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Democratic Radio: Fair Maps for a Fair Wisconsin PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Assembly Democrats   
Thursday, 18 July 2019 10:34

voters_lineMADISON - Rep. Robyn Vining (D-Wauwatosa) talks about bill she and Senator Dave Hansen rolled out this month that would create a non-partisan redistricting process in Wisconsin.

Audio File of Radio Address

Hello, I am State Representative Robyn Vining with this week’s Democratic Radio Address.

Senator Dave Hansen and I rolled out a bill this month that would create a non-partisan redistricting process in Wisconsin.

Every 10 years, new lines are drawn for legislative districts. The bill we authored would take that power away from politicians, and place the responsibility with a non-partisan service agency called the Legislative Reference Bureau.

robyn-viningOur democracy has been threatened by partisan gerrymandering. Rigged maps allow politicians to ignore the will of the people, because their legislative seats are safe. Gerrymandering also distorts election results.

Last November, all five statewide elections in Wisconsin were won by Democrats. Assembly Democrats received 200,000 more votes than Assembly Republicans statewide. And yet, in the State Assembly, the divide stands at 63 Republicans and 36 Democrats.

Wisconsinites have a constitutional right to be fairly represented by their elected officials, regardless of their political affiliation. They have a right for their voices to be heard. But right now, legislators are ignoring the will of the people – because they don’t have to listen.

The public overwhelmingly supports Medicaid expansion – 70% in fact – but their legislators are not listening.

Legislators are ignoring this directive from their constituents because there is no electoral consequence for failing to act. Gerrymandered maps are protecting the seats of representatives who do not represent the interests of the people.

It is beyond time we take the important step of creating a non-partisan redistricting process in Wisconsin.

Our state motto is “Forward”. Let’s bring back fairness, because the people deserve it. If we do not move forward with fairness, we have not moved forward at all.

Thank you.

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