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Sen. Larson: In Rejecting Pfaff the Message was clear, Dissent Won’t be Allowed in Wisconsin PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Senate Democrats   
Thursday, 07 November 2019 13:38

dairy-cow-eating“While everyone in Wisconsin can deal with the smell of dairy manure, the crappy treatment of Pfaff and farmers by the GOP is a bad smell that will linger.” says Milwaukee legislator.

MILWAUKEE, WI –Senator Chris Larson released the following statement regarding Republicans refusing to confirm Secretary Designee Brad Pfaff.

“Brad Pfaff was raised on a farm here in Wisconsin, is eminently qualified for this job, and deserved better than this from legislative Republicans. The message sent by Senate Republicans is chilling: dissent won’t be allowed.

chris_larson“Brad Pfaff’s great sin was speaking the uncomfortable truth to Republicans in power that Wisconsin’s farmers are committing suicide at a greater rate than the general population. And for that, Senate Republicans fired him. Let’s be clear, our dairy farmers are in crisis because of the Republican policies that favor giant farms at the expense of our family operated farms. Brad acknowledged that.

“Rather than address the financial devastation of President Trump’s trade policies and work on stopping the heartbreaking loss of Wisconsin farms, Wisconsin’s Senate Republicans rejected a widely supported and respected Department of Agriculture Trade and Consumer Protection Secretary Designee in Brad Pfaff. Rejecting his appointment is beyond disappointing at a time our small farmers need guidance and after this confirmation vote was held up for nine months after passing unanimously out of the Senate Agriculture Committee. And this simply because he spoke up regarding the GOPs lack of action on helping farmers who face mental health issues. This was petty partisanship at its worst and a bleak day in the Senate.

“While everyone in Wisconsin can deal with the smell of dairy manure, the crappy treatment of Pfaff and farmers by the GOP is a bad smell that will linger.”

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