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Evers and Barnes on Democratic Weekly Radio PDF Print E-mail
Written by GOV Press Wisconsin   
Thursday, 28 February 2019 00:00

tony-evers-mandela-barnesMADISON - New Governor Tony Evers and Lt. Governor Mandela Barnes take to the air to talk about their 2019 budget.

Audio File of Radio Address

Governor Tony Evers: Hi everybody! I’m Governor Tony Evers.

Lieutenant Governor Mandela Barnes: And I’m Lieutenant Governor Mandela Barnes. We’re just one day away from releasing our 2019 budget, and we think you’re really going to like it.

Gov. Evers: Mandela and I hosted listening sessions around the state to learn about issues you wanted addressed in our budget. We took all that feedback you gave us and made sure it was incorporated as much as possible into the budget. We’ve put the finishing touches on it, and I’m proud to say that this budget was built by Wisconsinites and for Wisconsinites.

Lt. Gov. Barnes: This budget tackles some really big issues. We’re going to be making healthcare more affordable and accessible. We’re bringing science back to the Department of Natural Resources and making serious investments to combat climate change.

Gov. Evers: We’re cleaning up Wisconsin’s drinking water, we’re lowering taxes for hardworking families, and we’re funding education so all of Wisconsin’s kids have the opportunity to succeed. 

Lt. Gov. Barnes: This budget, like everything the governor and I do, is for you. We’re excited to keep listening, learning from, and working with people like all of you, as we work to make Wisconsin a more sustainable and more equitable state.

Gov. Evers: So thanks for all you've done to help us put together this budget. We can’t wait to show it to you.

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