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Democratic Radio: Safer at Home Order Extended PDF Print E-mail
Written by GOV Press Wisconsin   
Thursday, 16 April 2020 14:47

covid-19-busMADISON - Gov. Tony Evers delivered this week's Democratic Radio Address on the extension of Wisconsin's Safer at Home Order until May 26 to keep our families, our neighbors, and our communities safe.

Audio file of radio address.

The following is Gov. Tony Evers' radio address on the extension of Wisconsin's Safer at Home order from April 24, 2020 to 8 a.m. May 26, 2020.

tony-evers-talksHi, Wisconsin. Governor Tony Evers here.

A little over three weeks ago, I asked for your help when I announced our Safer at Home order, and folks, you delivered.

At that time, we had a pretty grim outlook for what COVID-19 could mean for our state, but Safer at Home is working and it's because of you that we have helped flatten the curve, which has resulted in fewer cases and hospitalizations.

But as I've said all along, I am going to rely on science and public health experts to help guide us through these challenges, because at the end of the day, my bottom line is keeping people safe and we're not out of the woods just yet.

COVID-19 has been and still is a situation that sometimes changes by the hour. That's why, just as I did three weeks ago, today I am again asking for your help.

I need all of you to continue doing the good work you've been doing so that we can keep our families, our neighbors, and our communities safe.

That's why, Wisconsin will be extending our Safer at Home order until May 26th and schools will remain closed for the remainder of the school year.

Now, I know a lot of folks are concerned about the effects this will have on workers and businesses across our state, and believe me, no one wants to reopen our economy as much as I do.

So our new Safer at Home order includes new flexibilities for businesses to serve customers, while keeping everybody safe.

But, Wisconsin, we can't think of this like flipping a light switch. It's like turning a dial and the more disciplined we are now, the faster we can turn it in the future.

We have to remember that we're all in this together, folks, and while we may not all be in the same boat, we are all weathering the same storm.

Thank you for all the work you've been doing by staying safer at home and let's keep up the good work. Thank you.

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