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Democratic Radio: Black History Month in Wisconsin PDF Print E-mail
Written by Lt Gov Press, Earl Arms   
Friday, 07 February 2020 12:17

juneteenth-1900MADISON - Lt. Gov. Barnes delivers the Democratic Weekly Radio Address on Black History Month in Wisconsin on Thursday.

Audio File of Radio Address

The following is Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes' radio address on Black History Month in Wisconsin:

mandela-barnesGreetings – I’m Lieutenant Governor Mandela Barnes with this week’s Democratic Radio Address.

This month in Wisconsin, we celebrate Black history—our history. And when I say our history, I mean everyone in our state because Black history is Wisconsin history.

So we give honor to those who helped lay the foundation for us to have this privilege to serve the great state of Wisconsin. From people like Ezekiel Gillespie, who was born a slave in Tennessee, moved to Wisconsin. He fought for, and won, the right for Black Wisconsinites to vote; to people like Vel Phillips who was the first Black person to ever hold statewide office here. And this trailblazing woman—her activism paved the way for me to become our state’s first Black lieutenant governor.

It is with their energy, determination, and spirit that I work for a Wisconsin that provides opportunity for all children, families, and communities throughout our state.

From fighting the effects of climate change to making sure each of us are counted in our upcoming Census, to ensuring none of us lose our voting rights, I’m working to make our communities places of equitable opportunity.

So for this month and throughout the year, let’s honor those who came before us by stepping up to be the leaders our families, our communities and our future generations need.

Let’s speak out for those who can’t speak for themselves.

Let’s fight until everyone in Wisconsin, regardless of ZIP code, has the opportunity to thrive.

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