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Riemer Backs Democratic Tax Cut for the Middle Class PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Assembly Democrats   
Wednesday, 06 February 2019 16:41

capitol-night-wiscSays Republicans are putting politics before people by refusing to work with Gov. Evers and Democrats in the Legislature for the people of Wisconsin.

MILWAUKEE - Representative Daniel Riemer (D – Milwaukee) released the following statement following the unveiling of a middle-class tax cut for working families by Governor Tony Evers:

daniel-riemer-7-milw“With this tax cut for hardworking families throughout Wisconsin, it is clear that Democrats in the Legislature and Governor Tony Evers are committed to putting people first and cutting taxes without increasing Wisconsin’s budget deficit.

“The tax plan unveiled today, one that has been talked about throughout the last campaign as a promise to the people of Wisconsin, gives a much needed break to hardworking families by rolling back a massive tax giveaway to millionaires and huge corporations.

“This stands in sharp contrast to the Republicans’ spending plan being rushed through the legislature – a plan that will cost Wisconsin taxpayers more, a plan that legislative Republicans have absolutely no plan to pay for, and a plan that would prevent needed investments in the priorities of people throughout Wisconsin: affordable health care, strong public schools, and safe roads.

“It is disappointing that Republicans are once again putting politics before people and are refusing to work together with Governor Evers and Democrats in the Legislature for the people of Wisconsin. Wisconsinites are tired of Republican leadership ignoring the will of the people and refusing to work together,” continued Rep. Riemer. “Legislative Republicans should listen to the voters of this state and finally put politics aside to work with us and Governor Evers to provide tax relief for middle class families.”

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