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Wisconsin DEMS: A Week In Wisconsin PDF Print E-mail
Written by WisDems Press, Philip Shulman   
Saturday, 13 June 2020 10:13

covid-19-wh-trump-debunkDemocrats comment on Trump's disastrous response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the economic pain caused by his lack of leadership, and the violence against peaceful protesters he encouraged.

WISCONSIN - This week Wisconsin Democrats continued to hold Trump accountable for his disastrous response to the COVID-19 pandemic, which has cost over 113,000 Americans lives and millions of jobs, his attacks on the health care system, and his divisive and racist rhetoric in response to the national protests taking place in small and large cities across Wisconsin and the United States.

On Monday, an op-ed by Gary Mitchell, president of the Wisconsin Alliance for Retired Americans, highlighted how Trump’s handling of the Coronavirus, as well as his attacks on the Affordable Care Act, have put seniors in a perilous situation. Mitchell argues that “America’s seniors — and all who love them — desperately need President Trump and Republicans to end their assault on America’s health care.” -- and he’s right. For years Trump has promised to lower health care and prescription drug costs, but even in the midst of a pandemic he refuses to help people hold onto or get the care they need.

Just a few days later, DNC Chairman Tom Perez, Congresswoman Gwen Moore, State Representative Greta Neubauer, AFL-CIO State Treasurer Dennis Delie, and farmer and business owner Tina Hinchley blasted Trump for destroying the booming economy he was handed by the Obama-Biden administration. The speakers highlighted that while a great deal of the economic pain came from Trump’s failure to address the COVID-19 pandemic, his disastrous trade wars as well as the tax-scam bill he passed hurt working class Wisconsinites far before the virus came to the United States.

Black leaders like Rep. Moore, Democratic Party of Wisconsin 1st Vice Chair Felesia Martin, and Milwaukee Alderman Chevy Johnson called out Trump for his racist rhetoric that has been a keystone of his presidency. Recently, Trump has encouraged violence against peaceful protesters, bemoaned army bases having their names changed from Confederate generals, and has used a segregationist rallying cry to further divide the country.

Trump continues to fail Wisconsinites, and they will continue to hold him accountable until he is voted out of office on November 3rd.

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