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Trump Is Taking Wisconsin’s Working Class Down With Him PDF Print E-mail
Written by WisDems Press, Philip Shulman   
Thursday, 18 June 2020 09:50

trump-tariffsDonald Trump's failures as a President and leader coming home to roost on the economy.

WISCONSIN -- Five years ago, after launching his presidential campaign on a xenophobic and racist tirade, Trump descended an escalator surrounded by actors and actresses he paid to appear as his supporters. What was true then is even more true now: Trump is nothing more than a charlatan, and he has dragged Wisconsin’s working class down during his entire presidency. Since taking office, Trump has tried to take away protections for people with pre-existing conditions, health care and prescription drug costs have shot up, he passed a tax-scam bill that rewarded executives and giant corporations who were incentivized to outsource American jobs, and embarked on multiple trade wars that contributed to over 4,100 factory workers losing a job in 2019.

trump-covid-natl-emergNow, Trump’s failure to address the Coronavirus pandemic has cost hundreds of thousands of Wisconsinites their livelihood. Manufacturers continue to bleed jobs, essential workers like grocery store employees and health care workers have had their lives put in jeopardy, and small businesses, which make up 99% of Wisconsin’s economy, continue to shut down.

“Trump ran his first campaign behind a veil of smoke and mirrors, but Wisconsinites can see clearly now that they can’t afford four more years of his failures,” Democratic Party of Wisconsin spokesperson Philip Shulman said. “Trump has destroyed the lives of so many working Wisconsinites for one simple reason: he doesn’t care about them; he doesn’t care about how they’ll provide for their families, pay their rent or health care bills, or make a better life for their children. All Trump has ever cared about is himself, which is why he still refuses to take the COVID-19 pandemic seriously. Wisconsinites deserve a president who cares about more than just themselves, and that’s what they are going to get in President Joe Biden."

Wisconsin State Journal: Over 900 jobs to be lost as Verso plans to shutter paper mill in Wisconsin Rapids
The state’s paper industry has suffered another debilitating blow, this time due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Verso Papers announced Tuesday it would shutter its mill in Wisconsin Rapids by the end of July, putting more than 900 people out of work...The decision to close the two mills is driven by “the accelerated decline in graphic paper demand resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic,” the company said.

Milwaukee Independent: Milwaukee Small Business Owners Experience Financial Hardships From Slow Federal Response to COVID-19
It has been almost three months since President Donald Trump told the public that there would soon be zero cases of COVID-19 in the United States…“The slow response by President Trump to COVID-19 devastated our business,” said Melissa Buchholz, PRAWN executive director, Opportunity Wisconsin steering committee member, and Odd Duck owner...When asked what she would say to President Trump about his leadership and response during the coronavirus pandemic, Buchholz replied, “We’re working really hard out here. I don’t know how you can ignore so many of us. We’re looking to you for guidance, calm, and stabilization during this time, because that’s what presidents are for.”

Wisconsin State Journal: Pandemic puts whack on business plans for new companies
But her business plan has been thrown into chaos by the COVID-19 pandemic. With many people working from home for months now, she has few customers and had to lay off two of the four people she hired before even opening her doors last month. She worries about how long she can hold out with revenues being only a fraction of what she had anticipated...The pandemic and ensuing shutdowns have brought debilitating blows to many businesses. But for those just opening their doors, it has provided another major hurdle never envisioned when writing their business plans.

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