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Democratic Radio "Education" PDF Print E-mail
Written by GOV Press Wisconsin   
Friday, 24 May 2019 10:03

educationMADISON - The following is Gov. Tony Evers' radio address on education:

Audio File of Radio Address

tony-evers-cap"It’s no secret: education is in my DNA. I’ve had a chance to serve the kids of this state my entire career, working my way up from a high school science teacher to the state superintendent and now governor. From seeing firsthand the impact a high-quality education has on Wisconsin’s kids, I can confidently say that what’s best for our kids is what’s best for our state.

A few weeks ago, Lt. Gov. Barnes and I wrapped up a budget listening session tour where we heard from people across our state about what The People’s Budget means for them and their families.

At every stop, I met educators and heard from parents and grandparents about how important their local schools are. We have a chance to give kids the best education possible.

That’s why The People’s Budget includes a $1.4 billion increase for our public schools, including a $600 million investment in special education. We have the chance to ensure schools have the funding they need, and that kids who need an extra lift can get that extra lift.

It’s time to recommit to investing in our kids, our educators, and in K-20 education across our state, because every kid deserves a high-quality, public education—from early childhood to our universities and technical colleges system—regardless of their ZIP code.

I hope I can count on your support as the Joint Committee on Finance takes up The People’s Budget education plan. The stakes are high here, folks. It’s time to do what’s best for our kids."

Last Updated on Friday, 24 May 2019 10:36
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