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Democratic Radio: It’s Time Republicans Prioritize the Safety of Wisconsinites PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Democrats   
Friday, 01 November 2019 09:36

guncontrol-protestMADISON, WI – Senator LaTonya Johnson (D-Milwaukee) offered the Democratic weekly radio address this week on the urgent need to address gun violence in Wisconsin.

The audio file of this week’s address can be found here.

A written transcript of the address is below:

latonya-johnson“Hello, I’m State Senator LaTonya Johnson with this week’s radio address.

“Recently, Governor Tony Evers called for a special session to address gun violence by strengthening background checks and enacting Extreme Risk Protection Orders in Wisconsin.

“Mass shootings similar to El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio have happened right here in our Wisconsin communities including Middleton, Brookfield, Oak Creek, and Wausau. And in many of our Milwaukee communities, children have become  the unintended victims of senseless gun violence.

“Unfortunately, despite these tragic events and the overwhelming public support for these two proposals – Republicans are refusing to take action.

“While the majority of gun owners are consistently responsible with their firearms, as legislators while we have a duty to keep our communities safe by keeping guns out of the hands that shouldn't have them, it is unacceptable to stand idly by while high-profile mass shootings routinely make headlines and bullets fly through city blocks taking the lives of innocent children. Every day that we don’t take action is one more day closer to another tragedy.

“Our children and their families should have the opportunity to go to school, places of worship, or simply play outside on their sidewalks in their communities knowing that it’s safe, free from the threat of deadly weapons and dangerous people. It’s time for Republicans to prioritize the safety of Wisconsinites.

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