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Veterans Call Out Trump’s Continued Attacks on The Military PDF Print E-mail
Written by WisDems Press, Philip Shulman   
Monday, 08 June 2020 10:01

trump-church-photoop-artnetA military member's oath is to defend the constitution and the rights it bestows upon all Americans, not promote the political ambitions of one particular President say Veterans.

WISCONSIN - In response to Trump's attacks on veterans and military members, from targeting Gold Star families to lambasting decorated generals who gave decades of service to the United States, Democratic Party of Wisconsin Veterans Caucus Chair David Boetcher released the following statement:

veteran-older“Those who have felt the call to national service in the US Military entered the service with a desire to protect and serve our country. Whether it was overseas or by helping in local natural disasters, service members take pride in defending our country, upholding the constitution and receiving the support of our fellow citizens. Never did any of us envision being ordered by our Commander-in-Chief, the President, to act against our fellow Americans who are exercising their First Amendment rights to peacefully protest. American troops should never be ordered to assault our fellow citizens to clear a path for Trump, so he can get a photo op. We did not join to serve our country to protect a president who does not want to be addressed by American citizens. This is the strategy of dictators, the type of leader and actions that the US Military has fought against and sacrificed to stop.

james-mattis-gen-centcom“As a military member, my oath was to defend the constitution and the rights it bestows upon all Americans. Watching Trump violate his own oath of office by wielding the military to stifle the First Amendment rights of peaceful protesters, all so he could get a photo-op, should have every one of us -- Democrats, Independents, and Republicans alike -- questioning his ability to ethically serve as Commander-In-Chief. I agree with General Mattis in his condemnation of Trump’s actions.

“We can not let Trump put our service members in this moral and ethical morass of ordering them to act against US citizens. We cannot afford to stand quietly by and give Trump another four years in office.”

Last Updated on Tuesday, 09 June 2020 10:36
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