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DPW Comment on Job Numbers PDF Print E-mail
Written by WisDems Press, Philip Shulman   
Friday, 07 August 2020 14:46

trump-ques-covid19-cnnWisconsinites are still suffering because of Donald Trump’s failed response to the COVID-19 pandemic, say DEMS.

WISCONSIN -- On Thursday, Democratic Party of Wisconsin spokesperson Philip Shulman released the following statement in response to the new BLS numbers:

“Wisconsinites are still suffering because of Donald Trump’s failed response to the COVID-19 pandemic. His failure to stand up to the Chinese government, refusal to accept the guidance of public health experts, and inability to implement a national testing and tracing program have millions across the country wondering how they’ll pay their rent, put food on their table, or what it could mean for their families if they get sick with this deadly virus. The only way we can rebound and get our economy back on track is by electing Joe Biden the next president of the United States”

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