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Assembly Democrats “How Low will Republicans Go?” PDF Print E-mail
Written by BOWEN PRESS   
Saturday, 12 October 2019 09:57

assembly-wi-robin-vosRepublicans Pair Disability Accommodations with Yet Another Power Grab.

MILWAUKEE - State Rep. David Bowen (D-Milwaukee) released the following statement in response to Assembly Republicans forcing through the flawed and deceptive Assembly Resolutions 12 and 13 and forcing Rep. Jimmy Anderson (D-Fitchburg) to vote against his own disability accommodations:

“Yesterday, we saw Assembly Republican leadership’s drive for power truly laid bare - under the guise of providing disability accommodations to our colleague Rep. Anderson, Republicans decided to push through a number of rule changes that serve only to weaken the power of the minority party and expand Republican power. After spending months holding up the accommodations for Rep. Anderson mandated by the Americans with Disabilities Act, Republicans finally allowed a vote on those accommodations, but with such extreme strings attached that Rep. Anderson was forced to vote against his own accommodations.”

Assembly Resolutions 12 and 13 combined some accommodations for members of the Assembly with disabilities with nine other rule changes, including new rules that would allow Republicans unlimited attempts at overriding a Governor’s veto (overturning a century of precedent), allow them to force through debate time limits without consulting Democrats, and taking away the ability of Democrats to recess in order to discuss last-minute bill changes proposed by Republicans.

“Assembly Resolutions 12 and 13 are, quite frankly, a stain on our institution and a huge missed opportunity to show full support for one of our colleagues without unnecessary and mean-spirited political gamesmanship. Yesterday, we could have come together and set an example for our constituents - that, despite our ideological disagreements, our respect for our fellow human beings comes before all else. Instead, Republicans decided to send the message that respect should only be given to those who agree with your way of doing things.”

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