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Democratic Radio: Help Keep Veterans Safe PDF Print E-mail
Written by GOV Press Wisconsin   
Friday, 16 October 2020 13:49

veteran-olderSecretary of the Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs urges veterans to protect each other, and everyone else, from the virus by wearing masks.

MADISON —​ Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary Mary Kolar today delivered the Democratic Radio Address encouraging Wisconsinites to help keep Wisconsin's 350,000 veterans safe by staying home and wearing a mask.

Audio file of radio address.

Hello. I’m Mary Kolar, Secretary of the Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs. I hope you and your loved ones are well.

Unfortunately, too many of us in Wisconsin, including family, friends and neighbors, are not well. More people, every single day, get sick from the coronavirus. COVID-19 is sneaky, some will not experience symptoms and others get very ill. Some die.

As the advocate for our state’s 350,000 veterans, I implore you to do all you can to keep yourself healthy and protect those in our communities who took an oath to serve our country, stand up for it, and fight if necessary. They stood up for us, now let’s stand up for them.

Many of our state’s veterans are older, and with conditions that put them in a high-risk category for complications from COVID-19. Many live in rural areas, where COVID-19 is now rapidly spreading, and are also far from a hospital. And there are veterans who live at our Wisconsin’s Veterans Homes, nursing homes where we fight every day to keep them safe from the virus.

Please, for those who have served our country and those who support them, I ask you to join me in the fight: stay home when possible, mask up and stay six feet away from others when you go out, and wash hands frequently. These are known ways we can do our part to prevent the spread of this deadly virus. This isn’t political; this is literally the possibility of long-term negative health consequences or death.

By protecting ourselves from the virus, we protect them, our veterans – our nation’s heroes.

Let’s have each other’s backs and do our part to keep each other safe. Thank you.

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