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Democratic Radio: Investment in Special Needs Education Must be a Priority PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Assembly Democrats   
Thursday, 14 March 2019 15:33

school-bus-kidsMADISON - This week Rep. Sondy Pope (D - Mt. Horeb) talks about our investment in special needs education.

Audio File of Radio Address

sondy-popeHi, this is Representative Sondy Pope with this week’s Democratic Address.

In his budget, Governor Evers makes a historic investment in special needs education.

His proposal would increase funding by $600 million over the next two years.

According to the non-partisan Legislative Fiscal Bureau, the primary special education fund has not been increased in a decade, despite skyrocketing costs.

Currently, the state covers 25% of special education costs to schools districts. The Governor’s proposal would increase that investment to 60%.

This increased funding will take the pressure off our local districts financially and free up additional resources.

Here’s the bottom line: All students should have equal access to a high quality education. The Governor’s plan is rooted in this reality.

It is disappointing to hear that Republicans are not supportive of this additional investment.

One Republican legislator stated the Governor’s special needs plan was “a big number”.

We know by now the Republican track record.

They’re fine spending millions of dollars in tax breaks for corporations and billionaires. They’re fine spending billions of dollars on the largest tax giveaway to a foreign corporation in our country’s history.

But when it comes to our children, they hesitate, saying the cost is more than our state can bear.

Democrats see it differently. We MUST invest in our kids – the future leaders of our state.

After years of Republicans failing to prioritize public education, I am thrilled to see our Governor working toward what is best for our kids and what is best for our state.

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