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Wis Democracy Campaign - Koch targets Schachtner PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, Matt Rothschild   
Friday, 18 September 2020 11:02

wisconsin-koch-industriesMADISON - I hope you’re managing to stay healthy in this dangerous and maddening time.

Here at the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign this week, we took note of the fact that the leading independent expenditure group in our state legislative races is the Koch’s Americans for Prosperity, which is shelling out a lot of money to try to take down State Sen. Patty Schachtner:

Koch Group Leads Outside Spending in Wisconsin Legislative Races

We also worked with Erik Gunn of the Wisconsin Examiner on his terrific story here about dark money in Wisconsin:

Election financiers operating in the shadows

And I wrote up my own assessment of the Wisconsin Supreme Court ruling in the Green Party case, which you can see here:

What the Court's Green Party Decision Revealed

matt-rothschild-2018I’m always interested in your reactions to what we post, and your own comments on our democracy, so feel free to email me at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

Have a nice weekend!


Matt Rothschild
Executive Director
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P.S. If you like the work we do here, please make a tax-deductible gift today to the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign. We’d really appreciate it. Give online here or mail a check in the old-fashioned way to the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, 203 South Paterson Street, Suite 100, Madison WI 53703. Thanks!

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