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WI Democracy Campaign - Vote Early! PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, Matt Rothschild   
Friday, 16 October 2020 14:38

vote_buttonsMADISON - If you haven’t voted already, please get ready to do so.

If you’ve got an absentee ballot, make sure you fill it out correctly and get a witness to sign it, and then either mail it in or hand it in at your local clerk’s office or in a municipally designated drop box (City of Madison Clerk lists locations here).

If you’re planning on voting in person, please consider voting early, which is what I’m going to do.

Early voting starts statewide next Tuesday, Oct. 20. However, each city, village and town in Wisconsin is responsible for setting the dates and hours for their municipality. So check with your municipal clerk’s office about the hours and locations. Be sure to bring your driver’s license or passport or other approved ID.

Remember, you can register at the polls either when you go to vote early or on Nov. 3. Just bring a utility bill or other proof of residence along with your ID.

Wisconsin used to have the second highest turnout in the country, right behind Minnesota. But we slipped to fifth place in 2016.

Let’s get to first place this time!

I’d like to see a turnout of 80 percent in Wisconsin, like they have in Scandinavian countries.

One word of caution on Election Night: We might not know who the winners are, especially in the presidential race, since it’s doubtful that all the absentee ballots will be counted by midnight. We’ll need to be patient and recognize how important it is to count every vote.

One way to speed things up would be to change the law in Wisconsin as to when poll workers can start counting absentee ballots. I wrote about this here:

Chris Larson’s Good Idea

matt-rothschildI look forward to celebrating Wisconsin’s massive voter turnout with you in a post-election note.

Thanks for doing your part!


Matt Rothschild
Executive Director
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