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New BLS Unemployment Numbers Show Devastated Wisconsin PDF Print E-mail
Written by WisDems Press, Philip Shulman   
Friday, 19 June 2020 13:05

trump-golf-202012% of Wisconsinites are unemployed, and Trump spends his time picking fights on Twitter and rewarding his golfing buddies and rich donors while everyone else gets left behind.

WISCONSIN -- Today, Democratic Party of Wisconsin spokesperson Philip Shulman released a statement on the most recent Bureau of Labor Statistics unemployment numbers that showed a staggering 12% of Wisconsinites are unemployed because of Trump’s disastrous response to the COVID-19 pandemic:

“12% of Wisconsinites are struggling to pay their rent, afford their health care, put food on their table, and support their families because of Trump’s disastrous response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Instead of taking this crisis seriously Trump bent the knee to China, taking the word of their government -- which repeatedly lied -- over his own intelligence community. In just a few short months Trump single handedly decimated the booming economy he was handed by the Obama-Biden administration. We are now facing Depression-era level unemployment, which is disproportionately impacting minority communities.

high-voltage-lines-farms“But Wisconsin’s economy was faltering before coronavirus came to our shores. Trump’s erratic trade war with China, his tax-scam bill, and his loyalty to giant corporations and not working Wisconsinites helped drive 818 dairy farms out of business and put 4,100 factory workers out of a job in 2019. All of this, combined with average Wisconsin families standing to lose up to $1,000 a year from his failed policies, crushed local economies as big businesses got a massive handout that they used to provide bigger bonuses to executives while shipping jobs overseas. 

“Trump’s economy has devastated families, businesses, and main streets across Wisconsin. His priorities are picking fights on Twitter and rewarding his golfing buddies and rich donors while everyone else gets left behind. He sees working Wisconsinites as expandable and unimportant, instead of  the backbone of our economy. We can’t afford four more years of Trump, and November can’t come soon enough when we elect Joe Biden, who will be a champion for everyday Wisconsinites and Americans.”

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