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New Face for Assembly Takes a Stand for Clean Water PDF Print E-mail
Written by Karl Jaeger, Jaeger For Wisconsin   
Wednesday, 22 July 2020 09:40

clean-drinking-waterJaeger wants to advocate for sound, responsible environmental laws and policies while Nygren will favor big business.

MARINETTE, WI - In a campaign Facebook post on 07/17/2020, our current 89th Assembly District Representative, John Nygren, claimed he will “work hard to do what’s best and will continue to do so on all issues including water contamination.”

karl-jaegerI would like to take a minute to address that claim, as his voting history clearly shows otherwise. In fact, Representative Nygren received a higher rating from Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce (100%) than he did from Wisconsin Conservation Voters (0%) and Wisconsin’s chapter of the Sierra Club (0%) for 2017-18 legislative session.

john-nygrenWhen faced with a choice between big business and our environment, he will favor big business. For evidence, look no further than his 2017 vote to repeal Wisconsin’s sulfide mining moratorium “Prove It First” law (SB395/AB499), his vote to drop state wetlands protections (AB547/SB600), his refusal to sign on to the CLEAR Act (SB302/AB321), and his support for the Foxconn debacle (Aug. 2017 SSAB 1), just to name a few. The Foxconn bill was more than just the largest corporate handout Wisconsin has ever seen—it also rolled back protections for wetlands and local waterways, skirted air pollution standards, and was an unprecedented betrayal of the hard-won, bipartisan Great Lakes Compact.

It isn’t enough for us as individuals to do our part. We need our elected leaders to be stewards of Wisconsin’s environment and to protect our natural resources—clean water, land, and air are essential to our economy, health, and way of life in Wisconsin. I am proud to have earned the endorsement of Wisconsin Conservation Voters. When elected, I will advocate for sound, responsible environmental laws and policies.

Karl Jaeger
Candidate, Wisconsin Assembly District 89

Last Updated on Wednesday, 22 July 2020 10:49
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