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Democracy Campaign: Referendums on April 7 PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, Matt Rothschild   
Saturday, 28 March 2020 09:58

univ-student-voteElection still on and many important issues are on the ballot around state.

MADISON - Sorry it’s been a while since I’ve written to you, and I sure hope you’re staying safe during this crazy coronavirus pandemic.

Unfortunately, because of the pandemic, we’ve had to cancel our 25th anniversary celebration planned for April 29.

matt-rothschild-2018I was really looking forward to it, but there’s just no way. Those of you who have registered and provided email addresses would have already been notified. Those registered without emails will be getting a letter from me in the mail soon.

But we haven’t stopped working. Not by a long shot.

Here are a couple of postings we put up on two crucial non-binding referendums that we endorse.

One is on amending the U.S. Constitution to proclaim, once and for all, that corporations aren’t persons and money isn’t speech:

17 Wisconsin Communities to Vote on Overturning Citizens United

The other is on whether we should ban gerrymandering in Wisconsin.

Lots of Referendums to Ban Gerrymandering in Wisconsin

You can checkout resources on the Fair Maps referendum on the recently updated Fair Maps WI Coalition website and listen to our radio ad airing in these areas across the state.

Then there’s a binding referendum, which we oppose, to amend the Wisconsin Constitution ostensibly to strengthen victims’ rights. It goes by the name of “Marsy’s Law,” and it’s fatally flawed, as I wrote here:

Take a stand against fatally flawed Marsy’s Law

And we just posted a story on Menards being accused by the State of Wisconsin and the State of Michigan of price gouging during this coronavirus:

Menards Accused of Price Gouging

John Menard is a huge donor to Republicans in Wisconsin, as the piece notes.

I urge you to vote by absentee ballot on April 7. The state Elections Commission reports that local clerks had issued more than 741,000 absentee ballots as of this morning--a spring election record.

Stay safe!


Matt Rothschild
Executive Director
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