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Rick and Laurie Engen on losing a loved one to COVID-19 PDF Print E-mail
Written by WisDems Press, Philip Shulman   
Tuesday, 18 August 2020 16:13

coronavirus-ventilatorEngens say "We have done our duty as fellow citizens, so our simple question to President Trump is this: why can’t you?”

WISCONSIN -- Donald Trump’s failed response to the COVID-19 pandemic has caused needless pain and suffering for Wisconsinites. In an op-ed for The Cap Times, Rick and Laurie Engen document the painful loss of Rick’s brother to the coronavirus. This pandemic is truly a matter of life and death, and the question is how many more lives will be lost because of Trump’s ineffective leadership.


The Cap Times: Rick and Laurie Engen: After losing a loved one to COVID-19, we believe electing Biden is the only way to end this pandemic

  • I recently had to say goodbye to a loved one for the wrong reason -- my brother lost his life to COVID-19 just over a month ago. As my wife and I continue to mourn for him, it’s hard to accept that his death was preventable.
  • Like most Americans, we watched with horror as the death toll climbed and President Trump continuously dismissed the seriousness of this virus.
  • He dominated our TV with statements that disregarded the guidance of scientists and doctors, that promoted ridiculous treatment like drinking household cleaning supplies, and even claimed that somehow COVID-19 would just disappear on its own.
  • I truly believe the only way to end this national nightmare and get our lives back is to elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to the White House.
  • This isn’t about Democrats or Republicans -- it’s about the simple fact that they actually listen to the experts, accept the realities of the pandemic, and care about keeping us safe.
  • Not one more person -- like my brother -- should have to perish due to irresponsibility from our leaders. But as we see Trump continue to hold in-person campaign events, failing to get needed supplies to the right people, and refusing to do simple things like wearing a mask, I’m worried that things will get worse before they get better. We are frightened that despite our best efforts we will get infected or more of our loved ones will.
  • I’m a pastor, and until recently, since the outset of the pandemic we have not held in person church events. Now my church follows very strict guidelines to protect everyone from getting sick.
  • My wife, who has diabetes and a heart issue, has left our house roughly a dozen times since March 1 -- all for doctors appointments. She has had open heart-valve surgery as well as an atrial flutter, making her far more susceptible to getting sick and dying from COVID-19.
  • We have done everything right -- we have done our duty as fellow citizens, so our simple question to President Trump is this: why can’t you?
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