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Help Make 2019 the Year for Health Care Progress PDF Print E-mail
Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Robert Kraig   
Friday, 28 December 2018 16:24

eoy_picDuring the holidays, take the time to make a contribution to the fastest growing statewide progressive organization in Wisconsin, Citizen Action.

MILWAUKEE - As you make your end of the year donations, I urge you to consider a tax deductible contribution to the fastest growing statewide progressive organization in Wisconsin, Citizen Action.

People across the state are flocking to Citizen Action of Wisconsin because we have a real member-driven strategy for winning progressive victories in 2019 and beyond.

Health care is the most promising area for progress. We have a huge popular mandate to work with Governor Evers to expand Medicaid, open up BadgerCare as a public option, regulate outlandish prescription drug prices, and more.

If the GOP Legislature continues to block Medicaid Expansion, they will reap the whirlwind of public outrage. As I told the Associated Press last week: “The politics of Medicaid Expansion are very bad for anyone who wants to stand in the way right now. Evers understands the public is with us.”

If you agree with me that we have a huge opportunity to take the next big steps forward on healthcare, than please make a make a tax deductible end-of the-year donation to Citizen Action.

You probably saw all the headlines. Only 2 days after Scott Walker enacted new restrictions on early voting, Citizen Action and our partners went to federal court to block him. As I told Fox 6 News: "I think folks knew that this would be the first major lawsuit coming out of the lame-duck session."

We all know why Scott Walker and the GOP Legislature are again taking aim against voting rights. As I told The Guardian newspaper: “We have a political party in the United States that has decided it’s completely OK to hold on to power by reducing the number of people who are voting.”

That’s why it is so important that you make a tax deductible end-of-the-year donation to Citizen Action. Now more than ever we need smart and effective grassroots organizing to back up our new Governor as we fight to take back Wisconsin democracy!

There are many great reasons to to make a tax deductible end-of-the year donation to Citizen Action:

Cutting-Edge Local Organizing Statewide: Citizen Action’s Organizing Co-ops are spreading across Wisconsin in the places that we need to shift the balance of power, and creating the conditions we need to bridge the urban/suburban/rural divide.

Everyone Means Everyone: Citizen Action has hired a talented multiracial team of organizers which positions us to build a progressive base in every Wisconsin community. We are organizing deeper than ever before in Wisconsin’s rural areas, which are desperately in need of new investment, and in communities of color where economic opportunity is denied.

Bold Vision on Climate Change & Racial Justice: We launched a campaign earlier this year to create a Wisconsin economy where everyone who wants a living wage job can get one, racial inequality is eliminated, and carbon pollution is reduced to the level necessary to prevent a climate genocide.

Cutting-Edge Communication: Citizen Action is a leader in developing new message frames and narratives that are needed to pull the state in a progressive direction. We are very good at generating positive media coverage and deploying new media. Our popular Battleground Wisconsin podcast and radio show has over 35,000 documented listens per year.

The donations you make at the end-of-the-year will have even greater impact because they allow us to make even more ambitious plans for 2019. We need your to help today if we are going to make 2019 the first year of the great progressive revival in Wisconsin.

In Peace & Solidarity,

Robert Kraig
Executive Director
Citizen Action of Wisconsin/Citizen Action of Wisconsin Fund

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