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Democratic Radio: An Economy that Works for Everyone PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Assembly Democrats   
Thursday, 07 February 2019 09:39

door-county-peopleMADISON - This week, Rep. Daniel Riemer (D - Milwaukee) talks about the Governor's plan to roll back massive tax giveaways to millionaires and huge corporations while giving a tax cut to 84 percent of Wisconsinites.

Audio File of Radio Address

daniel-riemerHello, this is State Representative Daniel Riemer with this week’s Democratic Radio Address.

Voters across Wisconsin elected Governor Evers because they want fiscally responsible policies that put families first.

During his campaign, Governor Evers promised to cut taxes for middle class families in Wisconsin by 10 percent.

True to his word, the Governor rolled out his plan this week, which would give a tax cut to 84 percent of Wisconsinites.

This puts real money in the pockets of people across Wisconsin.

Governor Evers is putting his focus on the middle class by rolling back a massive tax giveaway to millionaires and huge corporations.

Eight years ago, Republicans created a tax plan that allowed 16 people, each earning more than $30 million per year, to receive tax cuts averaging almost $2 million.

That doesn’t make economic sense.

Governor Evers is moving our state in a direction that will create opportunities for everyday people and grow our communities.

The truth is, we can have a tax cut for working families and still make the needed investments in K-12 education, transportation, and health care.

If we work together, and put people above politics, we can build an economy that works for everyone.

Governor Evers wants responsible tax relief for Wisconsin families.

That’s something we can all support.

Thank you.

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