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100,000 Coronavirus Deaths a Grim Milestone PDF Print E-mail
Written by WisDems Press, Philip Shulman   
Thursday, 28 May 2020 10:41

donald-trumpToo many lives lost because Donald Trump didn’t take this crisis seriously.

WISCONSIN - Wednesday, the United States recorded its 100,000 Coronavirus-related death.

We have hit an inconsolable bench mark in the COVID-19 pandemic -- 100,000 of our family members, friends, and neighbors have perished from this deadly disease. What makes this all the more painful is that it didn’t have to be this way. But here we are because Donald Trump didn’t take this crisis seriously from the outset.

Even when he did start facing the reality of this crisis, he botched every necessary step to contain the virus. From sending PPE to China as our frontline workers were being forced to re-use their gear, to encouraging people to drink disinfectant cleaner, to refusing to implement a national testing and tracing program, President Trump has failed Wisconsin and our country. People died because of Trump’s disastrous response to the coronavirus pandemic, and as he cheers for states to re-open and casts aside his own CDC’s safety guidelines, it is inevitable that more Americans will die because of his actions.

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