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Democratic Radio “It is Time for Wisconsin to Accept the Medicaid Expansion” PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Assembly Democrats   
Friday, 12 April 2019 09:37

medicaid_checkupMADISON - This week, Rep. Dianne Hesselbein (D - Middleton) talks about the positive impacts Medicaid expansion would have on our state.

Audio File of Radio Address

dianne-hesselbeinHello, this is Representative Dianne Hesselbein with this week’s Democratic Radio Address.

Governor Evers’ has introduced “The People’s Budget”.

So it’s no surprise the most recent Marquette poll showed that 70% of Wisconsinites support the Medicaid Expansion – a cornerstone of the Governor’s budget proposal.

Unfortunately, since 2014 Republicans have refused to do the right thing and accept these funds.

Let me give you a quick reminder about the positive impacts Medicaid expansion would have on our state.

Over 80,000 people across Wisconsin would gain access to affordable health coverage under BadgerCare. Insuring more people means healthier families and a healthier workforce.

Accepting the expansion is also the fiscally responsible thing to do for our state. It would save $324 million dollars for Wisconsin taxpayers.

Medicaid expansion also helps address the opioid crisis.

Low-income adults are an especially high-risk population that are more likely to be uninsured and vulnerable to opioid abuse. Governor Evers’ budget proposes assisting all individuals in crisis, including those in need of substance abuse treatment.

Finally, Medicaid expansion is the right thing to do for our rural communities.

Studies have proven there is a direct correlation between states that have expanded Medicaid and the ability of rural hospitals to stay open in those states due to increased reimbursement rates.

While Republicans have blocked Medicaid expansion at every turn, it’s never too late to do the right thing.

Wisconsin Democrats stand with the people of Wisconsin who overwhelmingly want us to accept the Medicaid expansion.

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