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Written by Wisconsin Senate Democrats   
Thursday, 23 January 2020 10:29

tony-evers-2019-sosSenator Erpenbach responds to Wednesday's State of the State Address.

MADISON - On Wednesday, January 22, Governor Tony Evers delivered his second State of the State Address. After a both successful and trying year in 2019, Governor Evers was able to deliver on promises and move the needle on many of the issues that Wisconsinites care about. From cutting taxes for middle-class families, investing in education, to making improvements to our infrastructure, Democrats were able to show up and accomplish many important things for our state.

jon-erpenbachSenator Jon Erpenbach released the following statement:

“While we made great strides this past year under Governor Evers’ leadership, there is still a lot more to do,” said Senator Erpenbach. “We are ready to reach across the aisle on vital issues, such as addressing homelessness, ensuring access to affordable health care, and making sure our economy works for everyone. Wisconsinites expect their representatives to show up for them, their families, and our communities. We are ready to get to work.”

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