public Integrity Act are our best hope to protect our democracy from campaigns to lobbying to the judiciary.

With this bill as law, operatives like Paul Manafort wouldn’t even start lobbying for foreign governments. And federal candidates would face way higher disclosure requirements, meaning candidates like Trump would find it impossible to get away with flagrant campaign violations.

These are just a few of the ways that the Anti-Corruption and Public Integrity Act would restore major legitimacy to our government, which explains why thousands of Legit members are hurrying to build momentum for it. Now you have the power to supercharge that momentum.

Help build momentum behind Senator Elizabeth Warren’s timely new Anti-Corruption and Public Integrity Act. Show your support now.

Senator Warren is right to say that Trump’s administration is one of the most corrupt in history. But we have the power to make sure future administrations maintain the high standards of legitimacy we rightfully expect from American government.

Thank you for standing up for democratic legitimacy today,

LegitAction Team

“Progressives running hard in GOP districts” Battleground Wisconsin Podcast PDF Print E-mail
Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Matt Brusky   
Friday, 24 August 2018 13:17

aub1o4Talk about the latest MU Law poll and the onslaught of new political TV ads, Democrats in rural and small town areas, and the marijuana referendums in Wisconsin.

STATEWIDE - Our panel dissects the new MU Law poll and the onslaught of new political TV ads (spoiler alert: the Governor's race is a toss up). We then welcome Citizen Action Co-op member and State Assembly 60th District candidate Chris Rahlf who is running a strong campaign in a long time Republican district. We discuss the opportunities for Democrats in rural and small town areas and encourage volunteers to join Chris and knock doors untouched for years. Southeastern Wisconsin NORML ED Eric Marsch joins us to update listeners on the marijuana referendums in Wisconsin and marijuana legalization polling at 61%!

Last Updated on Friday, 24 August 2018 13:28
Democratic Radio "National Health Center Week" PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Senate, Bridget Esser   
Thursday, 23 August 2018 15:56

healthcare-familyAs we recognize the efforts of health care providers, it’s time for our state leaders to come together and prioritize patient-centered solutions that expand access to quality, affordable health coverage.

MADISON, WI – Senator Jennifer Shilling (D-La Crosse) offered the weekly Democratic radio address today.

The audio file of this week’s address can be found here.

A written transcript of the address is below:

jennifer-shilling“Hi, I’m State Senator Jennifer Shilling with this week’s Democratic Radio Address.

“Across Wisconsin, families know that access to quality health care can be a challenge.

“As costs increase and communities struggle with provider shortages, many Health Centers have stepped up to expand coverage and meet the needs of local residents.

“As we celebrate National Health Center Week and recognize the efforts of health care providers across our country, it’s important to look for ways Wisconsin can improve health care access.

“Rather than allowing powerful drug companies and insurance executives to write their own rules, Democrats are fighting to expand health care coverage, protect community health clinics and lower prescription costs for seniors.

“We’ve rolled out our plans to strengthen BadgerCare, combat prescription drug price gouging, and improve access to preventive health services like cancer screenings and annual checkups.

"As medical providers and Community Health Clinics do their part to serve local residents, it’s time for our state leaders to come together and prioritize patient-centered solutions that expand access to quality, affordable health coverage.

“While the stakes couldn’t be higher, I’m confident that Wisconsin can once again be a leader in health care.”


Omarosa. Manafort. Kavanaugh? PDF Print E-mail
Written by LegitAction Team   
Monday, 20 August 2018 17:06

donald-trump-golden-wingsTrump wants to make another lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court while he’s under active criminal investigation. Join tens of thousands of Legit members and sign our petition to keep Brett Kavanaugh off the Supreme Court.

Last Updated on Monday, 20 August 2018 21:38
“Citizen Action Co-op Members Win Big on Primary Day” Battleground Wisconsin Podcast PDF Print E-mail
Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Matt Brusky   
Friday, 17 August 2018 15:54

bgw-2v2tnciSTATEWIDE - We discuss Tuesday’s primary election in Wisconsin and celebrate huge victories by Citizen Action members Mandela Barnes, Sarah Godlewski, Marisabel Cabrera and Jeff Smith. Our panel begins to handicap the Governor and U.S. Senate races. and we welcome Citizen Action co-op member and candidate for the State Assembly Kim Butler to discuss her important race in Western Wisconsin.

Download MP3
Press Clips

Democratic Radio "Observing Black Women’s Equal Pay Day" PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Senate Democrats   
Thursday, 16 August 2018 16:11

latonya-johnsonMADISON – Senator LaTonya Johnson (D-Milwaukee) offered the following weekly Democratic radio address today on Black Women’s Equal Pay Day.

The audio file can be found here.

A written transcript of the address is as follows:

“Hello. I’m State Senator LaTonya Johnson. On August 7, we observed Black Women’s Equal Pay Day. Women on average earn 80 cents for every $1 paid to men and for this reason we hold Equal Pay Day in April. In other words, equal pay for equal work. But did you know for women of color the pay gap is even wider? In Wisconsin, African American women earn only 61 cents for every dollar paid to men, which made August 7 of this year the day that their salaries caught up to what white men made in 2017.

“Senate Democrats are committed to ensuring women, including women of color, are paid fair wages for equal work and addressing contributors to the wage gap, such as employment discrimination and lack of affordable child care.

“According to the Institute for Women's Policy Research, if women were paid the same as comparable men then the economy would add $513 billion in wages and salary, and the poverty rate for working women would fall by nearly half. Closing the wage gap is not only an issue of fairness, but it’s an economic imperative that benefits everyone in our community.”

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