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Democratic Radio: Wisconsin Democrats Support Women’s Health Access PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Democrats   
Thursday, 05 March 2020 10:23

women-3genMADISON, WI – Senator Jennifer Shilling (D-La Crosse) offered the Democratic weekly radio address regarding the Respect Women Act.

“By repealing unnecessary abortion restrictions and ensuring all patients receive honest, medically accurate information, we can give the women of Wisconsin and their health care providers the support they deserve.” – Senator Jennifer Shilling

The audio file of this week’s address can be found here.

A written transcript of the address is below:

jennifer-shilling“Hello, I’m Senator Jennifer Shilling with this week’s radio address.

“For more than 40 years, the Supreme Court has said the Constitution protects a woman’s right to make her own decisions about her health and family. And yet time and time again, Republican legislators here in Wisconsin have made it a priority to insert themselves into the exam room.

By pushing highly-politicized legislation that disregards medical science and best practices, they’ve ignored the wellbeing of patients, interrupted the patient-doctor relationship and deprived families in our state of the information needed to make highly personal health care decisions.

This attack on women’s rights has got to stop. And that’s why legislative Democrats have introduced the Respect Women Act.

This legislation is designed to empower women to make their own health care decisions free from harassment, intimidations and false information.

By repealing unnecessary abortion restrictions and ensuring all patients receive honest, medically accurate information, we can give the women of Wisconsin and their health care providers the support they deserve.

It’s time we say enough is enough, put the power back in women’s hands and allow our health care professionals to do the jobs they were trained to do.”

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