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Democratic Radio: Thanking Wisconsinites for Masking Up PDF Print E-mail
Written by Lt Gov Office Press   
Thursday, 06 August 2020 12:22

coronavirus-officeMADISON - Lt. Gov. Barnes today delivered the Democratic Radio Address thanking Wisconsinites for wearing face coverings and providing some tips on how and when to wear a face covering.

Audio file of radio address.

mandela-barnesHi, Wisconsin! It’s Lt. Governor Mandela Barnes here.

As every region of our state continues to see high levels of COVID-19, I wanted to take a moment today to thank you for wearing a face covering or mask whenever you’re out and about.

This simple task could save lives as we know face coverings and masks are effective tools to stop the spread of COVID-19.

So I wanted to share some tips to make sure you’re wearing your mask the right way and at the right times.

First of all, wear your mask whenever you are indoors in a space that is not your own home.

Second, wear a mask anytime you’re around others who you don’t share a home or living unit with.

Next, always wash your hands before and after putting on or taking off your mask. And try not to touch it or move it around without washing your hands.

And finally, remember that a mask or face covering is not a substitute for physical distancing. Please continue to maintain 6 feet of distance between you and anyone who is not a member of your household.

These steps are critical to our efforts to box in this virus and keep Wisconsinites safe. My mask protects you, your mask protects me.

So Mask Up, Wisconsin, and let’s get through this together.

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