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Democratic Radio: Addressing Wisconsin’s Priorities PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Democrats   
Friday, 11 October 2019 10:59

wi capitol winterMADISON - Sen. Jennifer Shilling (D-La Crosse) and Rep. Gordon Hintz (D-Oshkosh) talk about "Forward Together - Addressing Wisconsin’s Priorities".

Audio File of Radio Address

Sen. Shilling: Hello, I’m Democratic Leader Senator Jennifer Shilling

Rep. Hintz: And I’m Democratic Leader Representative Gordon Hintz. This week, both the Senate and the Assembly were back in session with unfortunately light calendars. If it wasn’t clear to everyone by now - Republicans want to limit the number of remaining session days to avoid scrutiny for their refusal to act on major issues supported by the public.

jennifer-shillingSen. Shilling: Assembly and Senate Democrats remain focused on values that put families, workers, and communities first. This week, in communities across the state, we introduced Forward Together a list of legislative priorities focused on the issues Wisconsinites continue to face every single day like lowering health care costs, ensuring our schools are properly funded, and expanding economic security for families and seniors.

gordon-hintzRep. Hintz: Republican legislators choosing to only work for a handful of days from now until Election Day next November is not the work ethic we expect in our state. Legislators have a role to play when our water isn’t safe to drink, when prescription drug costs are skyrocketing, and when people are not able to survive despite working hard for 40 hours or more every week.

Sen. Shilling: The priorities laid out in Forward Together are issues that have the support of a majority Wisconsinites. Democrats continue to listen to the people of the state and are committed to finding solutions to the problems people face each day.

Rep. Hintz: While there is no magic wand or immediate solutions, we cannot sit back and do nothing. Right now, Republican leaders are choosing to do nothing. They are choosing to be a do-nothing legislature. They are refusing to do the job they were elected to do. That is unacceptable. It’s time to get to work on behalf of the people of Wisconsin.

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