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Democratic Radio: Just Say Yes to Medicaid Expansion PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Democrats   
Thursday, 08 August 2019 19:09

medicare-patientMADISON, WI – Senator Jon Erpenbach (D-West Point) offered the Democratic weekly radio address this week on the continued momentum to expand Medicaid in Wisconsin.

The audio file of this week’s address can be found here.

A written transcript of the address is below:

jon-erpenbach“Hi, I’m state Senator Jon Erpenbach with this week’s radio address.

“Earlier this week, I joined Governor Tony Evers to announce that Representative Daniel Riemer and I will be giving Republicans yet another chance to do the fiscally right thing, and join the 37 other states who have expanded Medicaid.

“The Medicaid expansion would make health care affordable for everyone. It will give 40,000 uninsured Wisconsinites health insurance. It will reduce the cost of premiums on the individual market, save taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars, and would keep about $2 billion of our federal taxes right here in Wisconsin instead of sending them to Illinois or New Jersey. These are proven facts, substantiated by the Wisconsin Department of Revenue, Commissioner of Insurance, and Legislative Fiscal Bureau.

“70% of Wisconsinites agree that we should expand Medicaid. During budget hearings, both Democrats and Republicans listened to stories of real people whose lives have been changed because of Medicaid. After a town hall meeting, the Hamman family from Stevens Point reached out to tell their story.

“Their family was facing out-of-pocket medical bills of about $20,000, when their twins, who were born prematurely, needed extensive medical care. Because of their health complications, the twins did qualify for Medicaid. But, if it weren’t for Medicaid, they could have lost their home, even though the Hamman family had health insurance and full time jobs.

“Plain and simple, Medicaid is health care, it’s not welfare. It is time for the Republican majority to do the right thing – and the responsible thing – and just say yes to expanding Medicaid. Expanding the Medicaid program in Wisconsin will bring billions of new federal investment into our state to cover more Wisconsinites for less money.”

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