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Democratic Radio: Broadband Access PDF Print E-mail
Written by GOV Press Wisconsin   
Friday, 17 July 2020 16:56

internet-ruralMADISON — Gov. Tony Evers today delivered the Democratic Radio Address on the Governor's Task Force on Broadband Access, which was announced earlier this week.

Audio file of radio address.

tony-eversHi, folks. Governor Tony Evers here.

Seemingly overnight, COVID-19 has changed how Wisconsinites live, learn, and work.

Whether it’s working, going to school, or visiting with the doctor, folks have adapted to doing it all from home, which has only underscored that access to reliable high-speed broadband is not a luxury, but a necessity for Wisconsin’s families, students, and businesses.

That’s why this week we announced our Task Force on Broadband Access. This group will work to ensure that Wisconsin’s underserved communities can get the access they need to high-speed internet.

According to the Federal Communications Commission, about 7 percent of Wisconsinites lack access to high-speed internet and we know that burden falls largely on our rural communities. That’s why I am proud that in our last budget we were able to make the largest state investment in broadband to reach more underserved areas of our state.

Our Task Force will look beyond funding to find innovative, creative solutions to the broadband disparities in our state, because now more than ever, a strong state economy depends on access to high-speed internet for our schools, businesses, hospitals, and homes.

Thank you.

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