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“Robin Vos doesn’t know if climate change is real… probably” Battleground Wisconsin Podcast PDF Print E-mail
Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Matt Brusky   
Friday, 01 November 2019 10:25

speaker-vos-says-climateMILWAUKEE - We lead off with Republican Assembly Speaker Robin Vos' dangerously ignorant statements about climate change this week. Is the right-wing of the Republican Party the greatest threat to the survival of humanity?

Next we are joined by Citizen Action’s Healthcare Director Claire Zautke to discuss a new Georgetown study finding that Trump's sabotage of the ACA is forcing many children off health care coverage in Wisconsin and nationally. We look at new legislation for marijuana decriminalization in Wisconsin, and new research that finds Wisconsin again has the worst gap in academic achievement between black and white students.

Finally ex-Congressman Sean “Duffman” Duffy puts his foot in his mouth again, this time shamelessly questioning a decorated Army veteran's loyalty to country in an effort to circle the wagons around Donald Trump.

Listen now - Episode #415

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Last Updated on Saturday, 02 November 2019 10:34
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